Source code for

#   Copyright (c) 2016, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import math
import os
import struct
import time
import wave

import cffi
import numpy

from pynq import GPIO
from pynq import DefaultIP
from pynq import PL
from pynq.uio import get_uio_index

LIB_SEARCH_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

[docs]class AudioDirect(DefaultIP): """Class to interact with audio controller. Each audio sample is a 32-bit integer. The audio controller supports only mono mode, and uses pulse density modulation (PDM). Attributes ---------- mmio : MMIO The MMIO object associated with the audio controller. gpio : GPIO The GPIO object associated with the audio controller. buffer : numpy.ndarray The numpy array to store the audio. sample_rate: int Sample rate of the current buffer content. sample_len: int Sample length of the current buffer content. """ def __init__(self, description, gpio_name=None): """Return a new Audio object based on the hierarchy description. Parameters ---------- description : dict The hierarchical description of the hierarchy gpio_name : str The name of the audio path selection GPIO. If None then the GPIO pin in the hierarchy is used, otherwise the gpio_name is searched in the list of pins on the hierarchy and the PL.gpio_dict. """ super().__init__(description) if gpio_name is None: if len(self._gpio) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not find audio path select GPIO.") elif len(self._gpio) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Multiple possible audio path select GPIO.") pin_name = next(iter(self._gpio.keys())) self.gpio = getattr(self, pin_name) else: if gpio_name in self._gpio: self.gpio = getattr(self, gpio_name) elif gpio_name in PL.gpio_dict: pin = GPIO.get_gpio_pin(PL.gpio_dict[gpio_name]["index"]) self.gpio = GPIO(pin, "out") else: raise RuntimeError("Provided gpio_name not found.") self._ffi = cffi.FFI() self._libaudio = self._ffi.dlopen(LIB_SEARCH_PATH + "/") self._ffi.cdef( """unsigned int Xil_Out32(unsigned int Addr, unsigned int Value);""" ) self._ffi.cdef("""unsigned int Xil_In32(unsigned int Addr);""") self._ffi.cdef( """void record(unsigned int BaseAddr, unsigned int * BufAddr, unsigned int Num_Samles_32Bit);""" ) self._ffi.cdef( """void play(unsigned int BaseAddr, unsigned int * BufAddr, unsigned int Num_Samles_32Bit);""" ) char_adrp = self._ffi.from_buffer(self.mmio.array) self._uint_adrpv = self._ffi.cast("unsigned int", char_adrp) self.buffer = numpy.zeros(0).astype( self.sample_rate = 0 self.sample_len = 0 bindto = [""]
[docs] def record(self, seconds): """Record data from audio controller to audio buffer. The sample rate per word is 192000Hz. Parameters ---------- seconds : float The number of seconds to be recorded. Returns ------- None """ if not 0 < seconds <= 60: raise ValueError("Recording time has to be in (0,60].") num_samples_32b = math.ceil(seconds * 192000) # Create data buffer self.buffer = numpy.zeros(num_samples_32b, char_datp = self._ffi.from_buffer(self.buffer) uint_datp = self._ffi.cast("unsigned int*", char_datp) # Record start = time.time() self._libaudio.record(self._uint_adrpv, uint_datp, num_samples_32b) end = time.time() self.sample_rate = num_samples_32b / (end - start) self.sample_len = num_samples_32b
[docs] def play(self): """Play audio buffer via audio jack. Returns ------- None """ char_datp = self._ffi.from_buffer(self.buffer) uint_datp = self._ffi.cast("unsigned int*", char_datp), uint_datp, len(self.buffer))
[docs] def bypass_start(self): """Stream audio controller input directly to output. Returns ------- None """ self.gpio.write(1)
[docs] def bypass_stop(self): """Stop streaming input to output directly. Returns ------- None """ self.gpio.write(0)
[docs] def save(self, file): """Save audio buffer content to a file. The recorded file is of format `*.pdm`. Note ---- The saved file will be put into the specified path, or in the working directory in case the path does not exist. Parameters ---------- file : string File name, with a default extension of `pdm`. Returns ------- None """ if self.buffer.dtype.type != numpy.int32: raise ValueError("Internal audio buffer should be of type int32.") if not isinstance(file, str): raise ValueError("File name has to be a string.") if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file)): file_abs = file else: file_abs = os.getcwd() + "/" + file with, "wb") as pdm_file: # Set the number of channels pdm_file.setnchannels(1) # Set the sample width to 2 bytes (16 bit) pdm_file.setsampwidth(2) # Set the frame rate to sample_rate pdm_file.setframerate(self.sample_rate) # Set the number of frames to sample_len pdm_file.setnframes(self.sample_len) # Set the compression type and description pdm_file.setcomptype("NONE", "not compressed") # Write data pdm_file.writeframes(self.buffer.astype(numpy.int16))
[docs] def load(self, file): """Loads file into internal audio buffer. The recorded file is of format `*.pdm`. Note ---- The file will be searched in the specified path, or in the working directory in case the path does not exist. Parameters ---------- file : string File name, with a default extension of `pdm`. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(file, str): raise ValueError("File name has to be a string.") if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file)): file_abs = file else: file_abs = os.getcwd() + "/" + file with, "rb") as pdm_file: temp_buffer = numpy.fromstring( pdm_file.readframes(pdm_file.getnframes()), dtype="<u2" ) self.sample_rate = pdm_file.getframerate() self.sample_len = pdm_file.getnframes() self.buffer = temp_buffer.astype(numpy.int32)
[docs] @staticmethod def info(file): """Prints information about the sound files. The information includes name, channels, samples, frames, etc. Note ---- The file will be searched in the specified path, or in the working directory in case the path does not exist. Parameters ---------- file : string File name, with a default extension of `pdm`. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(file, str): raise ValueError("File name has to be a string.") if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file)): file_abs = file else: file_abs = os.getcwd() + "/" + file with, "rb") as sound_file: print("File name: " + file) print("Number of channels: " + str(sound_file.getnchannels())) print("Sample width: " + str(sound_file.getsampwidth())) print("Sample rate: " + str(sound_file.getframerate())) print("Number of frames: " + str(sound_file.getnframes())) print("Compression type: " + str(sound_file.getcomptype())) print("Compression name: " + str(sound_file.getcompname()))
[docs]class AudioADAU1761(DefaultIP): """Class to interact with audio codec controller. Each raw audio sample is a 24 bits, padded to 32 bits. The audio controller supports both mono and stereo modes, and I2S format of data. Attributes ---------- buffer : numpy.ndarray The numpy array to store the audio. sample_rate: int Sample rate of the codec. sample_len: int Sample length of the current buffer content. iic_index : int The index of the IIC instance in /dev. uio_index : int The index of the UIO instance in /dev. volume : int The output volume of the ADAU1761 IC. """ def __init__(self, description): """Return a new Audio object based on the hierarchy description. Parameters ---------- description : dict The hierarchical description of the hierarchy """ super().__init__(description) self._ffi = cffi.FFI() self._libaudio = self._ffi.dlopen(LIB_SEARCH_PATH + "/") self._ffi.cdef("""void config_audio_pll(int iic_index);""") self._ffi.cdef("""void config_audio_codec(int iic_index);""") self._ffi.cdef("""void select_line_in(int iic_index);""") self._ffi.cdef("""void select_mic(int iic_index);""") self._ffi.cdef("""void deselect(int iic_index);""") self._ffi.cdef( """void bypass(unsigned int audio_mmap_size, unsigned int nsamples, unsigned int volume, int uio_index, int iic_index) ;""" ) self._ffi.cdef( """void record(unsigned int audio_mmap_size, unsigned int * BufAddr, unsigned int nsamples, int uio_index, int iic_index);""" ) self._ffi.cdef( """void play(unsigned int audio_mmap_size, unsigned int * BufAddr, unsigned int nsamples, unsigned int volume, int uio_index, int iic_index);""" ) self.buffer = numpy.zeros(0).astype(numpy.int32) self.sample_rate = None self.sample_len = len(self.buffer) self.iic_index = None self.uio_index = None self.volume = 57 bindto = [""]
[docs] def configure(self, sample_rate=48000, iic_index=1, uio_name="audio-codec-ctrl"): """Configure the audio codec. The sample rate of the codec is 48KHz, by default. This method will configure the PLL and codec registers. The parameter `iic_index` is required as input; `uio_index` is calculated automatically from `uio_name`. Users can also explicitly call this function to reconfigure the driver. Parameters ---------- sample_rate: int Sample rate of the codec. iic_index : int The index of the IIC instance in /dev. uio_name : int The name of the UIO configured in the device tree. """ self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.iic_index = iic_index self.uio_index = get_uio_index(uio_name) if self.uio_index is None: raise ValueError("Cannot find UIO device {}".format(uio_name)) self._libaudio.config_audio_pll(self.iic_index) self._libaudio.config_audio_codec(self.iic_index)
[docs] def set_volume(self, volume): """Set output volume of ADAU1761. Parameters ---------- volume : int The volume level. Minimum : 0=-57dB, Maximum : 63=+6dB. Returns ------- None """ if not 0 <= volume < 63: raise ValueError("Volume has to be in [0,63]!") self.volume = volume
[docs] def select_line_in(self): """Select LINE_IN on the board. This method will select the LINE_IN as the input. """ self._libaudio.select_line_in(self.iic_index)
[docs] def select_microphone(self): """Select MIC on the board. This method will select the MIC as the input. """ self._libaudio.select_mic(self.iic_index)
[docs] def deselect_inputs(self): """Deselect the inputs. This method will disable both LINE_IN and MIC inputs. """ self._libaudio.deselect(self.iic_index)
[docs] def record(self, seconds): """Record data from audio controller to audio buffer. The sample rate for both channels is 48000Hz. Note that the `sample_len` will only be changed when the buffer is modified. Since both channels are sampled, the buffer size has to be twice the sample length. Parameters ---------- seconds : float The number of seconds to be recorded. Returns ------- None """ if not 0 < seconds <= 60: raise ValueError("Recording time has to be in (0,60].") self.sample_len = math.ceil(seconds * self.sample_rate) num_samples_32b = self.sample_len * 2 # Create data buffer self.buffer = numpy.zeros(num_samples_32b, dtype=numpy.int32) char_buffer = self._ffi.from_buffer(self.buffer) uint_buffer = self._ffi.cast("unsigned int*", char_buffer) # Record self._libaudio.record( self.mmio.length, uint_buffer, self.sample_len, self.uio_index, self.iic_index, )
[docs] def play(self): """Play audio buffer via audio jack. Since both channels are sampled, the buffer size has to be twice the sample length. Returns ------- None """ char_buffer = self._ffi.from_buffer(self.buffer) uint_buffer = self._ffi.cast("unsigned int*", char_buffer) self.mmio.length, uint_buffer, self.sample_len, self.volume, self.uio_index, self.iic_index, )
[docs] def bypass(self, seconds): """Stream audio controller input directly to output. It will run for a certain number of seconds, then stop automatically. Parameters ---------- seconds : float The number of seconds to be recorded. Returns ------- None """ if not 0 < seconds <= 60: raise ValueError("Bypassing time has to be in (0,60].") self.sample_len = math.ceil(seconds * self.sample_rate) self._libaudio.bypass( self.mmio.length, self.sample_len, self.volume, self.uio_index, self.iic_index, )
[docs] def save(self, file): """Save audio buffer content to a file. The recorded file is of format `*.wav`. Note that only 24 bits out of each 32-bit sample are the real samples; the highest 8 bits are padding, which should be removed when writing the wave file. Note ---- The saved file will be put into the specified path, or in the working directory in case the path does not exist. Parameters ---------- file : string File name, with a default extension of `wav`. Returns ------- None """ if self.buffer.dtype.type != numpy.int32: raise ValueError("Internal audio buffer should be of type int32.") if not isinstance(file, str): raise ValueError("File name has to be a string.") if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file)): file_abs = file else: file_abs = os.getcwd() + "/" + file samples_4byte = self.buffer.tobytes() byte_format = ("%ds %dx " % (3, 1)) * self.sample_len * 2 samples_3byte = b"".join(struct.unpack(byte_format, samples_4byte)) with, "wb") as wav_file: # Set the number of channels wav_file.setnchannels(2) # Set the sample width to 3 bytes wav_file.setsampwidth(3) # Set the frame rate to sample_rate wav_file.setframerate(self.sample_rate) # Set the number of frames to sample_len wav_file.setnframes(self.sample_len) # Set the compression type and description wav_file.setcomptype("NONE", "not compressed") # Write data wav_file.writeframes(samples_3byte)
[docs] def load(self, file): """Loads file into internal audio buffer. The recorded file is of format `*.wav`. Note that we expect 32-bit samples in the buffer while the each saved sample is only 24 bits. Hence we need to pad the highest 8 bits when reading the wave file. Note ---- The file will be searched in the specified path, or in the working directory in case the path does not exist. Parameters ---------- file : string File name, with a default extension of `wav`. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(file, str): raise ValueError("File name has to be a string.") if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file)): file_abs = file else: file_abs = os.getcwd() + "/" + file with, "rb") as wav_file: samples_3byte = wav_file.readframes(wav_file.getnframes()) self.sample_rate = wav_file.getframerate() self.sample_len = wav_file.getnframes() byte_format = ("%ds" % 3) * self.sample_len * 2 samples_4byte = b"\x00".join(struct.unpack(byte_format, samples_3byte)) samples_4byte += b"\x00" self.buffer = numpy.fromstring(samples_4byte, dtype="<u4")
[docs] @staticmethod def info(file): """Prints information about the sound files. The information includes name, channels, samples, frames, etc. Note ---- The file will be searched in the specified path, or in the working directory in case the path does not exist. Parameters ---------- file : string File name, with a default extension of `wav`. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(file, str): raise ValueError("File name has to be a string.") if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file)): file_abs = file else: file_abs = os.getcwd() + "/" + file with, "rb") as sound_file: print("File name: " + file) print("Number of channels: " + str(sound_file.getnchannels())) print("Sample width: " + str(sound_file.getsampwidth())) print("Sample rate: " + str(sound_file.getframerate())) print("Number of frames: " + str(sound_file.getnframes())) print("Compression type: " + str(sound_file.getcomptype())) print("Compression name: " + str(sound_file.getcompname()))