Source code for pynq.gpio

#   Copyright (c) 2016, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import os
import warnings
import weakref
from .ps import CPU_ARCH, ZU_ARCH, ZYNQ_ARCH

class _GPIO:
    """Internal Helper class to wrap Linux's GPIO Sysfs API.

    This GPIO class does not handle PL I/O without the use of
    device tree overlays.

    index : int
        The index of the GPIO, starting from the GPIO base.
    direction : str
        Input/output direction of the GPIO.
    path: str
        The path of the GPIO device in the linux system.


    def __init__(self, gpio_index, direction):
        """Return a new GPIO object.

        gpio_index : int
            The index of the GPIO using Linux's GPIO Sysfs API.
        direction : 'str'
            Input/output direction of the GPIO.

        euid = os.geteuid()
        if euid != 0:
            raise EnvironmentError('Root permissions required.')

        if direction not in ('in', 'out'):
            raise ValueError("Direction should be in or out.")
        self.index = gpio_index
        self.direction = direction
        self.path = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio{}/'.format(gpio_index)

        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
            with open('/sys/class/gpio/export', 'w') as f:

        with open(self.path + 'direction', 'w') as f:

    def read(self):
        """The method to read a value from the GPIO.

            An integer read from the GPIO

        if self.direction != 'in':
            raise AttributeError("Cannot read GPIO output.")

        with open(self.path + 'value', 'r') as f:
            return int(

    def write(self, value):
        """The method to write a value into the GPIO.

        value : int
            An integer value, either 0 or 1


        if self.direction != 'out':
            raise AttributeError("Cannot write GPIO input.")

        if value not in (0, 1):
            raise ValueError("Can only write integer 0 or 1.")

        with open(self.path + 'value', 'w') as f:

    def unexport(self):
        """The method to unexport the GPIO using Linux's GPIO Sysfs API.


        if os.path.exists(self.path):
            with open('/sys/class/gpio/unexport', 'w') as f:

    def is_exported(self):
        """The method to check if a GPIO is still exported using
        Linux's GPIO Sysfs API.

            True if the GPIO is still loaded.

        return os.path.exists(self.path)

_gpio_map = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

[docs]class GPIO: """Class to wrap Linux's GPIO Sysfs API. This GPIO class does not handle PL I/O without the use of device tree overlays. Attributes ---------- index : int The index of the GPIO, starting from the GPIO base. direction : str Input/output direction of the GPIO. path: str The path of the GPIO device in the linux system. """ if CPU_ARCH == ZYNQ_ARCH: _GPIO_MIN_USER_PIN = 54 elif CPU_ARCH == ZU_ARCH: _GPIO_MIN_USER_PIN = 78 else: warnings.warn("Pynq does not support the CPU Architecture: {}" .format(CPU_ARCH), ResourceWarning) def __init__(self, gpio_index, direction): """Return a new GPIO object. Parameters ---------- gpio_index : int The index of the GPIO using Linux's GPIO Sysfs API. direction : 'str' Input/output direction of the GPIO. """ self._impl = None if gpio_index in _gpio_map: self._impl = _gpio_map[gpio_index] if self._impl and self._impl.is_exported() and \ self._impl.direction != direction: raise AttributeError("GPIO already in use in other direction") if not self._impl or not self._impl.is_exported(): self._impl = _GPIO(gpio_index, direction) _gpio_map[gpio_index] = self._impl @property def index(self): return self._impl.index @property def direction(self): return self._impl.direction @property def path(self): return self._impl.path
[docs] def read(self): """The method to read a value from the GPIO. Returns ------- int An integer read from the GPIO """ return
[docs] def write(self, value): """The method to write a value into the GPIO. Parameters ---------- value : int An integer value, either 0 or 1 Returns ------- None """ self._impl.write(value)
[docs] def release(self): """The method to release the GPIO. Returns ------- None """ self._impl.unexport() del self._impl
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gpio_base_path(target_label=None): """This method returns the path to the GPIO base using Linux's GPIO Sysfs API. This is a static method. To use: >>> from pynq import GPIO >>> gpio = GPIO.get_gpio_base_path() Parameters ---------- target_label : str The label of the GPIO driver to look for, as defined in a device tree entry. Returns ------- str The path to the GPIO base. """ valid_labels = [] if target_label is not None: valid_labels.append(target_label) else: valid_labels.append('zynqmp_gpio') valid_labels.append('zynq_gpio') for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/sys/class/gpio'): for name in dirs: if 'gpiochip' in name: with open(os.path.join(root, name, "label")) as fd: label = if label in valid_labels: return os.path.join(root, name)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gpio_base(target_label=None): """This method returns the GPIO base using Linux's GPIO Sysfs API. This is a static method. To use: >>> from pynq import GPIO >>> gpio = GPIO.get_gpio_base() Note ---- For path '/sys/class/gpio/gpiochip138/', this method returns 138. Parameters ---------- target_label : str The label of the GPIO driver to look for, as defined in a device tree entry. Returns ------- int The GPIO index of the base. """ base_path = GPIO.get_gpio_base_path(target_label) if base_path is not None: return int(''.join(x for x in base_path if x.isdigit()))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gpio_pin(gpio_user_index, target_label=None): """This method returns a GPIO instance for PS GPIO pins. Users only need to specify an index starting from 0; this static method will map this index to the correct Linux GPIO pin number. Note ---- The GPIO pin number can be calculated using: GPIO pin number = GPIO base + GPIO offset + user index e.g. The GPIO base is 138, and pin 54 is the base GPIO offset. Then the Linux GPIO pin would be (138 + 54 + 0) = 192. Parameters ---------- gpio_user_index : int The index specified by users, starting from 0. target_label : str The label of the GPIO driver to look for, as defined in a device tree entry. Returns ------- int The Linux Sysfs GPIO pin number. """ if target_label is not None: GPIO_OFFSET = 0 else: GPIO_OFFSET = GPIO._GPIO_MIN_USER_PIN return (GPIO.get_gpio_base(target_label) + GPIO_OFFSET + gpio_user_index)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gpio_npins(target_label=None): """This method returns the number of GPIO pins for the GPIO base using Linux's GPIO Sysfs API. This is a static method. To use: >>> from pynq import GPIO >>> gpio = GPIO.get_gpio_npins() Parameters ---------- target_label : str The label of the GPIO driver to look for, as defined in a device tree entry. Returns ------- int The number of GPIO pins for the GPIO base. """ base_path = GPIO.get_gpio_base_path(target_label) if base_path is not None: with open(os.path.join(base_path, "ngpio")) as fd: ngpio = return int(''.join(x for x in ngpio if x.isdigit()))