Source code for pynq.interrupt

#   Copyright (c) 2017, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import asyncio
import weakref
import warnings
from .pl import PL
from .ps import CPU_ARCH, ZU_ARCH, ZYNQ_ARCH
from .mmio import MMIO
from .uio import get_uio_device, UioController

[docs]def get_uio_irq(irq): """Returns the UIO device path for a specified interrupt. If the IRQ either cannot be found or does not correspond to a UIO device, None is returned. Parameters ---------- irq : int The desired physical interrupt line Returns ------- str The path of the device in /dev list. """ dev_name = None with open('/proc/interrupts', 'r') as f: for line in f: cols = line.split() if len(cols) >= 7: if cols[-3] == str(irq): dev_name = cols[-1] if dev_name is None: return None else: return get_uio_device(dev_name)
[docs]class Interrupt(object): """Class that provides the core wait-based API to end users Provides a single coroutine wait that waits until the interrupt signal goes high. If the Overlay is changed or re-downloaded this object is invalidated and waiting results in undefined behaviour.""" def __init__(self, pinname): """Initialise an Interrupt object attached to the specified pin Parameters ---------- pinname : string Fully qualified name of the pin in the block diagram of the for ${cell}/${pin}. Raises an exception if the pin cannot be found in the currently active Overlay """ if pinname not in PL.interrupt_pins: raise ValueError("No Pin of name {} found".format(pinname)) parent, self.number = _InterruptController.get_parent( PL.interrupt_pins[pinname]) self.parent = weakref.ref(parent) self.event = asyncio.Event() self.waiting = False
[docs] async def wait(self): """Wait for the interrupt to be active May raise an exception if the Overlay has been changed since initialisation. """ parent = self.parent() if parent is None: raise RuntimeError("Interrupt invalidated by Overlay change") if not self.waiting: self.event.clear() parent.add_event(self.event, self.number) self.waiting = True await self.event.wait() self.waiting = False
class _InterruptController(object): """Class that interacts with an AXI interrupt controller This class is not designed to be interacted with by end users directly - most uses will be via the register_interrupt API which will handle the creation and registration of _InterruptController instances """ _controllers = [] _uio_devices = {} _last_timestamp = None @staticmethod def get_controller(name): """Returns the _InterruptController corresponding to the AXI interrupt controller with the specified name. Will invalidate all interrupt controllers if the Overlay has been changed. Should not be accessed by user code. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the interrupt controller to return """ bitstream_timestamp = PL.timestamp if bitstream_timestamp != _InterruptController._last_timestamp: _InterruptController._controllers.clear() _InterruptController._last_timestamp = bitstream_timestamp for con in _InterruptController._controllers: if == name: return con ret = _InterruptController(name) _InterruptController._controllers.append(ret) return ret @staticmethod def get_parent(entry): """Return the parent and index of an interrupt. This can either be an interrupt controller or a UIO interface Parameters ---------- entry : dict The entry in the interrupt_pins dict for the pin """ parent = entry['parent'] if 'parent' in entry else entry['controller'] number = entry['index'] if parent == "": raw_irq = entry['raw_irq'] if raw_irq in _InterruptController._uio_devices: return _InterruptController._uio_devices[raw_irq], 0 uiodev = get_uio_irq(raw_irq) if uiodev is None: raise ValueError('Could not find UIO device for interrupt pin ' 'for IRQ number {}'.format(raw_irq)) dev = UioController(uiodev) _InterruptController._uio_devices[raw_irq] = dev return dev, 0 else: return _InterruptController.get_controller(parent), number def __init__(self, name): """Return a new _InterruptController Returns a new _InterruptController. As these are singleton objects, this should never be called directly, instead register_interrupt should be used, or get_controller if direct access is required Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the interrupt controller to return """ = name self.mmio = MMIO(PL.ip_dict[name]['phys_addr'], 32) self.wait_handles = [[] for _ in range(32)] self.event_number = 0 self.waiting = False # Disable Interrupt lines self.mmio.write(0x08, 0) self.parent, self.number = _InterruptController.get_parent( PL.interrupt_controllers[name]) def set(self): """Mimics the set function of an event. Should not be called by user code Allows for chaining of interrupt controllers by looking like an event to the parent controller. Will re-add the event if there are still interrupts left outstanding """ # Pull pending interrupts irqs = # Call all active IRQs work = irqs irq = 0 while work != 0: if work % 2 == 1: # Disable the interrupt self.mmio.write(0x14, 1 << irq) events = self.wait_handles[irq] self.wait_handles[irq] = [] for e in events: e.set() self.event_number -= len(events) work = work >> 1 irq = irq + 1 # Acknowledge the interrupts self.mmio.write(0x0C, irqs) if self.event_number: self.parent.add_event(self, self.number) def add_event(self, event, number): """Registers an event against an interrupt line When the interrupt is active, all events are signaled and the interrupt line is disabled. End user classes should clear the interrupt before re-adding the event. Parameters ---------- event : object Any object that provides a set method to notify of an active interrupt number : int Interrupt number to register event against """ if not self.wait_handles[number]: self.mmio.write(0x10, 1 << number) if not self.event_number: self.parent.add_event(self, self.number) self.wait_handles[number].append(event) self.event_number += 1 # Enable global interrupt self.mmio.write(0x1C, 0x00000003)