Source code for pynq.lib.arduino.arduino_analog

#   Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import numpy as np
from . import Arduino
from . import MAILBOX_OFFSET

ARDUINO_ANALOG_PROGRAM = "arduino_analog.bin"
V_Conv = 3.33 / 65536

[docs]class Arduino_Analog(object): """This class controls the Arduino Analog. XADC is an internal analog controller in the hardware. This class provides API to do analog reads from IOP. Attributes ---------- microblaze : Arduino Microblaze processor instance used by this module. log_running : int The state of the log (0: stopped, 1: started). log_interval_ms : int Time in milliseconds between samples on the same channel. gr_pin : list A group of pins on arduino-grove shield. num_channels : int The number of channels sampled. """ def __init__(self, mb_info, gr_pin): """Return a new instance of an Arduino_Analog object. Note ---- The parameter `gr_pin` is a list of analog pins enabled. Parameters ---------- mb_info : dict A dictionary storing Microblaze information, such as the IP name and the reset name. gr_pin: list A group of pins on arduino-grove shield. """ for pin in gr_pin: if pin not in range(ARDUINO_NUM_ANALOG_PINS): raise ValueError("Analog pin number can only be 0 - {}." .format(ARDUINO_NUM_ANALOG_PINS-1)) self.microblaze = Arduino(mb_info, ARDUINO_ANALOG_PROGRAM) self.log_interval_ms = 1000 self.log_running = 0 self.gr_pin = gr_pin self.num_channels = len(gr_pin) # Calculate the offset address of the end of the log self._samples_channel = ARDUINO_MAX_SAMPLES // self.num_channels self._log_end = ARDUINO_ANALOG_LOG_START + 4 * self.num_channels * \ self._samples_channel # Enable all the analog pins data = [0 for _ in range(ARDUINO_NUM_ANALOG_PINS)] self.microblaze.write_mailbox(0, data) # Write configuration and wait for ACK self.microblaze.write_blocking_command(CONFIG_IOP_SWITCH)
[docs] def read(self, out_format = 'voltage'): """Read the shared mailbox memory with the adc raw value from the analog peripheral. Parameters ---------- out_format : str Selects the return type, either 'raw' or 'voltage' Returns ------- list Either the 'raw' values or 'voltage' depending on out_format """ if out_format not in ['raw', 'voltage']: raise ValueError("out_format can only be 'raw' or 'voltage'") data_channels = 0 for channel in self.gr_pin: data_channels |= (0x1 << channel) cmd = (data_channels << 8) + GET_RAW_DATA self.microblaze.write_blocking_command(cmd) reading = np.asarray(\ self.microblaze.read_mailbox(0, self.num_channels)) if out_format == 'raw': return reading else: return reading * V_Conv
[docs] def set_log_interval_ms(self, log_interval_ms): """Set the length of the log for the analog peripheral. This method can set the time interval between two samples, so that users can read out multiple values in a single log. Parameters ---------- log_interval_ms : int The time between two samples in milliseconds, for logging only. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(log_interval_ms, int): raise ValueError("Time between samples should be integer.") elif log_interval_ms < 0: raise ValueError("Time between samples should be no less than 0.") self.log_interval_ms = log_interval_ms self.microblaze.write_mailbox(4, log_interval_ms)
[docs] def start_log(self): """Start recording multiple analog samples (raw) values in a log. This method will first call set_log_interval_ms() before writing to the MMIO. Returns ------- None """ self.log_running = 1 self.set_log_interval_ms(self.log_interval_ms) data_channels = 0 for channel in self.gr_pin: data_channels |= (0x1 << channel) cmd = (data_channels << 8) + READ_AND_LOG_RAW self.microblaze.write_non_blocking_command(cmd)
[docs] def stop_log(self): """Stop recording the raw values in the log. Simply write 0xC to the MMIO to stop the log. Returns ------- None """ if self.log_running == 1: self.microblaze.write_non_blocking_command(RESET_ANALOG) self.log_running = 0 else: raise RuntimeError("No analog log running.")
[docs] def get_log(self, out_format = 'voltage'): """Return list of logged raw samples. Parameters ---------- out_format : str Selects the return type, either 'raw' or 'voltage' Returns ------- Numpy Array Numpy array of valid samples from the analog device, either 'raw' or 'voltage' """ # Stop logging self.stop_log() if out_format not in ['raw', 'voltage']: raise ValueError("out_format can only be 'raw' or 'voltage'") # Prep iterators and results list [head_ptr, tail_ptr] = self.microblaze.read_mailbox(0x8, 2) readings = [] for _ in range(self.num_channels): readings.append([]) # Sweep circular buffer for samples if head_ptr == tail_ptr: return None elif head_ptr < tail_ptr: for i in range(head_ptr, tail_ptr, 4*self.num_channels): raw = np.atleast_1d(, self.num_channels)) for j in range(self.num_channels): readings[j].append(raw[j]) else: for i in range(head_ptr, self._log_end, 4*self.num_channels): raw = np.atleast_1d(, self.num_channels)) for j in range(self.num_channels): readings[j].append(raw[j]) for i in range(ARDUINO_ANALOG_LOG_START, tail_ptr, 4*self.num_channels): raw = np.atleast_1d(, self.num_channels)) for j in range(self.num_channels): readings[j].append(raw[j]) readings_arr = np.asarray(readings) if out_format == 'raw': return readings_arr else: return readings_arr * V_Conv
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the system monitor for analog devices. Returns ------- None """ self.microblaze.write_blocking_command(RESET_ANALOG)
[docs] def read_raw(self): """Read the analog raw value from the analog peripheral. Returns ------- list The raw values from the analog device. """ return'raw')
[docs] def get_log_raw(self): """Return list of logged raw samples. Returns ------- list List of valid raw samples from the analog device. """ return self.get_log('raw')
[docs] def stop_log_raw(self): """Stop recording the raw values in the log. Simply write 0xC to the MMIO to stop the log. Returns ------- None """ self.stop_log()
[docs] def start_log_raw(self): """Start recording raw data in a log. This method will first call set_log_interval_ms() before writing to the MMIO. Returns ------- None """ self.start_log()