Source code for pynq.lib.arduino.arduino_lcd18

#   Copyright (c) 2016, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import asyncio
import os
from math import ceil

from numpy import array

from pynq import allocate

ARDUINO_LCD18_PROGRAM = "arduino_lcd18.bin"

def _convert_color(color):
    """Convert a 24-bit color to 16-bit.

    The input `color` is assumed to be a 3-component list [R,G,B], each with
    8 bits for color level.

    This method will translate that list of colors into a 16-bit number,
    with first 5 bits indicating R component,
    last 5 bits indicating B component, and remaining
    6 bits in the middle indicating G component.
    i.e., 16-bit color -> (5 bits, 6 bits, 5 bits) -> (R,G,B).

    for i in color:
        if i not in range(256):
            raise ValueError("Valid color value for R, G, B is 0 - 255.")
    red, green, blue = color
    return ((blue & 0xF8) << 8) | ((green & 0xFC) << 3) | ((red & 0xF8) >> 3)

[docs]class Arduino_LCD18(object): """This class controls the Adafruit 1.8" LCD shield from AdaFruit. The LCD panel consists of ST7735 LCD controller, a joystick, and a microSD socket. This class uses the LCD panel (128x160 pixels) and the joystick. The joystick uses A3 analog channel. Attributes ---------- microblaze : Arduino Microblaze processor instance used by this module. buffer : PynqBuffer Contiguous buffer used to store the image. """ def __init__(self, mb_info): """Return a new instance of an Arduino_LCD18 object. Parameters ---------- mb_info : dict A dictionary storing Microblaze information, such as the IP name and the reset name. """ self.microblaze = Arduino(mb_info, ARDUINO_LCD18_PROGRAM) self.buffer = None
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the screen. Returns ------- None """ self.microblaze.write_blocking_command(CLEAR_SCREEN)
[docs] def display( self, img_path, x_pos=0, y_pos=127, orientation=3, background=None, frames=1 ): """Animate the image at the desired location for multiple frames. The maximum screen resolution is 160x128. Users can specify the position to display the image. For example, to display the image in the center, `x_pos` can be (160-`width`/2), `y_pos` can be (128/2)+(`height`/2). A typical orientation is 3. The origin of orientation 0, 1, 2, and 3 corresponds to upper right corner, lower right corner, lower left corner, and upper left corner, respectively. Currently, only 1 and 3 are valid orientations. If users choose orientation 1, the picture will be shown upside-down. If users choose orientation 3, the picture will be shown consistently with the LCD screen orientation. Parameter `background` specifies the color of the background; it is a list of 3 elements: R, G, and B, each with 8 bits for color level. Parameters ---------- img_path : str The file path to the image stored in the file system. x_pos : int x position of a pixel where the image starts. y_pos : int y position of a pixel where the image starts. background : list A list of [R, G, B] components for background, each of 8 bits. orientation : int orientation of the image; valid values are 1 and 3. frames : int Number of frames the image is moved, must be less than 65536. Returns ------- None """ task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.display_async(img_path, x_pos, y_pos, orientation, background, frames) ) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(task)
[docs] async def display_async( self, img_path, x_pos=0, y_pos=127, orientation=3, background=None, frames=1 ): """Animate the image at the desired location for multiple frames. The maximum screen resolution is 160x128. Users can specify the position to display the image. For example, to display the image in the center, `x_pos` can be (160-`width`/2), `y_pos` can be (128/2)+(`height`/2). A typical orientation is 3. The origin of orientation 0, 1, 2, and 3 corresponds to upper right corner, lower right corner, lower left corner, and upper left corner, respectively. Currently, only 1 and 3 are valid orientations. If users choose orientation 1, the picture will be shown upside-down. If users choose orientation 3, the picture will be shown consistently with the LCD screen orientation. Parameter `background` specifies the color of the background; it is a list of 3 elements: R, G, and B, each with 8 bits for color level. Parameters ---------- img_path : str The file path to the image stored in the file system. x_pos : int x position of a pixel where the image starts. y_pos : int y position of a pixel where the image starts. background : list A list of [R, G, B] components for background, each of 8 bits. orientation : int orientation of the image; valid values are 1 and 3. frames : int Number of frames the image is moved, must be less than 65536. Returns ------- None """ from PIL import Image if x_pos not in range(160): raise ValueError("Valid x_pos is 0 - 159.") if y_pos not in range(128): raise ValueError("Valid y_pos is 0 - 127.") if orientation not in [1, 3]: raise ValueError("Valid orientation is 1 or 3.") if frames not in range(1, 65536): raise ValueError("Valid number of frames is 1 - 65535.") if not os.path.isfile(img_path): raise ValueError("Specified image file does not exist.") if background is None: background = [0, 0, 0] background16 = _convert_color(background) image_file = width, height = image_file.size if width not in range(161) or height not in range(129): raise ValueError("Picture too large to be fit in 160x128 screen.") image_file.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS) image_array = array(image_file) image_file.close() file_size = width * height * 2 self.buffer = allocate(file_size, dtype="u1") phy_addr = self.buffer.physical_address try: for j in range(width): for i in range(height): red, green, blue = image_array[i][j] temp = ( ((blue & 0xF8) << 8) | ((green & 0xFC) << 3) | ((red & 0xF8) >> 3) ) index = 2 * ((height - i - 1) * width + j) self.buffer[index] = temp & 0xFF self.buffer[index + 1] = (temp & 0xFF00) >> 8 data = [ x_pos, y_pos, width, height, phy_addr, background16, orientation, frames, ] self.microblaze.write_mailbox(0, data) # Ensure interrupt is reset before issuing command if self.microblaze.interrupt: self.microblaze.interrupt.clear() self.microblaze.write_non_blocking_command(DISPLAY) while + MAILBOX_PY2IOP_CMD_OFFSET) != 0: if self.microblaze.interrupt: await self.microblaze.interrupt.wait() finally: if self.microblaze.interrupt: self.microblaze.interrupt.clear() self.buffer.freebuffer()
[docs] def draw_line( self, x_start_pos, y_start_pos, x_end_pos, y_end_pos, color=None, background=None, orientation=3, ): """Draw a line from starting point to ending point. The maximum screen resolution is 160x128. Parameter `color` specifies the color of the line; it is a list of 3 elements: R, G, and B, each with 8 bits for color level. Parameter `background` is similar to parameter `color`, except that it specifies the background color. A typical orientation is 3. The origin of orientation 0, 1, 2, and 3 corresponds to upper right corner, lower right corner, lower left corner, and upper left corner, respectively. Currently, only 1 and 3 are valid orientations. If users choose orientation 1, the picture will be shown upside-down. If users choose orientation 3, the picture will be shown consistently with the LCD screen orientation. Parameters ---------- x_start_pos : int x position (in pixels) where the line starts. y_start_pos : int y position (in pixels) where the line starts. x_end_pos : int x position (in pixels ) where the line ends. y_end_pos : int y position (in pixels) where the line ends. color : list A list of [R, G, B] components for line color, each of 8 bits. background : list A list of [R, G, B] components for background, each of 8 bits. orientation : int orientation of the image; valid values are 1 and 3. Returns ------- None """ if x_start_pos not in range(160): raise ValueError("Valid x start position is 0 - 159.") if y_start_pos not in range(128): raise ValueError("Valid y start position is 0 - 127.") if x_end_pos not in range(160): raise ValueError("Valid x end position is 0 - 159.") if y_end_pos not in range(128): raise ValueError("Valid y end position is 0 - 127.") if orientation not in [1, 3]: raise ValueError("Valid orientation is 1 or 3.") if color is None: color = [255, 255, 255] color16 = _convert_color(color) if background is None: background = [0, 0, 0] background16 = _convert_color(background) data = [ x_start_pos, y_start_pos, x_end_pos, y_end_pos, color16, background16, orientation, ] self.microblaze.write_mailbox(0, data) self.microblaze.write_blocking_command(DRAW_LINE)
[docs] def print_string( self, x_start_pos, y_start_pos, text, color=None, background=None, orientation=3 ): """Draw a character with a specific color. The maximum screen resolution is 160x128. Parameter `color` specifies the color of the text; it is a list of 3 elements: R, G, and B, each with 8 bits for color level. Parameter `background` is similar to parameter `color`, except that it specifies the background color. A typical orientation is 3. The origin of orientation 0, 1, 2, and 3 corresponds to upper right corner, lower right corner, lower left corner, and upper left corner, respectively. Currently, only 1 and 3 are valid orientations. If users choose orientation 1, the picture will be shown upside-down. If users choose orientation 3, the picture will be shown consistently with the LCD screen orientation. Parameters ---------- x_start_pos : int x position (in pixels) where the line starts. y_start_pos : int y position (in pixels) where the line starts. text : str printable ASCII characters. color : list A list of [R, G, B] components for line color, each of 8 bits. background : list A list of [R, G, B] components for background, each of 8 bits. orientation : int orientation of the image; valid values are 1 and 3. Returns ------- None """ if x_start_pos not in range(160): raise ValueError("Valid x start position is 0 - 159.") if y_start_pos not in range(128): raise ValueError("Valid y start position is 0 - 127.") if type(text) is not str: raise ValueError("Character has to be of string type.") if orientation not in [1, 3]: raise ValueError("Valid orientation is 1 or 3.") if color is None: color = [255, 255, 255] color16 = _convert_color(color) if background is None: background = [0, 0, 0] background16 = _convert_color(background) temp_txt = text count = len(text) for _ in range(count % 4): temp_txt = temp_txt + str("\0") data = [x_start_pos, y_start_pos, color16, background16, orientation] temp = 0 for i in range(len(temp_txt)): temp = temp | (ord(temp_txt[i]) << 8 * (i % 4)) if i % 4 == 3: data.append(temp) temp = 0 self.microblaze.write_mailbox(0, data) self.microblaze.write_blocking_command(PRINT_STRING)
[docs] def draw_filled_rectangle( self, x_start_pos, y_start_pos, width, height, color=None, background=None, orientation=3, ): """Draw a filled rectangle. Parameter `color` specifies the color of the text; it is a list of 3 elements: R, G, and B, each with 8 bits for color level. Parameter `background` is similar to parameter `color`, except that it specifies the background color. A typical orientation is 3. The origin of orientation 0, 1, 2, and 3 corresponds to upper right corner, lower right corner, lower left corner, and upper left corner, respectively. Currently, only 1 and 3 are valid orientations. If users choose orientation 1, the picture will be shown upside-down. If users choose orientation 3, the picture will be shown consistently with the LCD screen orientation. Parameters ---------- x_start_pos : int x position (in pixels) where the rectangle starts. y_start_pos : int y position (in pixels) where the rectangle starts. width : int Width of the rectangle (in pixels). height : int Height of the rectangle (in pixels). color : list A list of [R, G, B] components for line color, each of 8 bits. background : list A list of [R, G, B] components for background, each of 8 bits. orientation : int orientation of the image; valid values are 1 and 3. Returns ------- None """ if x_start_pos not in range(160): raise ValueError("Valid x start position is 0 - 159.") if y_start_pos not in range(128): raise ValueError("Valid y start position is 0 - 127.") if width not in range(160): raise ValueError("Valid x end position is 0 - 159.") if height not in range(128): raise ValueError("Valid y end position is 0 - 127.") if orientation not in [1, 3]: raise ValueError("Valid orientation is 1 or 3.") if color is None: color = [255, 255, 255] color16 = _convert_color(color) if background is None: background = [0, 0, 0] background16 = _convert_color(background) data = [ x_start_pos, y_start_pos, width, height, color16, background16, orientation, ] self.microblaze.write_mailbox(0, data) self.microblaze.write_blocking_command(FILL_RECTANGLE)
[docs] def read_joystick(self): """Read the joystick values. The joystick values can be read when user is pressing the button toward a specific direction. The returned values can be: 1: left; 2: down; 3: center; 4: right; 5: up; 0: no button pressed. Returns ------- int Indicating the direction towards which the button is pushed. """ self.microblaze.write_blocking_command(READ_BUTTON) value = self.microblaze.read_mailbox(0) return value