Source code for pynq.lib.pynqmicroblaze.rpc

#   Copyright (c) 2016, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import collections
import functools
import itertools
import math
import os
import re
import struct
from copy import deepcopy

import pycparser
from pycparser import c_ast, c_generator
from pycparser.plyparser import ParseError

from . import MicroblazeProgram
from .compile import preprocess
from .streams import InterruptMBStream, SimpleMBStream

# Use a global parser and generator
_parser = pycparser.CParser()
_generator = c_generator.CGenerator()

    PTR_OFFSET = "0x20000000"
    PTR_OFFSET = "0x80000000"
    PTR_OFFSET = "0x0"

# First we define a series of classes to represent types
# Each class is responsible for one particular type of C
# types
[docs]class PrimitiveWrapper: """Wrapper for C primitives that can be represented by a single Struct string. """ def __init__(self, struct_string, type_): self._struct = struct.Struct(struct_string) self.typedefname = None self.blocks = False self._type = type_
[docs] def param_encode(self, old_val): return self._struct.pack(old_val)
[docs] def param_decode(self, old_val, stream): pass
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): data = return self._struct.unpack(data)[0]
[docs] def pre_argument(self, name): commands = [] commands.append(_generate_decl(name, self._type)) commands.append(_generate_read(name)) return commands
[docs] def post_argument(self, name): return []
[docs]class VoidPointerWrapper: """Wrapper for a void* pointer that will refer to a physically contiguous chunk of memory. """ def __init__(self, type_): self._type = type_ self.typedefname = None self.blocks = False self._ptrstruct = struct.Struct("I")
[docs] def param_encode(self, old_val): return self._ptrstruct.pack(old_val.physical_address)
[docs] def param_decode(self, old_val, stream): pass
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): raise RuntimeError("Cannot return a void*")
[docs] def pre_argument(self, name): commands = [] commands.append( _generate_decl( name + "_int", c_ast.TypeDecl( name + "_int", [], c_ast.IdentifierType(["unsigned", "int"]) ), ) ) commands.append(_generate_read(name + "_int")) commands.append( c_ast.Assignment( "|=", c_ast.ID(name + "_int"), c_ast.Constant("int", PTR_OFFSET) ) ) commands.append( c_ast.Decl( name, [], [], [], c_ast.PtrDecl( [], c_ast.TypeDecl(name, [], c_ast.IdentifierType(["void"])), ), c_ast.Cast( c_ast.Typename( None, [], c_ast.PtrDecl( [], c_ast.TypeDecl(None, [], c_ast.IdentifierType(["void"])) ), ), c_ast.ID(name + "_int"), ), [], ) ) return commands
[docs] def post_argument(self, name): return []
[docs]class ConstPointerWrapper: """Wrapper for const T pointers, transfers data in only one direction. """ def __init__(self, type_, struct_string): self._lenstruct = struct.Struct("h") self._struct_string = struct_string self.typedefname = None self.blocks = False self._type = type_
[docs] def param_encode(self, old_val): packed = struct.pack(self._struct_string * len(old_val), *old_val) return self._lenstruct.pack(len(old_val)) + packed
[docs] def param_decode(self, old_val, stream): pass
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): raise RuntimeError("Cannot use a const T* decoder as a return value")
[docs] def pre_argument(self, name): commands = [] commands.append( _generate_decl( name + "_len", c_ast.TypeDecl( name + "_len", [], c_ast.IdentifierType(["unsigned", "short"]) ), ) ) commands.append(_generate_read(name + "_len")) commands.append(_generate_arraydecl(name, self._type, c_ast.ID(name + "_len"))) commands.append(_generate_read(name, address=False)) return commands
[docs] def post_argument(self, name): return []
[docs]class ConstCharPointerWrapper(ConstPointerWrapper): """Wrapper for const char*s which accepts Python strings and makes sure they are NULL-terminated """ def __init__(self, type_): super().__init__(type_, "b")
[docs] def param_encode(self, old_val): if type(old_val) is str: val = bytearray(old_val.encode()) else: val = bytearray(old_val) val.append(0) return super().param_encode(val)
[docs]class PointerWrapper: """Wrapper for non-const T pointers that retrieves any data modified by the called function. """ def __init__(self, type_, struct_string): self._lenstruct = struct.Struct("h") self._struct_string = struct_string self.typedefname = None self.blocks = True self._type = type_
[docs] def param_encode(self, old_val): packed = struct.pack(self._struct_string * len(old_val), *old_val) return self._lenstruct.pack(len(old_val)) + packed
[docs] def param_decode(self, old_val, stream): data = length = self._lenstruct.unpack(data)[0] assert length == len(old_val) data = * struct.calcsize(self._struct_string)) old_val[:] = struct.unpack(self._struct_string * len(old_val), data)
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): raise RuntimeError("Cannot use a T* decoder as a return value")
[docs] def pre_argument(self, name): commands = [] commands.append( _generate_decl( name + "_len", c_ast.TypeDecl( name + "_len", [], c_ast.IdentifierType(["unsigned", "short"]) ), ) ) commands.append(_generate_read(name + "_len")) commands.append(_generate_arraydecl(name, self._type, c_ast.ID(name + "_len"))) commands.append(_generate_read(name, address=False)) return commands
[docs] def post_argument(self, name): commands = [] commands.append(_generate_write(name + "_len")) commands.append(_generate_write(name, address=False)) return commands
[docs]class VoidWrapper: """Wraps void - only valid for return types""" def __init__(self): self.typedefname = None self.blocks = False
[docs] def param_encode(self, old_val): return b""
[docs] def param_decode(self, old_val, stream): pass
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): return None
[docs] def pre_argument(self, name): return []
[docs] def post_argument(self, name): return []
def _type_to_struct_string(tdecl): if type(tdecl) is not c_ast.TypeDecl: raise RuntimeError("Unsupport Type") names = tdecl.type.names signed = True if len(names) > 1: if names[0] == "unsigned": signed = False name = names[1] else: name = names[0] if name == "void": return "" if name in ["long", "int"]: if names.count("long") == 2: if signed: return "q" else: return "Q" else: if signed: return "i" else: return "I" if name == "short": if signed: return "h" else: return "H" if name == "char": if signed: return "b" else: return "B" if name == "float": return "f" raise RuntimeError("Unknown type {}".format(name))
[docs]class MicroblazeError(Exception): pass
[docs]class PyIntWrapper(PrimitiveWrapper): def __init__(self, type_): super().__init__("i", type_)
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): data = val = self._struct.unpack(data)[0] if val < 0: raise MicroblazeError(os.strerror(-val)) return val
[docs]class PyVoidWrapper(PrimitiveWrapper): def __init__(self, type_): super().__init__("i", type_)
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): data = val = self._struct.unpack(data)[0] if val < 0: raise MicroblazeError(os.strerror(-val))
# Swallow the return value
[docs]class PyBoolWrapper(PrimitiveWrapper): def __init__(self, type_): super().__init__("i", type_)
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): data = val = self._struct.unpack(data)[0] if val < 0: raise MicroblazeError(os.strerror(-val)) return bool(val)
[docs]class PyFloatWrapper(PrimitiveWrapper): def __init__(self, type_): super().__init__("f", type_)
[docs] def return_decode(self, stream): data = val = self._struct.unpack(data)[0] if math.isnan(val): raise MicroblazeError("An Unknown Error Occurred") return val
_interface_overrides = { "py_int": PyIntWrapper, "py_bool": PyBoolWrapper, "py_float": PyFloatWrapper, "py_void": PyVoidWrapper, } def _type_to_interface(tdecl, typedefs): """Returns a wrapper for a given C AST""" if type(tdecl) is c_ast.PtrDecl: nested_type = tdecl.type if type(nested_type) is not c_ast.TypeDecl: raise RuntimeError("Only single level pointers supported") struct_string = _type_to_struct_string(nested_type) if struct_string: if "const" in nested_type.quals: if struct_string == "b": return ConstCharPointerWrapper(tdecl) else: return ConstPointerWrapper(tdecl, struct_string) else: return PointerWrapper(tdecl, struct_string) else: return VoidPointerWrapper(tdecl) elif type(tdecl) is not c_ast.TypeDecl: raise RuntimeError("Unsupport Type") names = tdecl.type.names if len(names) == 1 and names[0] in typedefs: if names[0] in _interface_overrides: interface = _interface_overrides[names[0]](tdecl) else: interface = _type_to_interface(typedefs[names[0]], typedefs) interface.typedefname = names[0] return interface struct_string = _type_to_struct_string(tdecl) if struct_string: return PrimitiveWrapper(struct_string, tdecl) else: return VoidWrapper() def _generate_read(name, size=None, address=True): """Helper function to generate read functions. size should be an AST fragment """ if size is None: size = c_ast.UnaryOp("sizeof", c_ast.ID(name)) if address: target = c_ast.UnaryOp("&", c_ast.ID(name)) else: target = c_ast.ID(name) return c_ast.FuncCall(c_ast.ID("_rpc_read"), c_ast.ExprList([target, size])) def _generate_write(name, address=True): """Helper function generate write functions""" if address: target = c_ast.UnaryOp("&", c_ast.ID(name)) else: target = c_ast.ID(name) return c_ast.FuncCall( c_ast.ID("_rpc_write"), c_ast.ExprList([target, c_ast.UnaryOp("sizeof", c_ast.ID(name))]), ) def _generate_decl(name, decl): """Generates a new declaration with a difference name but same type as the provided decl. """ typedecl = c_ast.TypeDecl(name, [], decl.type) return c_ast.Decl(name, [], [], [], typedecl, [], []) def _generate_arraydecl(name, decl, length): """Generates a new declaration with an array type base on an existing declaration """ typedecl = c_ast.TypeDecl(name, [], decl.type) arraydecl = c_ast.ArrayDecl(typedecl, length, []) return c_ast.Decl(name, [], [], [], arraydecl, [], [])
[docs]class FuncAdapter: """Provides the C and Python interfaces for a function declaration Attributes ---------- return_interface : TypeWrapper The type wrapper for the return type arg_interfaces : [TypeWrapper] An array of type wrappers for the arguments call_ast : pycparser.c_ast Syntax tree for the wrapped function call """ def __init__(self, decl, typedefs): self.return_interface = _type_to_interface(decl.type, typedefs) = decl.type.declname self.docstring = _get_docstring(decl.coord) self.arg_interfaces = [] self.args = [] self.blocks = False self.coord = decl.coord block_contents = [] post_block_contents = [] func_args = [] if decl.args: for i, arg in enumerate(decl.args.params): if type(arg) is c_ast.EllipsisParam: raise RuntimeError("vararg functions not supported") interface = _type_to_interface(arg.type, typedefs) if type(interface) is VoidWrapper: continue block_contents.extend(interface.pre_argument("arg" + str(i))) post_block_contents.extend(interface.post_argument("arg" + str(i))) func_args.append(c_ast.ID("arg" + str(i))) self.arg_interfaces.append(interface) self.blocks = self.blocks | interface.blocks if self.args.append( else: self.args.append(f"arg{len(self.args)}") function_call = c_ast.FuncCall(c_ast.ID(, c_ast.ExprList(func_args)) self.returns = type(self.return_interface) is not VoidWrapper if self.returns: ret_assign = c_ast.Decl( "ret", [], [], [], c_ast.TypeDecl("ret", [], decl.type.type), function_call, [], ) block_contents.append(ret_assign) block_contents.append(_generate_write("return_command")) block_contents.extend(post_block_contents) block_contents.append(_generate_write("ret")) self.blocks = True else: block_contents.append(function_call) if self.blocks: block_contents.append(_generate_write("return_command")) else: block_contents.append(_generate_write("void_command")) block_contents.extend(post_block_contents) self.call_ast = c_ast.Compound(block_contents) self.filename = decl.coord.file
[docs] def pack_args(self, *args): """Create a bytes of the provided arguments""" if len(args) != len(self.arg_interfaces): raise RuntimeError( "Wrong number of arguments: expected{0} got {1}".format( len(self.arg_interfaces), len(args) ) ) return b"".join( [ f.param_encode(a) for f, a in itertools.zip_longest(self.arg_interfaces, args) ] )
[docs] def receive_response(self, stream, *args): """Reads the response stream, updates arguments and returns the value of the function call if applicable """ if len(args) != len(self.arg_interfaces): raise RuntimeError( "Wrong number of arguments: expected{0} got {1}".format( len(self.arg_interfaces), len(args) ) ) [ f.param_decode(a, stream) for f, a in itertools.zip_longest(self.arg_interfaces, args) ] return_value = self.return_interface.return_decode(stream) return return_value
[docs]class ParsedEnum: """Holds the values of an enum from the C source""" def __init__(self): = None self.file = None self.items = {}
[docs]class FuncDefVisitor(pycparser.c_ast.NodeVisitor): """Primary visitor that parses out function definitions, typedes and enumerations from a syntax tree """ def __init__(self): self.functions = {} self.typedefs = {} self.enums = [] self.defined = [] self.typedef_coords = {} self.function_coords = {}
[docs] def visit_Typedef(self, node): self.typedefs[] = node.type self.typedef_coords[] = node.coord
[docs] def visit_FuncDef(self, node): self.defined.append( self.visit(node.decl)
[docs] def visit_FuncDecl(self, node): if node.coord.file.startswith("/opt/microblaze"): return if type(node.type) is not c_ast.TypeDecl: # Ignore functions that are returning pointers return name = node.type.declname if "static" in node.type.quals: # Don't process static functions return try: self.functions[name] = FuncAdapter(node, self.typedefs) self.function_coords[name] = node.coord except RuntimeError as e: if node.coord.file == "<stdin>": print("Could not create interface for funcion {}: {}".format(name, e))
[docs] def visit_Enum(self, node): enum = ParsedEnum() if = enum.file = node.coord.file cur_index = 0 for entry in node.values.enumerators: if entry.value: cur_index = int(entry.value.value, 0) enum.items[] = cur_index cur_index += 1 self.enums.append(enum)
def _build_case(functions): """Builds the switch statement that will form the foundation of the RPC handler """ cases = [] for i, func in enumerate(functions.values()): case = c_ast.Case(c_ast.Constant("int", str(i)), [func.call_ast, c_ast.Break()]) cases.append(case) return c_ast.Switch(c_ast.ID("command"), c_ast.Compound(cases)) def _build_handle_function(functions): """Wraps the switch statement in a function definition""" case_statement = _build_case(functions) available_check = c_ast.If( c_ast.BinaryOp( "<", c_ast.FuncCall( c_ast.ID("mailbox_available"), c_ast.ExprList([c_ast.Constant("int", "2")]), ), c_ast.Constant("int", "4"), ), c_ast.Return(None), None, ) handle_decl = c_ast.FuncDecl( None, c_ast.TypeDecl("_handle_events", [], c_ast.IdentifierType(["void"])), ) command_decl = c_ast.Decl( "command", [], [], [], c_ast.TypeDecl("command", [], c_ast.IdentifierType(["int"])), [], [], ) command_read = _generate_read("command") body = c_ast.Compound([available_check, command_decl, command_read, case_statement]) return c_ast.FuncDef(handle_decl, [], body) def _build_main(program_text, functions): sections = [] sections.append( R""" extern "C" { #include <unistd.h> #include <mailbox_io.h> } static const char return_command = 0; static const char void_command = 1; static void _rpc_read(void* data, int size) { int available = mailbox_available(2); while (available < size) { available = mailbox_available(2); } mailbox_read(2, data, size); } static void _rpc_write(const void* data, int size) { int available = mailbox_available(3); while (available < size) { available = mailbox_available(3); } mailbox_write(3, data, size); } """ ) sections.append(program_text) sections.append(_generator.visit(_build_handle_function(functions))) sections.append( R""" int main() { while (1) { _handle_events(); } } """ ) return "\n".join(sections) def _pyprintf(stream): format_string = stream.read_string() in_special = False args = [] for i in range(len(format_string)): if in_special: if format_string[i : i + 1] in [b"d"]: args.append(stream.read_int32()) elif format_string[i : i + 1] in [b"x", b"X", b"o", b"u"]: # perform unsigned conversion args.append(stream.read_uint32()) elif format_string[i : i + 1] in [b"f", b"F", b"g", b"G", b"e", b"E"]: args.append(stream.read_float()) elif format_string[i : i + 1] == b"s": args.append(stream.read_string().decode()) elif format_string[i : i + 1] == b"c": args.append(stream.read_byte()) in_special = False elif format_string[i : i + 1] == b"%": in_special = True print(format_string.decode() % tuple(args), end="") def _handle_command(command, stream): if command == 1: # Void return pass elif command == 2: # print command _pyprintf(stream) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown command {}".format(command)) def _function_wrapper(stream, index, adapter, return_type, *args): """Calls a function in the microblaze, designed to be used with functools.partial to build a new thing """ arg_string = struct.pack("i", index) arg_string += adapter.pack_args(*args) stream.write(arg_string) if not adapter.returns: return None command =[0] while command != 0: _handle_command(command, stream) command =[0] response = adapter.receive_response(stream, *args) if return_type: return return_type(response) else: return response def _create_typedef_classes(typedefs, typedef_coords): """Creates an anonymous class for each typedef in the C function""" classes = {} for k, v in typedefs.items(): class Wrapper: """Wrapper class for a C typedef The attributes are dynamically from the C definition using the functions name `type_`. If a function named this way takes `type` as the parameter it is added as a member function otherwise it is added as a static method. """ def __init__(self, val): self._val = val def __index__(self): return self._val def __int__(self): return self._val def _call_func(self, function, *args): return function(self._val, *args) def __repr__(self): return "typedef {0} containing {1}".format( type(self).__name__, repr(self._val) ) _file = typedef_coords[k].file Wrapper.__name__ = k if k in typedef_coords: doc = _get_docstring(typedef_coords[k]) if doc: Wrapper.__doc__ = doc classes[k] = Wrapper return classes def _filter_typedefs(typedefs, function_names): used_typedefs = set() for t in typedefs: if len([f for f in function_names if f.startswith(t + "_")]) > 0: used_typedefs.add(t) return used_typedefs def _get_docstring(coord): try: with open(coord.file) as f: lines = f.readlines() except: return None # We need to subtract 2 as coord is 1-indexed keyline = lines[coord.line - 2].rstrip() comment_lines = collections.deque() if keyline.startswith("// "): i = coord.line - 2 while i >= 0 and lines[i].startswith("// "): comment_lines.appendleft(lines[i][3:].rstrip()) i -= 1 elif keyline.endswith("*/"): i = coord.line - 2 # Strip comment close line = re.sub(r"\W*\*+/\W*", "", lines[i]) if line: comment_lines.appendleft(line.rstrip()) i -= 1 # Add Intermediate lines while i >= 0 and not lines[i].startswith("/*"): line = lines[i].rstrip() line = re.sub(r" \* ?", "", line) comment_lines.appendleft(line) i -= 1 line = re.sub(r"/\*+\W*", "", lines[i].rstrip()) if line: comment_lines.appendleft(line) else: return None return "\n".join(comment_lines)
[docs]class MicroblazeFunction: """Calls a specific function""" def __init__(self, stream, index, function, return_type): = stream self.index = index self.function = function self.return_type = return_type def _call_function(self, *args): arg_string = struct.pack("i", self.index) arg_string += self.function.pack_args(*args) def _handle_stream(self, *args): command =[0] if command != 0: _handle_command(command, return None, False return self.function.receive_response(, *args), True def __repr__(self): return "<MicroblazeFunction for " + + ">"
[docs] def call(self, *args): self._call_function(*args) if not self.function.blocks: return None return_value = None done = False while not done: return_value, done = self._handle_stream(*args) if self.return_type: return self.return_type(return_value) else: return return_value
def __call__(self, *args): return*args)
[docs] async def call_async(self, *args): self._call_function(*args) if not self.function.blocks: return None return_value = None done = False while return_value is None: await return_value, done = self._handle_stream(*args) if self.return_type: return self.return_type(return_value) else: return return_value
def _create_function_class(function): call_func = f"""def call(self, {', '.join(function.args)}): {repr(function.docstring)} return{', '.join(function.args)}) """ scope = {} exec(call_func, scope) derived = type( "MicroblazeFuncion_" +, (MicroblazeFunction,), {"__call__": scope["call"], "__doc__": function.docstring}, ) return derived def _create_instance_function(function): args = function.function.args func_string = f"""def wrapped({', '.join(['self'] + args[1:])}): {repr(function.__doc__)} return self._call_func(function, {', '.join(args[1:])}) """ scope = {"function": function} exec(func_string, scope) wrapped = scope["wrapped"] return wrapped
[docs]class MicroblazeRPC: """Provides a python interface to the Microblaze based on an RPC mechanism. The attributes of the class are generated dynamically from the typedefs, enumerations and functions given in the provided source. Functions are added as methods, the values in enumerations are added as constants to the class and types are added as classes. """ def __init__(self, iop, program_text): """Create a new RPC instance Parameters ---------- iop : MicroblazeHierarchy or mb_info Microblaze instance to run the RPC server on program_text : str Source of the program to extract functions from """ preprocessed = preprocess(program_text, mb_info=iop) try: ast = _parser.parse(preprocessed, filename="program_text") except ParseError as e: raise RuntimeError("Error parsing code\n" + str(e)) visitor = FuncDefVisitor() visitor.visit(ast) main_text = _build_main(program_text, visitor.functions) used_typedefs = _filter_typedefs(visitor.typedefs, visitor.functions.keys()) typedef_classes = _create_typedef_classes( visitor.typedefs, visitor.typedef_coords ) self._mb = MicroblazeProgram(iop, main_text) self._rpc_stream = InterruptMBStream( self._mb, read_offset=0xFC00, write_offset=0xF800 ) self._build_functions(visitor.functions, typedef_classes) self._build_constants(visitor.enums, typedef_classes) self._populate_typedefs(typedef_classes, visitor.functions) self.visitor = visitor self.active_functions = 0 def _build_constants(self, enums, classes): byfile = collections.defaultdict(list) for enum in enums: for name, value in enum.items.items(): setattr(self, name, value) byfile[enum.file].append((name, value)) for c in classes.values(): if c._file in byfile: for k, v in byfile[c._file]: setattr(c, k, v) def _build_functions(self, functions, typedef_classes): index = 0 for k, v in functions.items(): return_type = None if v.return_interface.typedefname: return_type = typedef_classes[v.return_interface.typedefname] FunctionType = _create_function_class(v) setattr(self, k, FunctionType(self._rpc_stream, index, v, return_type)) index += 1 def _populate_typedefs(self, typedef_classes, functions): for name, cls in typedef_classes.items(): for fname, func in functions.items(): if fname.startswith(name + "_"): subname = fname[len(name) + 1 :] if ( len(func.arg_interfaces) > 0 and func.arg_interfaces[0].typedefname == name ): setattr( cls, subname, _create_instance_function(getattr(self, fname)), ) getters = [s for s in dir(cls) if s.startswith("get_")] for g in getters: p = g[4:] # Strip the get_ off the front for the name setattr( cls, p, property(getattr(cls, "get_" + p), getattr(cls, "set_" + p, None)), )
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset and free the microblaze for use by other programs""" self._mb.reset()
[docs] def release(self): """Alias for `reset()`""" self.reset()
[docs]class MicroblazeLibrary(MicroblazeRPC): """Provides simple Python-only access to a set of Microblaze libraries. The members of this class are determined by the libraries chosen and can determined either by using ``dir`` on the instance or the ``?`` operator inside of IPython """ def __init__(self, iop, libraries): """Create a Python API for a list of C libraries Libraries should be passed as the name of the header file containing the desired functions but without the ``.h`` extension Parameters ---------- iop : mb_info / MicroblazeHierarchy The IOP to load the libraries on libraries : list List of the names of the libraries to load """ source_text = "\n".join(["#include <{}.h>".format(lib) for lib in libraries]) super().__init__(iop, source_text)