Source code for

#   Copyright (c) 2018, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import contextlib

from pynq import DefaultHierarchy
from .common import *
from .dma import AxiVDMA
from .frontend import VideoInFrontend, VideoOutFrontend
from .pipeline import ColorConverter, PixelPacker

[docs]class VideoIn(DefaultHierarchy): """Wrapper for the input video pipeline. This wrapper assumes the following pipeline structure and naming color_convert_in -> pixel_pack ->axi_vdma with vtc_in and axi_gpio_hdmiiin helper IP Attributes ---------- frontend : The HDMI frontend for signal detection color_convert : The input color format converter pixel_pack : Converts the input pixel size to that required by the VDMA """
[docs] @staticmethod def checkhierarchy(description): if "frontend" in description["hierarchies"]: frontend_dict = description["hierarchies"]["frontend"] elif "frontend" in description["ip"]: frontend_dict = description["ip"]["frontend"] else: return False return ( "pixel_pack" in description["ip"] and "color_convert" in description["ip"] and description["ip"]["pixel_pack"]["driver"] == PixelPacker and description["ip"]["color_convert"]["driver"] == ColorConverter and issubclass(frontend_dict["driver"], VideoInFrontend) )
def __init__(self, description, vdma=None): """Initialise the drivers for the pipeline Parameters ---------- path : str name of the hierarchy containing all of the video blocks """ super().__init__(description) ip_dict = self.description self._vdma = vdma self._color = self.color_convert self._pixel = self.pixel_pack self._hdmi = self.frontend
[docs] def configure(self, pixelformat=PIXEL_BGR): """Configure the pipeline to use the specified pixel format. If the pipeline is running it is stopped prior to the configuration being changed Parameters ---------- pixelformat : PixelFormat The pixel format to configure the pipeline for """ if self._vdma.readchannel.running: self._vdma.readchannel.stop() self._color.colorspace = pixelformat.in_color self._pixel.bits_per_pixel = pixelformat.bits_per_pixel self._hdmi.start() input_mode = self._hdmi.mode self._vdma.readchannel.mode = VideoMode( input_mode.width, input_mode.height, pixelformat.bits_per_pixel, input_mode.fps, ) return self._closecontextmanager()
[docs] def start(self): """Start the pipeline""" self._vdma.readchannel.start() return self._stopcontextmanager()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the pipeline""" self._vdma.readchannel.stop()
@contextlib.contextmanager def _stopcontextmanager(self): """Context Manager to stop the VDMA at the end of the block""" yield self.stop() @contextlib.contextmanager def _closecontextmanager(self): """Context Manager to close the HDMI port at the end of the block""" yield self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Uninitialise the drivers, stopping the pipeline beforehand""" self.stop() self._hdmi.stop()
@property def colorspace(self): """The colorspace of the pipeline, can be changed without stopping the pipeline """ return self._color.colorspace @colorspace.setter def colorspace(self, new_colorspace): self._color.colorspace = new_colorspace @property def mode(self): """Video mode of the input""" return self._vdma.readchannel.mode @property def cacheable_frames(self): """Whether frames should be cacheable or non-cacheable Only valid if a VDMA has been specified """ if self._vdma: return self._vdma.readchannel.cacheable_frames else: raise RuntimeError("No VDMA specified") @cacheable_frames.setter def cacheable_frames(self, value): if self._vdma: self._vdma.readchannel.cacheable_frames = value else: raise RuntimeError("No VDMA specified")
[docs] def readframe(self): """Read a video frame See AxiVDMA.S2MMChannel.readframe for details """ return self._vdma.readchannel.readframe()
[docs] async def readframe_async(self): """Read a video frame See AxiVDMA.S2MMChannel.readframe for details """ return await self._vdma.readchannel.readframe_async()
[docs] def tie(self, output): """Mirror the video input on to an output channel Parameters ---------- output : HDMIOut The output to mirror on to """ self._vdma.readchannel.tie(output._vdma.writechannel)
[docs]class VideoOut(DefaultHierarchy): """Wrapper for the output video pipeline. This wrapper assumes the following pipeline structure and naming axi_vdma -> pixel_unpack -> color_convert -> frontend with vtc_out and axi_dynclk helper IP Attributes ---------- frontend : The HDMI frontend for mode setting color_convert : The output color format converter pixel_unpack : Converts the input pixel size to 24 bits-per-pixel """
[docs] @staticmethod def checkhierarchy(description): if "frontend" in description["hierarchies"]: frontend_dict = description["hierarchies"]["frontend"] elif "frontend" in description["ip"]: frontend_dict = description["ip"]["frontend"] else: return False return ( "pixel_unpack" in description["ip"] and "color_convert" in description["ip"] and description["ip"]["pixel_unpack"]["driver"] == PixelPacker and description["ip"]["color_convert"]["driver"] == ColorConverter and issubclass(frontend_dict["driver"], VideoOutFrontend) )
def __init__(self, description, vdma=None): """Initialise the drivers for the pipeline Parameters ---------- path : str name of the hierarchy containing all of the video blocks """ super().__init__(description) self._vdma = vdma self._color = self.color_convert self._pixel = self.pixel_unpack self._hdmi = self.frontend
[docs] def configure(self, mode, pixelformat=None): """Configure the pipeline to use the specified pixel format and size. If the pipeline is running it is stopped prior to the configuration being changed Parameters ---------- mode : VideoMode The video mode to output pixelformat : PixelFormat The pixel format to configure the pipeline for """ if self._vdma.writechannel.running: self._vdma.writechannel.stop() if pixelformat is None: if mode.bits_per_pixel == 8: pixelformat = PIXEL_GRAY elif mode.bits_per_pixel == 24: pixelformat = PIXEL_BGR elif mode.bits_per_pixel == 32: pixelformat = PIXEL_RGBA else: raise ValueError( "No default pixel format for ${mode.bits_per_pixel} bpp" ) if pixelformat.bits_per_pixel != mode.bits_per_pixel: raise ValueError("Video mode and pixel format have different sized pixels") self._color.colorspace = pixelformat.out_color self._pixel.bits_per_pixel = pixelformat.bits_per_pixel self._hdmi.mode = mode self._vdma.writechannel.mode = mode self._hdmi.start() return self._closecontextmanager()
[docs] def start(self): """Start the pipeline""" self._vdma.writechannel.start() return self._stopcontextmanager()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the pipeline""" self._vdma.writechannel.stop()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the pipeline an unintialise the drivers""" self.stop() self._hdmi.stop()
@contextlib.contextmanager def _stopcontextmanager(self): """Context Manager to stop the VDMA at the end of the block""" yield self.stop() @contextlib.contextmanager def _closecontextmanager(self): """Context Manager to close the HDMI port at the end of the block""" yield self.close() @property def colorspace(self): """Set the colorspace for the pipeline - can be done without stopping the pipeline """ return self._color.colorspace @colorspace.setter def colorspace(self, new_colorspace): self._color.colorspace = new_colorspace @property def mode(self): """The currently configured video mode""" return self._vdma.writechannel.mode @property def cacheable_frames(self): """Whether frames should be cacheable or non-cacheable Only valid if a VDMA has been specified """ if self._vdma: return self._vdma.writechannel.cacheable_frames else: raise RuntimeError("No VDMA specified") @cacheable_frames.setter def cacheable_frames(self, value): if self._vdma: self._vdma.writechannel.cacheable_frames = value else: raise RuntimeError("No VDMA specified")
[docs] def newframe(self): """Return an unintialised video frame of the correct type for the pipeline """ return self._vdma.writechannel.newframe()
[docs] def writeframe(self, frame): """Write the frame to the video output See AxiVDMA.MM2SChannel.writeframe for more details """ self._vdma.writechannel.writeframe(frame)
[docs] async def writeframe_async(self, frame): """Write the frame to the video output See AxiVDMA.MM2SChannel.writeframe for more details """ await self._vdma.writechannel.writeframe_async(frame)
[docs]class HDMIWrapper(DefaultHierarchy): """Hierarchy driver for the entire video subsystem. Exposes the input, output and video DMA as attributes. For most use cases the wrappers for the input and output pipelines are sufficient and the VDMA will not need to be used directly. Attributes ---------- hdmi_in : The HDMI input pipeline hdmi_out : The HDMI output pipeline axi_vdma : The video DMA. """
[docs] @staticmethod def checkhierarchy(description): in_pipeline = None out_pipeline = None dma = None for hier, details in description["hierarchies"].items(): if details["driver"] == VideoIn: in_pipeline = hier elif details["driver"] == VideoOut: out_pipeline = hier for ip, details in description["ip"].items(): if details["driver"] == AxiVDMA: dma = ip return in_pipeline is not None and out_pipeline is not None and dma is not None
def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description) in_pipeline = None out_pipeline = None dma = None for hier, details in description["hierarchies"].items(): if details["driver"] == VideoIn: in_pipeline = hier elif details["driver"] == VideoOut: out_pipeline = hier for ip, details in description["ip"].items(): if details["driver"] == AxiVDMA: dma = ip getattr(self, in_pipeline)._vdma = getattr(self, dma) getattr(self, out_pipeline)._vdma = getattr(self, dma)