Source code for

#   Copyright (c) 2018, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import os
import warnings

import cffi

from pynq import DefaultIP
from .common import VideoMode
from .constants import LIB_SEARCH_PATH
from .frontend import VideoInFrontend, VideoOutFrontend

_hdmi_lib_header = R"""
void* HdmiPhy_new(unsigned long BaseAddress);
void HdmiPhy_free(void* handle);
void HdmiPhy_handle_events(void* handle);
void HdmiPhy_report(void* handle);

void* HdmiRx_new(unsigned long BaseAddress, void* phy_handle);
void HdmiRx_free(void* handle);
void HdmiRx_handle_events(void* handle);
int HdmiRx_connected(void* handle);
int HdmiRx_ready(void* handle);
int HdmiRx_hsize(void* handle);
int HdmiRx_vsize(void* handle);
int HdmiRx_fps(void* handle);
void HdmiRx_report(void* handle);
void HdmiRx_load_edid(void* handle, unsigned char* data, unsigned length);
void HdmiRx_set_hpd(void* handle, unsigned value);

void* HdmiTx_new(unsigned long BaseAddress, void* phy_handle);
void HdmiTx_free(void* handle);
void HdmiTx_handle_events(void* handle);
int HdmiTx_connected(void* handle);
int HdmiTx_ready(void* handle);
int HdmiTx_set_format(void* handle, int hsize, int vsize, int fps);
unsigned long long HdmiTx_line_rate(void* handle);
int HdmiTx_start(void* handle);
void HdmiTx_stop(void* handle);
void HdmiTx_report(void* handle);
int HdmiTx_read_edid(void* handle, unsigned char* data);
void HdmiTx_dvi_mode(void* handle);
void HdmiTx_hdmi_mode(void* handle);

_hdmi_ffi = cffi.FFI()

    _hdmi_lib = _hdmi_ffi.dlopen(os.path.join(LIB_SEARCH_PATH, ""))
    warnings.warn("Could not load Xilinx HDMI Library", ResourceWarning)
    _hdmi_lib = None

[docs]class Vphy(DefaultIP): """Driver for Xilinx HDMI PHY""" def __init__(self, description): """Create a new instance of the driver Can raise `RuntimeError` if the shared library was not found. Parameters ---------- description : dict Entry in the ip_dict for the device """ if _hdmi_lib is None: raise RuntimeError("No Xilinx HDMI Library") super().__init__(description)
[docs] def initialize(self): self._virtaddr = self.handle = _hdmi_lib.HdmiPhy_new(self._virtaddr)
[docs] def report(self): """Write the status of the PHY to stdout""" _hdmi_lib.HdmiPhy_report(self.handle)
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[docs]class HdmiTxSs(DefaultIP, VideoOutFrontend): """Driver for the HDMI transmit subsystem""" def __init__(self, description): """Create a new instance of the driver Can raise `RuntimeError` if the shared library was not found. Parameters ---------- description : dict Entry in the ip_dict for the device """ if _hdmi_lib is None: raise RuntimeError("No Xilinx HDMI Library") super().__init__(description) self._virtaddr = self.handle = None self.mode = None self.clocks = []
[docs] def set_phy(self, phy): """Set the attached PHY The subsystem must be attached to a Xilinx HDMI PHY to operate Parameters ---------- phy : HdmiVPhy The driver for the PHY """ self.handle = _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_new(self._virtaddr, phy.handle)
[docs] def start(self): """Start the HDMI output The mode attribute and the PHY of the driver must be set before the transmitter can be started. """ if self.handle is None: raise RuntimeError("Phy must be set before starting HDMI TX") if self.mode is None: raise RuntimeError("Mode must be set before starting HDMI TX") while not _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_connected(self.handle): _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_handle_events(self.handle) frequency = _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_set_format( self.handle, self.mode.width, self.mode.height, self.mode.fps ) if frequency == -1: raise RuntimeError("Resolution not supported") elif frequency == -2: raise RuntimeError("Could not set PHY clock") elif frequency == 0: raise RuntimeError("Display does not support HDMI 2.0") for c in self.clocks: c.set_clock(frequency, _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_line_rate(self.handle)) _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_start(self.handle) # We need to wait for the stream to go down as well as up because # otherwise not enough events will happen to restart the output # when the resolution changes while _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_ready(self.handle): _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_handle_events(self.handle) while not _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_ready(self.handle): _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_handle_events(self.handle)
[docs] def handle_events(self): """Ensure that interrupt handlers are called""" _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_handle_events(self.handle)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the HDMI transmitter""" _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_stop(self.handle)
[docs] def report(self): """Write the status of the transmitter to stdout""" _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_report(self.handle)
[docs] def wait_for_connect(self): """Wait for a cable to connected to the transmitter port""" while not _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_connected(self.handle): _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_handle_events(self.handle)
[docs] def read_edid(self): """Return the EDID of the attached monitor Returns ------- bytes : 256 bytes of EDID data """ if not _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_connected(self.handle): _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_handle_events(self.handle) if not _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_connected(self.handle): raise RuntimeError("Monitor not detected: use 'wait_for_connect'") buf ="unsigned char[256]") error = _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_read_edid(self.handle, buf) if error: raise RuntimeError("Could not read EDID") return bytes(buf[0:256])
[docs] def HdmiMode(self): """Output using HDMI framing""" _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_hdmi_mode(self.handle)
[docs] def DviMode(self): """Output using DVI framing""" _hdmi_lib.HdmiTx_dvi_mode(self.handle)
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[docs]class HdmiRxSs(DefaultIP, VideoInFrontend): """Driver for the HDMI receiver subsystem""" def __init__(self, description): """Create a new instance of the driver Can raise `RuntimeError` if the shared library was not found. Parameters ---------- description : dict Entry in the ip_dict for the device """ if _hdmi_lib is None: raise RuntimeError("No Xilinx HDMI Library") super().__init__(description) self._virtaddr = self.handle = None
[docs] def set_phy(self, phy): """Set the attached PHY The subsystem must be attached to a Xilinx HDMI PHY to operate Parameters ---------- phy : HdmiVPhy The driver for the PHY """ self.handle = _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_new(self._virtaddr, phy.handle)
[docs] def start(self): """Start the receiver Blocks until the signal is stabilised """ self.set_hpd(1) while not _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_connected(self.handle): _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_handle_events(self.handle) while not _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_ready(self.handle): _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_handle_events(self.handle)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the receiver""" pass
@property def mode(self): """Return the mode of the attached device""" if self.handle is None: raise RuntimeError("HDMI RX must be ready to get mode") if not _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_ready(self.handle): raise RuntimeError("HDMI RX must be ready to get mode") return VideoMode( _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_hsize(self.handle), _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_vsize(self.handle), 24, _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_fps(self.handle), )
[docs] def report(self): """Write the status of the receiver to stdout""" _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_report(self.handle)
[docs] def load_edid(self, data): """Configure the EDID data exposed by the receiver The EDID should be between 128 and 256 bytes depending on the resolutions desired. In order to trigger the EDID to be read by the source the HPD line should be toggled after the EDID has been loaded. Parameters ---------- data : bytes-like EDID data to load """ if len(data) > 256: raise ValueError("Only EDIDs up to 256 bytes supported") buf ="unsigned char [256]") buf[0 : len(data)] = data _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_load_edid(self.handle, buf, len(data))
[docs] def set_hpd(self, value): """Set the Host presence detect line 1 or True advertises the presence of a monitor to the source 0 or False shows a disconnected cable Parameters ---------- value : int or Boolean The desired value of the HPD line """ _hdmi_lib.HdmiRx_set_hpd(self.handle, value)
bindto = ["", ""]