Source code for pynq.pl_server.device

#   Copyright (c) 2021, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import os
import pickle
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

from pynq.devicetree import DeviceTreeSegment, get_dtbo_base_name

from .hwh_parser import HWH, get_hwh_name

[docs]class DeviceMeta(type): """Metaclass for all types of Device It is responsible for enumerating the devices in the system and selecting a `default_device` that is used by applications that are oblivious to multiple-device scenarios The main implementation is the `Device` class which should be subclassed for each type of hardware that is supported. Each subclass should have a `_probe_` function which returns an array of `Device` objects and a `_probe_priority_` constant which is used to determine the default device. """ _subclasses = {} def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): if "_probe_" in attrs: priority = attrs["_probe_priority_"] if ( priority in DeviceMeta._subclasses and DeviceMeta._subclasses[priority].__name__ != name ): raise RuntimeError("Multiple Device subclasses with same priority") DeviceMeta._subclasses[priority] = cls super().__init__(name, bases, attrs) @property def devices(cls): """All devices found in the system An array of `Device` objects. Probing is done when this property is first accessed """ if not hasattr(cls, "_devices"): cls._devices = [] for key in sorted(DeviceMeta._subclasses.keys()): cls._devices.extend(DeviceMeta._subclasses[key]._probe_()) if len(cls._devices) == 0 and "XILINX_XRT" not in os.environ: warnings.warn( "No devices found, is the XRT environment sourced?", UserWarning ) return cls._devices @property def active_device(cls): """The device used by PYNQ if `None` used for a device parameter This defaults to the device with the lowest priority and index but can be overridden to globally change the default. """ if not hasattr(cls, "_active_device"): if len(cls.devices) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No Devices Found") cls._active_device = cls.devices[0] return cls._active_device @active_device.setter def active_device(cls, value): cls._active_device = value
[docs]def clear_state(dict_in): """Clear the state information for a given dictionary. Parameters ---------- dict_in : obj Input dictionary to be cleared. """ if not isinstance(dict_in,dict): return dict_in for k,v in dict_in.items(): if isinstance(v,dict): dict_in[k] = clear_state(v) if k == 'state': dict_in[k] = None return dict_in
[docs]class Device(metaclass=DeviceMeta): """Construct a new Device Instance This should be called by subclasses providing a globally unique identifier for the device. Parameters ---------- tag: str The unique identifier associated with the device """ def __init__(self, tag, warn=False): # Args validation if type(tag) is not str: raise ValueError("Argument 'tag' must be a string") self.tag = tag self.parser = None
[docs] def set_bitfile_name(self, bitfile_name: str) -> None: self.bitfile_name = bitfile_name self.parser = self.get_bitfile_metadata(self.bitfile_name) self.mem_dict = self.parser.mem_dict self.ip_dict = self.parser.ip_dict self.gpio_dict = self.parser.gpio_dict self.interrupt_pins = self.parser.interrupt_pins self.interrupt_controllers = self.parser.interrupt_controllers self.hierarchy_dict = self.parser.hierarchy_dict self.systemgraph = self.parser.systemgraph
[docs] def allocate(self, shape, dtype, **kwargs): """Allocate an array on the device Returns a buffer on memory accessible to the device Parameters ---------- shape : tuple(int) The shape of the array dtype : np.dtype The type of the elements of the array Returns ------ PynqBuffer The buffer shared between the host and the device """ return self.default_memory.allocate(shape, dtype, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset(self, parser=None, timestamp=None, bitfile_name=None): """Reset all the dictionaries. This method must be called after a bitstream download. 1. In case there is a `hwh` file, this method will reset the states of the IP, GPIO, and interrupt dictionaries . 2. In case there is no `hwh` file, this method will simply clear the state information stored for all dictionaries. An existing parser given as the input can significantly reduce the reset time, since the PL can reset based on the information provided by the parser. Parameters ---------- parser : HWH A parser object to speed up the reset process. timestamp : str The timestamp to embed in the reset bitfile_name : str The bitfile being loaded as part of the reset """ if parser is not None: self.ip_dict = parser.ip_dict self.gpio_dict = parser.gpio_dict self.interrupt_controllers = parser.interrupt_controllers self.interrupt_pins = parser.interrupt_pins self.hierarchy_dict = parser.hierarchy_dict self.mem_dict = parser.mem_dict else: hwh_name = get_hwh_name(self._bitfile_name) if os.path.isfile(hwh_name): self.ip_dict = clear_state(self.ip_dict) self.gpio_dict = clear_state(self.gpio_dict) self.hierarchy_dict = clear_state(self.hierarchy_dict) else: self.clear_dict() if timestamp is not None: self.timestamp = timestamp if bitfile_name is not None: self.bitfile_name = bitfile_name
[docs] def clear_dict(self): """Clear all the dictionaries stored in PL. This method will clear all the related dictionaries, including IP dictionary, GPIO dictionary, etc. """ self.ip_dict = {} self.gpio_dict = {} self.interrupt_controllers = {} self.interrupt_pins = {} self.hierarchy_dict = {} self.mem_dict = {}
[docs] def load_ip_data(self, ip_name, data, zero=False): """This method writes data to the addressable IP. Note ---- The data is assumed to be in binary format (.bin). The data name will be stored as a state information in the IP dictionary. Parameters ---------- ip_name : str The name of the addressable IP. data : str The absolute path of the data to be loaded. zero : bool Zero out the address of the IP not covered by data Returns ------- None """ from pynq import MMIO if ip_name in self.ip_dict: self.ip_dict[ip_name]["state"] = data elif ip_name in self.mem_dict: self.mem_dict[ip_name]["state"] = data ip_dict = self.ip_dict mem_dict = self.mem_dict if ip_name in ip_dict: address = ip_dict[ip_name]["addr_range"] target_size = ip_dict[ip_name]["addr_range"] elif ip_name in mem_dict: address = mem_dict[ip_name]["base_address"] target_size = mem_dict[ip_name]["size"] with open(data, "rb") as bin_file: size = os.fstat(bin_file.fileno()).st_size if size > target_size: raise RuntimeError("Binary file too big for IP") mmio = MMIO(address, target_size, device=self) buf = if len(buf) % 4 != 0: padding = 4 - len(buf) % 4 buf += b"\x00" * padding size += padding mmio.write(0, buf) if zero and size < target_size: mmio.write(size, b"\x00" * (target_size - size))
[docs] def update_partial_region(self, hier, parser): """Merge the parser information from partial region. Combine the currently PL information and the partial HWH file parsing results. Parameters ---------- hier : str The name of the hierarchical block as the partial region. parser : HWH A parser object for the partial region. """ self._update_pr_ip(parser, hier) self._update_pr_gpio(parser) self._update_pr_intr_pins(parser) self._update_pr_hier(hier)
def _update_pr_ip(self, parser, hier): merged_ip_dict = deepcopy(self.ip_dict) if type(parser) is HWH: for k in merged_ip_dict.copy(): if k.startswith(hier): merged_ip_dict.pop(k) for k, v in parser.ip_dict.items(): merged_ip_dict[v['fullpath']] = v else: raise ValueError("Cannot find HWH PR region parser.") self.ip_dict = merged_ip_dict def _update_pr_gpio(self, parser): new_gpio_dict = dict() for k, v in self.gpio_dict.items(): for pin in v["pins"]: if pin in parser.pins: v |= parser.nets[parser.pins[pin]] new_gpio_dict[k] = v self.gpio_dict = new_gpio_dict def _update_pr_intr_pins(self, parser): new_interrupt_pins = dict() for k, v in self.interrupt_pins.items(): if k in parser.pins: net_set = parser.nets[parser.pins[k]] hier_map = {i.count("/"): i for i in net_set} hier_map = sorted(hier_map.items(), reverse=True) fullpath = hier_map[0][-1] new_interrupt_pins[fullpath] = deepcopy(v) new_interrupt_pins[fullpath]["fullpath"] = fullpath else: new_interrupt_pins[k] = v self._interrupt_pins = new_interrupt_pins def _update_pr_hier(self, hier): self.hierarchy_dict[hier] = { "ip": dict(), "hierarchies": dict(), "interrupts": dict(), "gpio": dict(), "fullpath": hier, "memories": dict(), } for name, val in self.ip_dict.items(): hier, _, ip = name.rpartition("/") if hier: self.hierarchy_dict[hier]["ip"][ip] = val self.hierarchy_dict[hier]["ip"][ip] = val for name, val in self.hierarchy_dict.items(): hier, _, subhier = name.rpartition("/") if hier: self.hierarchy_dict[hier]["hierarchies"][subhier] = val for interrupt, val in self._interrupt_pins.items(): block, _, pin = interrupt.rpartition("/") if block in self.ip_dict: self.ip_dict[block]["interrupts"][pin] = val if block in self.hierarchy_dict: self.hierarchy_dict[block]["interrupts"][pin] = val for gpio in self.gpio_dict.values(): for connection in gpio["pins"]: ip, _, pin = connection.rpartition("/") if ip in self.ip_dict: self.ip_dict[ip]["gpio"][pin] = gpio elif ip in self.hierarchy_dict: self.hierarchy_dict[ip]["gpio"][pin] = gpio
[docs] def clear_devicetree(self): """Clear the device tree dictionary. This should be used when downloading the full bitstream, where all the dtbo are cleared from the system. """ for i in self.devicetree_dict: self.devicetree_dict[i].remove()
[docs] def insert_device_tree(self, abs_dtbo): """Insert device tree segment. For device tree segments associated with full / partial bitstreams, users can provide the relative or absolute paths of the dtbo files. Parameters ---------- abs_dtbo : str The absolute path to the device tree segment. """ dtbo_base_name = get_dtbo_base_name(abs_dtbo) if not hasattr(self, "devicetree_dict"): self.devicetree_dict = {} self.devicetree_dict[dtbo_base_name] = DeviceTreeSegment(abs_dtbo) self.devicetree_dict[dtbo_base_name].remove() self.devicetree_dict[dtbo_base_name].insert()
[docs] def remove_device_tree(self, abs_dtbo): """Remove device tree segment for the overlay. Parameters ---------- abs_dtbo : str The absolute path to the device tree segment. """ dtbo_base_name = get_dtbo_base_name(abs_dtbo) self.devicetree_dict[dtbo_base_name].remove() del self.devicetree_dict[dtbo_base_name]
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shutdown the AXI connections to the PL in preparation for reconfiguration """ from ..mmio import MMIO from .global_state import ( GlobalState, global_state_file_exists, load_global_state, initial_global_state_file_boot_check ) initial_global_state_file_boot_check() if global_state_file_exists(): gs = load_global_state() for sd_ip in gs.shutdown_ips.values(): mmio = MMIO(sd_ip.base_addr, device=self) # Request shutdown mmio.write(0x0, 0x1) i = 0 while != 0x0F and i < 16000: i += 1 if i >= 16000: warnings.warn( "Timeout for shutdown manager. It's likely " "the configured bitstream and metadata " "don't match." )
[docs] def post_download(self, bitstream, parser, name: str = "Unknown"): if not bitstream.partial: import datetime t = bitstream.timestamp = "{}/{}/{} {}:{}:{} +{}".format( t.year, t.month,, t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.microsecond ) self.reset(parser, bitstream.timestamp, bitstream.bitfile_name)
[docs] def has_capability(self, cap): """Test if the device as a desired capability Parameters ---------- cap : str The desired capability Returns ------- bool True if the devices support cap """ if not hasattr(self, "capabilities"): return False return cap in self.capabilities and self.capabilities[cap]
[docs] def get_bitfile_metadata(self, bitfile_name): return None
[docs] def close(self): """ Deprecated """ warnings.warn("PL Server has been deprecated -- this call" "will be removed in a future release") pass