Source code for pynq.pl_server.global_state

# Copyright (C) 2022 Xilinx, Inc
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional

from pydantic import BaseModel

STATE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)

[docs]class ShutdownIP(BaseModel): name: str base_addr: int
import hashlib
[docs]def bitstream_hash(filename:str)->int: """ Returns a hash of the bitstream """ h = hashlib.sha1() with open(filename, 'rb') as file: chunk=0 while chunk != b'': chunk = h.update(chunk) return h.hexdigest()
[docs]class GlobalState(BaseModel): """A class that is used to globally keep track on some details of the currently configured bitstream""" bitfile_name: str active_name: str timestamp : str bitfile_hash : str = "" shutdown_ips: Dict[str, ShutdownIP] = {} psddr: Dict = {}
[docs] def add(self, name: str, addr: int) -> None: """ Adds a shutdown_ip to the global state """ if name not in self.shutdown_ips: self.shutdown_ips[name] = ShutdownIP(name=name, base_addr=addr)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.bitfile_hash = bitstream_hash(self.bitfile_name)
[docs]def initial_global_state_file_boot_check()->None: """ Performs a check to see if this is a coldstart, if it is then clear the config file. """ pl_state_file:str = "/sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/state" pl_flags_file:str = "/sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/flags" with open(pl_state_file, "r") as state_fd: state = with open(pl_flags_file, "r") as flags_fd: flags = if (state[0:7] == "unknown") or flags[0:3] == "100": clear_global_state()
[docs]def global_state_file_exists() -> bool: """Returns true if the global_pl_state file is present in the system False otherwise""" return os.path.isfile(Path(f"{STATE_DIR}/global_pl_state.json"))
[docs]def clear_global_state() -> None: """Clears the global state file, used on boot""" if global_state_file_exists(): os.remove(Path(f"{STATE_DIR}/global_pl_state.json"))
[docs]def save_global_state(state: GlobalState) -> None: """Saves the global state of the PL in a known location. This includes details on whether the current configured IP needs a shutdown before a reconfiguration can happen, along with where the shutdown logic lives. """ with open(Path(f"{STATE_DIR}/global_pl_state.json"), "w") as state_file: state_file.write(state.json())
[docs]def load_global_state() -> Optional[GlobalState]: """Reads the global state of the PL from a known location, returns None if it cannot be found""" with open(Path(f"{STATE_DIR}/global_pl_state.json"), "r") as state_file: jdict = json.load(state_file) return GlobalState.parse_obj(jdict) return None