Source code for pynq.registers

#   Copyright (c) 2021, Xilinx, Inc.
#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import functools
import textwrap
import numpy as np
import re
import warnings

def _wrap_docstring(doc):
    """Helper function to wrap a docstring at 72 characters while
    maintaining line breaks.

    return "\n".join(
        ["\n".join(textwrap.wrap(l, subsequent_indent="    "))
         for l in doc.split('\n') if l])

def _safe_attrname(name):
    if name[0].isdigit():
        name = "r" + name
    return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', name)

def _calc_index(index, width):
    """Returns a tuple of (lower, upper, reversed)

    if isinstance(index, int):
        return index, index, False
    elif isinstance(index, slice):
        start, stop, step = index.start, index.stop, index.step
        if step is None or step == -1:
            if start is None:
                start = width - 1
            if stop is None:
                stop = 0
        elif step == 1:
            if start is None:
                start = 0
            if stop is None:
                stop = width - 1
            raise ValueError("Slicing step is not valid.")
        if start not in range(width):
            raise ValueError("Slicing endpoint {0} not in range "
                             "0 - {1}".format(start, width - 1))
        if stop not in range(width):
            raise ValueError("Slicing endpoint {0} not in range "
                             "0 - {1}".format(stop, width - 1))

        if start >= stop:
            return stop, start, False
            return start, stop, True
        raise ValueError("Index must be int or slice.")

def _reverse_bits(val, width):
    return int('{:0{width}b}'.format(val, width=width)[::-1], 2)

[docs]class Register: """Register class that allows users to access registers easily. This class supports register slicing, which makes the access to register values much more easily. Users can either use +1 or -1 as the step when slicing the register. By default, the slice starts from MSB to LSB, which is consistent with the common hardware design practice. For example, the following slices are acceptable: reg[31:13] (commonly used), reg[:], reg[3::], reg[:20:], reg[1:3], etc. Note ---- The slicing endpoints are closed, meaning both of the 2 endpoints will be included in the final returned value. For example, reg[31:0] will return a 32-bit value; this is consistent with most of the hardware definitions. Attributes ---------- address : int The address of the register. width : int The width of the register, e.g., 32 (default) or 64. """ def __init__(self, address, width=32, debug=False, buffer=None, access='read-write'): """Instantiate a register object. Parameters ---------- address : int The address of the register. width : int The width of the register, e.g., 32 (default) or 64. debug : bool Turn on debug mode if True; default is False. buffer : Buffer Buffer object to use for reading and writing the value of the register. If None the address is assumed to be an absolute physical address """ self.address = address self.width = width self.debug = debug self.access = access if width == 32: register_type = 'u4' elif width == 64: register_type = 'u8' else: raise ValueError("Supported register width is 32 or 64.") if buffer is None: from .mmio import MMIO array = MMIO(address, np.dtype(register_type).itemsize).array elif hasattr(buffer, 'view'): array = buffer else: array = np.frombuffer(buffer, register_type, count=1) self._buffer = array.view(dtype=register_type) def __getitem__(self, index): """Get the register value. This method accepts both integer index, or slice as input parameters. Parameters ---------- index : int | slice The integer index, or slice to access the register value. """ lower, upper, reverse = _calc_index(index, self.width) curr_val = int(self._buffer[0]) if self.access == 'write-only': return self.access if lower == upper: self._debug("Reading index {} at address {}" .format(index, hex(self.address))) mask = 1 << lower return (curr_val & mask) >> lower else: self._debug("Reading bits {}:{} at address {}" .format(upper, lower, hex(self.address))) width = upper - lower + 1 mask = (1 << width) - 1 raw = (curr_val >> lower) & mask if reverse: raw = _reverse_bits(raw, width) return raw def __setitem__(self, index, value): """Set the register value. This method accepts both integer index, or slice as input parameters. Parameters ---------- index : int | slice The integer index, or slice to access the register value. """ lower, upper, reverse = _calc_index(index, self.width) if upper == lower: if value != 0 and value != 1: raise ValueError("Value to be set should be either 0 or 1.") self._debug("Setting bit {} at address {} to {}" .format(lower, hex(self.address), value)) mask = 1 << lower curr_val = int(self._buffer[0]) self._buffer[0] = (curr_val & ~mask) | (value << lower) else: width = upper - lower + 1 mask = (1 << width) - 1 if value > mask: raise ValueError("Slicing range cannot represent value {}" .format(value)) if reverse: value = _reverse_bits(value, width) self._debug("Setting bits {}:{} at address {} to {}".format( upper, lower, hex(self.address), value)) if width == self.width: self._buffer[0] = value else: curr_val = int(self._buffer[0]) self._buffer[0] = ((curr_val & ~(mask << lower)) | (value << lower)) def _reordered_setitem(self, value, index): """Wrapped version of __setitem__ for better use with functools.partial """ return self.__setitem__(index, value) def __str__(self): """Print the register value. This method is overloaded to print the register value. The output is a string in hex format. """ return hex(self[:]) def _debug(self, s, *args): """The method provides debug capabilities for this class. Parameters ---------- s : str The debug information format string *args : any The arguments to be formatted Returns ------- None """ if self.debug: print('Register Debug: {0}'.format(s.format(*args))) def __repr__(self): """Print a representation of the Register and all its fields If the Register has been subclassed with fields then these will be printed otherwise the return string will contain the value of the entire register """ if hasattr(self, '_fields') and self._fields: field_desc = [] for k, v in self._fields.items(): if v['access'] != 'write-only': field_desc.append("{}={}".format(k, getattr(self, k))) else: field_desc.append("{}={}".format(k, 'write-only')) return "Register({})".format(", ".join(field_desc)) elif self.access == 'write-only': return "Register(value={})".format(self.access) else: return "Register(value={})".format(self[:]) def __int__(self): """Return an integer of the value of the register """ return self[:] def __index__(self): """Return an index containing the value of the register """ return self[:]
[docs] @classmethod def create_subclass(cls, name, fields, doc=None): """Create a subclass of Register that has properties for the specified fields The fields should be in the form used by `ip_dict`, namely:: {name: {'access': "read-only" | "read-write" | "write-only", 'bit_offset': int, 'bit_width': int, 'description': str}} Parameters ---------- name : str A suffix for the name of the subclass fields : dict A Dictionary containing the fields to add to the subclass """ attr_dict = {} safe_fields = {} attr_dict['_fields'] = safe_fields if doc: attr_dict['__doc__'] = doc name = _safe_attrname(name) for k, v in fields.items(): attrname = _safe_attrname(k) safe_fields[attrname] = v doc = _wrap_docstring(v.get('description', '')) stop = v['bit_offset'] start = stop + v['bit_width'] - 1 index = slice(start, stop, -1) if v['access'] == 'read-only': attr_dict[attrname] = property( functools.partial(Register.__getitem__, index=index), doc=doc) else: attr_dict[attrname] = property( functools.partial(Register.__getitem__, index=index), functools.partial(Register._reordered_setitem, index=index), doc=doc) return type("Register" + name, (Register,), attr_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def count(cls, index, width=32): """Provide the number of bits accessed by an index or slice This method accepts both integer index, or slice as input parameters. Parameters ---------- index : int | slice The integer index, or slice to access the register value. width : int The number of bits accessed. """ lower, upper, reverse = _calc_index(index, width) return upper - lower + 1
[docs]class RegisterMap: """Provides access to a named register map. This class is designed to be subclassed using the `create_subclass` method which will create a class with properties for all of the registers in a specific map. See the `create_subclass` function for more details. """ def __init__(self, buffer): """Create a new instance of the RegisterMap Parameters ---------- buffer : buffer-like A Python buffer object to bind the register map to """ if not hasattr(self, '_map_size'): raise RuntimeError("Only subclasses of RegisterMap from " + "create_subclass can be instantiated") if hasattr(buffer, 'view'): array32 = buffer.view(dtype='u4') else: array32 = np.frombuffer(buffer=buffer, dtype=np.uint32, count=self._map_size // 4) self._instances = {} for k, v in self._register_classes.items(): if v[2] <= 32: index = v[1] // 4 array = array32[index:index+1] align_width = 32 elif v[2] <= 64: index = v[1] // 4 array = array32[index:index+2] align_width = 64 else: warnings.warn( "Unsupported register size {} for register {}".format( v[2], k )) continue self._instances[k] = v[0]( address=v[1], width=align_width, buffer=array, access=v[5]) def _set_value(self, value, name): self._instances[name][:] = value def _get_value(self, name): return self._instances[name] def __repr__(self): register_info = [] for k, v in \ sorted(self._instances.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].address): register_info.append(" {} = {}".format(k, repr(v))) return "RegisterMap {\n" + ",\n".join(register_info) + "\n}"
[docs] @classmethod def create_subclass(cls, name, registers): """Create a new RegisterMap subclass with the specified registers The dictionary should have the same form as the "registers" entry in the ip_dict. For example:: {name : {"address_offset" : int, "access" : "read-only" | "write-only" | "read-write", "size" : int, "description" : str, "fields" : dict}} For details on the contents of the "fields" entry see the `Register` class documentation. Parameters ---------- name : str Suffix to append to "RegisterMap" to make the name of the new class registers : dict Dictionary of the registers to create in the subclass """ attr_dict = {} register_classes = {} address_high = 0 name = _safe_attrname(name) for k, v in registers.items(): attrname = _safe_attrname(k) doc = _wrap_docstring(v.get('description', '')) if 'fields' in v: register_class = Register.create_subclass( attrname, v['fields'], doc) else: register_class = Register register_classes[attrname] = ( register_class, v['address_offset'], v['size'], None, None, v['access']) upper_range = v['address_offset'] + v['size'] // 8 if upper_range > address_high: address_high = upper_range if v['access'] == 'read-only': attr_dict[attrname] = property( functools.partial(RegisterMap._get_value, name=attrname), doc=doc ) else: attr_dict[attrname] = property( functools.partial(RegisterMap._get_value, name=attrname), functools.partial(RegisterMap._set_value, name=attrname), doc=doc ) attr_dict['_register_classes'] = register_classes attr_dict['_map_size'] = address_high return type("RegisterMap" + name, (RegisterMap,), attr_dict)