Python Packaging

PYNQ uses pip - the Python Packaging Authority’s recommended Python Package Installer to install and deliver custom installations of PYNQ. pip’s flexible package delivery model has many useful features.

Packaging pynq for Distribution

Packaging the pynq Python project that pip can use is hugely beneficial, but requires carful thought and project architecture. There are many useful references that provide up-to-date information. For more information about how the pynq library is packaged see the following links:

Delivering Non-Python Files

One extremely useful feature that pip provides is the ability to deliver non-python files. In the PYNQ project this is useful for delivering FPGA binaries (.bit), overlay TCL source files (.tcl), PYNQ MicroBlaze binaries (.bin), and Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb), along side the pynq Python libraries.

From a Terminal on the PYNQ board, installing the pynq Python libraries is as simple as running:

sudo pip3.6 install --upgrade git+

After pip finishes installation, the board must be rebooted.

An example of using pip’s file to provide non-python content is shown below:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import subprocess
import sys
import shutil
import new_overlay

   name = "new_overlay",
   version = new_overlay.__version__,
   url = '',
   license = 'All rights reserved.',
   author = "Your Name",
   author_email = "",
   packages = ['new_overlay'],
   package_data = {
   '' : ['*.bit','*.tcl','*.py','*.so'],
   description = "New custom overlay for PYNQ-Z1"

The package_data argument specifies which files will be installed as part of the package.

Using pynq as a Dependency

One of the most useful features of pip is the ability to depend on a project, instead of forking or modifying it.

When designing overlays, the best practice for re-using pynq code is to create a Python project as described above and add pynq as a dependency. A good example of this is the BNN-PYNQ project.

The BNN-PYNQ project is an Overlay that depends on pynq but does not modify it. The developers list pynq as a dependency in the pip configuration files, which installs pynq (if it isn’t already). After installation, the BNN-PYNQ files are added to the installation: notebooks, overlays, and drivers are installed alongside pynq without modifying or breaking the previous source code.

Needless to say, we highly recommend depending on pynq instead of forking and modifying pynq. An example of depending on pynq is shown in the code segment from the previous section.