Source code for pynq.lib.logictools.trace_analyzer

#   Copyright (c) 2016, Xilinx, Inc.
#   All rights reserved.
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#   1.  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
import re
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from pynq import Clocks
from pynq import allocate
from pynq import MMIO
from pynq.lib import DMA
from .constants import *
from .logictools_controller import LogicToolsController
from .waveform import bitstring_to_wave

__author__ = "Yun Rock Qu"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Xilinx"
__email__ = ""

[docs]def get_tri_state_pins(io_pin_dict, tri_dict): """Function to check tri-state pin specifications. Any tri-state pin requires the input/output pin, and the tri-state selection pin to be specified. If any one is missing, this method will raise an exception. Parameters ---------- io_pin_dict : dict A dictionary storing the input/output pin mapping. tri_dict : dict A dictionary storing the tri-state pin mapping. Returns ------- list A list storing unique tri-state and non tri-state pin names. """ io_pins = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(io_pin_dict.keys())) tri_pins = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(tri_dict.keys())) if set(tri_pins) & set(io_pins) != set(tri_pins): raise ValueError("Tri-state pins must specify I/O and tri-state pins.") return io_pins
class _MBTraceAnalyzer: """Class for the Trace Analyzer controlled by Microblaze. A typical use of this class is on the logictools overlay. This class can capture digital IO patterns / stimulus on all the pins. When a pin is specified as input, the response can be captured. On logictools overlay, multiple generators are sharing the same trace analyzer. Attributes ---------- logictools_controller : LogicToolsController The generator controller for this class. mb_info : dict A dictionary storing Microblaze information, such as the IP name and the reset name. intf_spec : dict The interface specification, e.g., PYNQZ1_LOGICTOOLS_SPECIFICATION. num_analyzer_samples : int The number of samples to be analyzed. samples : numpy.ndarray The raw data samples expressed in numpy array. frequency_mhz: float The frequency of the trace analyzer, in MHz. """ def __init__(self, mb_info, intf_spec_name): """Return a new trace analyzer object. Parameters ---------- mb_info : dict A dictionary storing Microblaze information, such as the IP name and the reset name. intf_spec_name : str/dict The name of the interface specification. """ # Book-keep controller-related parameters if type(intf_spec_name) is str: self.intf_spec = eval(intf_spec_name) elif type(intf_spec_name) is dict: self.intf_spec = intf_spec_name else: raise ValueError("Interface specification has to be str or dict.") self.mb_info = mb_info self.logictools_controller = LogicToolsController(mb_info, intf_spec_name) # Parameters to be cleared at reset self.num_analyzer_samples = 0 self.samples = None self.frequency_mhz = 0 def __repr__(self): """Disambiguation of the object. Users can call `repr(object_name)` to display the object information. """ parameter_list = list() parameter_list.append('num_analyzer_samples={}'.format( self.num_analyzer_samples)) parameter_list.append('frequency_mhz={}'.format( self.frequency_mhz)) parameter_string = ", ".join(map(str, parameter_list)) return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, parameter_string) @property def status(self): """Return the analyzer's status. Returns ------- str Indicating the current status of the analyzer; can be 'RESET', 'READY', or 'RUNNING'. """ self.logictools_controller.check_status() return self.logictools_controller.status[self.__class__.__name__] def setup(self, num_analyzer_samples=DEFAULT_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES, frequency_mhz=DEFAULT_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ, fclk_index=1): """Configure the trace analyzer. This method prepares the trace analyzer by sending configuration parameters to the Microblaze. Note that the analyzer is always attached to the pins, so there is no need to use any method like 'connect()'. In short, once the analyzer has been setup, it is connected as well. FCLK1 will be configured during this method. Note ---- The first sample captured is a dummy sample (for both pattern generator and FSM generator), therefore we have to allocate a buffer one sample larger. Parameters ---------- num_analyzer_samples : int The number of samples to be analyzed. frequency_mhz: float The frequency of the captured samples, in MHz. fclk_index : int The index of the fclk controlled by clock management object. """ if not 1 <= num_analyzer_samples <= MAX_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES: raise ValueError('Number of samples should be in ' '[1, {}]'.format(MAX_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES)) self.num_analyzer_samples = num_analyzer_samples if not MIN_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ <= frequency_mhz <= \ MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ: raise ValueError("Clock frequency out of range " "[{}, {}]".format(MIN_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ, MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ)) setattr(self.logictools_controller.clk, "fclk{}_mhz".format(fclk_index), frequency_mhz) self.frequency_mhz = frequency_mhz trace_bit_width = self.intf_spec['monitor_width'] trace_byte_width = round(trace_bit_width / 8) if 'trace_buf' in self.logictools_controller.buffers: buffer_phy_addr = self.logictools_controller.phy_addr_from_buffer( 'trace_buf') else: buffer_phy_addr = self.logictools_controller.allocate_buffer( 'trace_buf', 1 + self.num_analyzer_samples, data_type=BYTE_WIDTH_TO_CTYPE[trace_byte_width]) self.logictools_controller.write_control([buffer_phy_addr, 1 + self.num_analyzer_samples, 0, 0]) self.logictools_controller.write_command(CMD_CONFIG_TRACE) # Update generator status self.logictools_controller.check_status() def reset(self): """Reset the trace analyzer. This method will bring the trace analyzer from any state to 'RESET' state. """ # Stop the running generator if necessary if self.logictools_controller.status[ self.__class__.__name__] == 'RUNNING': self.stop() # Clear the parameters self.num_analyzer_samples = 0 self.samples = None self.frequency_mhz = 0 # Send the reset command cmd_reset = CMD_RESET | TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_reset) self.logictools_controller.check_status() def run(self): """Start the trace analyzer. This method will send the run command to the Microblaze. """ cmd_run = CMD_RUN | TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_run) self.logictools_controller.check_status() def step(self): """Step the trace analyzer. This method will send the step command to the Microblaze. """ cmd_step = CMD_STEP | TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_step) self.logictools_controller.check_status() def stop(self): """Stop the trace analyzer. This method will send the stop command to the Microblaze. """ cmd_stop = CMD_STOP | TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_stop) self.logictools_controller.check_status() def __del__(self): """Clean up the object when it is no longer used. Contiguous memory buffers have to be freed. """ self.logictools_controller.reset_buffers() def analyze(self, steps): """Analyze the captured pattern. This function will process the captured pattern and put the pattern into a Wavedrom compatible format. Each bit of the 20-bit patterns, from LSB to MSB, corresponds to: D0, D1, ..., D18 (A4), D19 (A5), respectively. The data output is of format: [{'name': '', 'pin': 'D1', 'wave': '1...0.....'}, {'name': '', 'pin': 'D2', 'wave': '0.1..01.01'}] Note the all the lanes should have the same number of samples. Note ---- The first sample captured is a dummy sample (for both pattern generator and FSM generator), therefore we have to discard the first sample. Parameters ---------- steps : int Number of samples to analyze, if it is non-zero, it means the generator is working in the `step()` mode. Returns ------- list A list of dictionaries, each dictionary consisting the pin number, and the waveform pattern in string format. """ io_pins = get_tri_state_pins(self.intf_spec['traceable_io_pins'], self.intf_spec['traceable_tri_states']) trace_bit_width = self.intf_spec['monitor_width'] trace_byte_width = round(trace_bit_width / 8) samples = self.logictools_controller.ndarray_from_buffer( 'trace_buf', dtype=BYTE_WIDTH_TO_NPTYPE[trace_byte_width]) # Exclude the first dummy sample when not in step() data_type = '>i{}'.format(trace_byte_width) if steps == 0: num_valid_samples = len(samples) - 1 self.samples = np.zeros(num_valid_samples, dtype=data_type) np.copyto(self.samples, samples[1:]) else: num_valid_samples = 1 self.samples = np.zeros(num_valid_samples, dtype=data_type) np.copyto(self.samples, samples[0]) temp_bytes = np.frombuffer(self.samples, dtype=np.uint8) bit_array = np.unpackbits(temp_bytes) temp_lanes = bit_array.reshape( num_valid_samples, self.intf_spec['monitor_width']).T[::-1] wavelanes = list() for pin_label in io_pins: temp_lane = temp_lanes[ self.intf_spec['traceable_io_pins'][pin_label]] bitstring = ''.join(temp_lane.astype(str).tolist()) wave = bitstring_to_wave(bitstring) wavelanes.append({'name': '', 'pin': pin_label, 'wave': wave}) return wavelanes class _PSTraceAnalyzer: """Class for the Trace Analyzer controlled by PS. A typical use of this class is on the base overlay. This class can capture digital IO patterns / stimulus on all the pins. There can by multiple such instances on the defined overlay. Attributes ---------- trace_control : MMIO The trace controller associated with the analyzer. dma : DMA The PS controlled DMA object associated with the analyzer. intf_spec : dict The interface specification, e.g., PYNQZ1_PMODA_SPECIFICATION. num_analyzer_samples : int The number of samples to be analyzed. samples : numpy.ndarray The raw data samples expressed in numpy array. frequency_mhz: float The frequency of the trace analyzer, in MHz. clk : Clocks The clock management unit for the trace analyzer. """ def __init__(self, ip_info, intf_spec_name): """Return a new PS controlled trace analyzer object. The maximum sample rate is 100MHz. Usually the sample rate is set to no larger than 10MHz in order for the signals to be captured on pins / wires. For Pmod header, pin numbers 0-7 correspond to the pins on the Pmod interface. For Arduino header, pin numbers 0-13 correspond to D0-D13; pin numbers 14-19 correspond to A0-A5; pin numbers 20-21 correspond to SDA and SCL. Parameters ---------- ip_info : dict The dictionary containing the IP associated with the analyzer. intf_spec_name : str/dict The name of the interface specification. """ if type(intf_spec_name) is str: self.intf_spec = eval(intf_spec_name) elif type(intf_spec_name) is dict: self.intf_spec = intf_spec_name else: raise ValueError("Interface specification has to be str or dict.") trace_cntrl_info = ip_info['trace_cntrl_{}_0'.format( self.intf_spec['monitor_width'])] trace_dma_info = ip_info['axi_dma_0'] self.trace_control = MMIO(trace_cntrl_info['phys_addr'], trace_cntrl_info['addr_range']) self.dma = DMA(trace_dma_info) self.num_analyzer_samples = 0 self.samples = None self._cma_array = None self.frequency_mhz = 0 self.clk = Clocks self._status = 'RESET' def __repr__(self): """Disambiguation of the object. Users can call `repr(object_name)` to display the object information. """ parameter_list = list() parameter_list.append('num_analyzer_samples={}'.format( self.num_analyzer_samples)) parameter_list.append('frequency_mhz={}'.format( self.frequency_mhz)) parameter_string = ", ".join(map(str, parameter_list)) return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, parameter_string) @property def status(self): """Return the analyzer's status. Returns ------- str Indicating the current status of the analyzer; can be 'RESET', 'READY', or 'RUNNING'. """ return self._status def setup(self, num_analyzer_samples=DEFAULT_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES, frequency_mhz=DEFAULT_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ, fclk_index=3): """Configure the trace analyzer. This method prepares the trace analyzer by sending configuration parameters to the Microblaze. Note that the analyzer is always attached to the pins, so there is no need to use any method like 'connect()'. In short, once the analyzer has been setup, it is connected as well. FCLK3 will be configured during this method. Note ---- The first sample captured is a dummy sample (for both pattern generator and FSM generator), therefore we have to allocate a buffer one sample larger. Parameters ---------- num_analyzer_samples : int The number of samples to be analyzed. frequency_mhz: float The frequency of the captured samples, in MHz. fclk_index : int The index of the fclk controlled by clock management object. """ if not 1 <= num_analyzer_samples <= MAX_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES: raise ValueError('Number of samples should be in ' '[1, {}]'.format(MAX_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES)) self.num_analyzer_samples = num_analyzer_samples if not MIN_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ <= frequency_mhz <= \ MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ: raise ValueError("Clock frequency out of range " "[{}, {}]".format(MIN_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ, MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ)) setattr(self.clk, "fclk{}_mhz".format(fclk_index), frequency_mhz) self.frequency_mhz = frequency_mhz trace_byte_width = round(self.intf_spec['monitor_width'] / 8) self._cma_array = allocate( [1, self.num_analyzer_samples], dtype=BYTE_WIDTH_TO_NPTYPE[trace_byte_width]) self._status = 'READY' def reset(self): """Reset the trace analyzer. This method will bring the trace analyzer from any state to 'RESET' state. """ if self._status == 'RUNNING': self.stop() self.samples = None self.num_analyzer_samples = 0 self.frequency_mhz = 0 if self._cma_array is not None: self._cma_array.freebuffer() self._status = 'RESET' def run(self): """Start the DMA to capture the traces. Return ------ None """ self.dma.recvchannel.transfer(self._cma_array) if self.intf_spec['monitor_width'] == 32: self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_32_LENGTH, self.num_analyzer_samples) self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_32_DATA_COMPARE, 0) self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_32_ADDR_AP_CTRL, 1) self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_32_ADDR_AP_CTRL, 0) else: self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_64_LENGTH, self.num_analyzer_samples) self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_64_DATA_COMPARE_MSW, 0) self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_64_DATA_COMPARE_LSW, 0) self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_64_ADDR_AP_CTRL, 1) self.trace_control.write(TRACE_CNTRL_64_ADDR_AP_CTRL, 0) self._status = 'RUNNING' def stop(self): """Stop the DMA after capture is done. Return ------ None """ self.dma.recvchannel.wait() self._status = 'READY' def __del__(self): """Destructor for trace buffer object. Returns ------- None """ if self._cma_array is not None: self._cma_array.freebuffer() def analyze(self, steps): """Analyze the captured pattern. This function will process the captured pattern and put the pattern into a Wavedrom compatible format. The data output is of format: [{'name': '', 'pin': 'D1', 'wave': '1...0.....'}, {'name': '', 'pin': 'D2', 'wave': '0.1..01.01'}] Note the all the lanes should have the same number of samples. All the pins are assumed to be tri-stated and traceable. Currently only no `step()` method is supported for PS controlled trace analyzer. Parameters ---------- steps : int Number of samples to analyze. A value 0 means to analyze all the valid samples. Returns ------- list A list of dictionaries, each dictionary consisting the pin number, and the waveform pattern in string format. """ io_pins = get_tri_state_pins(self.intf_spec['traceable_io_pins'], self.intf_spec['traceable_tri_states']) if steps == 0: num_valid_samples = self.num_analyzer_samples else: num_valid_samples = steps trace_byte_width = round(self.intf_spec['monitor_width'] / 8) data_type = '>i{}'.format(trace_byte_width) self.samples = np.zeros(num_valid_samples, dtype=data_type) np.copyto(self.samples, self._cma_array) temp_bytes = np.frombuffer(self.samples, dtype=np.uint8) bit_array = np.unpackbits(temp_bytes) temp_lanes = bit_array.reshape( num_valid_samples, self.intf_spec['monitor_width']).T[::-1] wavelanes = list() for pin_label in io_pins: temp_lane = temp_lanes[ self.intf_spec['traceable_io_pins'][pin_label]] bitstring = ''.join(temp_lane.astype(str).tolist()) wave = bitstring_to_wave(bitstring) wavelanes.append({'name': '', 'pin': pin_label, 'wave': wave}) return wavelanes
[docs]class TraceAnalyzer: """Class for trace analyzer. This class can capture digital IO patterns / stimulus on monitored pins. This class can wrap one out of the two classes: (1) the Microblaze controlled trace analyzer, or (2) the PS controlled trace analyzer. To use the PS controlled trace analyzer, users can set the `ip_info` to a dictionary containing the corresponding IP name; for example: >>> ip_info = {'trace_cntrl':'trace_analyzer_pmoda/trace_cntrl_0', 'trace_dma': 'trace_analyzer_pmoda/axi_dma_0'} Otherwise the Microblaze controlled trace analyzer will be used. By default, the Microblaze controlled version will be used, and the interface specification name will be set to `PYNQZ1_LOGICTOOLS_SPECIFICATION`. Most of the methods implemented inside this class assume the protocol is known, so the pattern can be decoded and added to the annotation of the waveforms. In case the protocol is unknown, users should refrain from using these methods. Two files are maintained by this class: the `csv` file, which is human readable; and the `sr` file, which is sigrok readable. """ def __init__(self, ip_info, intf_spec_name='PYNQZ1_LOGICTOOLS_SPECIFICATION'): """Initialize the trace analyzer. Note all the file paths are empty but will be set later. Two files are maintained by this class: the `csv` file, which is human readable; and the `sr` file, which is sigrok readable. In addition to those two files, the `pd` file records the decoded transactions using sigrok. """ if not ('ip_name' in ip_info and 'rst_name' in ip_info): self._trace_analyzer = _PSTraceAnalyzer(ip_info, intf_spec_name) else: self._trace_analyzer = _MBTraceAnalyzer(ip_info, intf_spec_name) self.protocol = None self.trace_csv = '' self.trace_sr = '' self.trace_pd = '' self.trace_txt = '' self.probes = OrderedDict({}) self.intf_spec = self._trace_analyzer.intf_spec self.frequency_mhz = self._trace_analyzer.frequency_mhz self.samples = self._trace_analyzer.samples self.num_analyzer_samples = self._trace_analyzer.num_analyzer_samples self.num_decoded_samples = 0 def __repr__(self): """Disambiguation of the object. Users can call `repr(object_name)` to display the object information. """ return self.__repr__() @property def status(self): """Return the analyzer's status. Returns ------- str Indicating the current status of the analyzer; can be 'RESET', 'READY', or 'RUNNING'. """ return self._trace_analyzer.status
[docs] def setup(self, num_analyzer_samples=DEFAULT_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES, frequency_mhz=DEFAULT_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ, fclk_index=None): """Configure the trace analyzer. The wrapper method for configuring the PS or Microblaze controlled trace analyzer. Users need to provide the `fclk_index` explicitly, otherwise the driver will just use the default clock. For MB-controlled trace analyzer, the default `fclk_index` is 1; for PS-controlled trace analyzer, the default `fclk_index` is 3. Parameters ---------- num_analyzer_samples : int The number of samples to be analyzed. frequency_mhz: float The frequency of the captured samples, in MHz. fclk_index : int The index of the fclk controlled by clock management object. """ if fclk_index is None: self._trace_analyzer.setup(num_analyzer_samples, frequency_mhz) else: self._trace_analyzer.setup(num_analyzer_samples, frequency_mhz, fclk_index) self.frequency_mhz = self._trace_analyzer.frequency_mhz self.samples = self._trace_analyzer.samples self.num_analyzer_samples = self._trace_analyzer.num_analyzer_samples
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the trace analyzer. This method will bring the trace analyzer from any state to 'RESET' state. At the same time, all the trace files stored previously will be removed. """ self._trace_analyzer.reset() self.intf_spec = self._trace_analyzer.intf_spec self.frequency_mhz = self._trace_analyzer.frequency_mhz self.samples = self._trace_analyzer.samples self.num_analyzer_samples = self._trace_analyzer.num_analyzer_samples self.num_decoded_samples = 0 if os.system('rm -rf ' + self.trace_csv): raise RuntimeError("Cannot remove trace csv file.") if os.system('rm -rf ' + self.trace_sr): raise RuntimeError("Cannot remove trace sr file.") if os.system('rm -rf ' + self.trace_pd): raise RuntimeError("Cannot remove trace pd file.") if os.system('rm -rf ' + self.trace_txt): raise RuntimeError("Cannot remove trace txt file.")
[docs] def run(self): """Start the trace capture. Return ------ None """
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the DMA after capture is done. Return ------ None """ self._trace_analyzer.stop()
[docs] def step(self): """Step the trace analyzer. This method is only supported in the Microblaze controlled trace analyzer. An exception will be raised if users want to call this method in PS controlled trace analyzer. """ self._trace_analyzer.step()
def __del__(self): """Destructor for trace analyzer object. Returns ------- None """ self._trace_analyzer.__del__()
[docs] def analyze(self, steps=0): """Analyze the captured pattern. This function will process the captured pattern and put the pattern into a Wavedrom compatible format. The data output is of format: [{'name': '', 'pin': 'D1', 'wave': '1...0.....'}, {'name': '', 'pin': 'D2', 'wave': '0.1..01.01'}] Note the all the lanes should have the same number of samples. All the pins are assumed to be tri-stated and traceable. Currently only no `step()` method is supported for PS controlled trace analyzer. Parameters ---------- steps : int Number of samples to analyze. A value 0 means to analyze all the valid samples. Returns ------- list A list of dictionaries, each dictionary consisting the pin number, and the waveform pattern in string format. """ wavelanes = self._trace_analyzer.analyze(steps) self.samples = self._trace_analyzer.samples return wavelanes
[docs] def set_protocol(self, protocol, probes): """Set the protocol and probes for the decoder. This method is usually called at beginning of the analyzer. To learn from that specific protocol, users can call `show_protocol` to learn useful information about that protocol. Currently only `i2c` and `spi` are supported. This method also sets the probe names for the decoder. The dictionary `probes` depends on the protocol. For instance, the I2C protocol requires the keys 'SCL' and 'SDA'. An example can be: >>>probes = {'SCL': 'D2', 'SDA': 'D3'} To avoid memory error for decoding, users can add `NC` as non-used pins to the probes. Parameters ---------- protocol : str The name of the protocol. probes : dict A dictionary keeping the probe names and pin number. """ self.protocol = protocol if not isinstance(probes, dict): raise ValueError("Probes have to be a dictionary.") else: self.probes = OrderedDict(probes)
[docs] def show_protocol(self): """Show information about the specified protocol. This method will print out useful information about the protocol. Return ------ None """ if self.protocol is None: raise ValueError("Must set protocol before showing information.") result =["sigrok-cli", "--protocol-decoders", self.protocol, "--show"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print(result.stdout)
def _csv_to_sr(self): """Translate the `*.csv` file to `*.sr` file. The translated `*.sr` files can be directly used in PulseView to show the waveform. Note ---- This method also modifies the input `*.csv` file (the comments, usually 3 lines, will be removed). Return ------ None """ name, _ = os.path.splitext(self.trace_csv) self.trace_sr = name + ".sr" temp = name + ".temp" if os.system("rm -rf " + self.trace_sr): raise RuntimeError('Trace sr file cannot be deleted.') in_file = open(self.trace_csv, 'r') out_file = open(temp, 'w') for i, line in enumerate(in_file): if not line.startswith(';'): out_file.write(line) in_file.close() out_file.close() os.remove(self.trace_csv) os.rename(temp, self.trace_csv) command = "sigrok-cli -i " + self.trace_csv + \ " -I csv -o " + self.trace_sr if os.system(command): raise RuntimeError('Sigrok-cli csv to sr failed.') def _sr_to_csv(self): """Translate the `*.sr` file to `*.csv` file. The translated `*.csv` files can be used for interactive plotting. `*.csv` file is human readable, and can be opened using text editor. Note ---- This method also removes the redundant header that is generated by sigrok. Return ------ None """ name, _ = os.path.splitext(self.trace_sr) self.trace_csv = name + ".csv" temp = name + ".temp" if os.system("rm -rf " + self.trace_csv): raise RuntimeError('Trace csv file cannot be deleted.') command = "sigrok-cli -i " + self.trace_sr + \ " -O csv > " + temp if os.system(command): raise RuntimeError('Sigrok-cli sr to csv failed.') in_file = open(temp, 'r') out_file = open(self.trace_csv, 'w') for i, line in enumerate(in_file): if not line.startswith(';'): out_file.write(line) in_file.close() out_file.close() os.remove(temp)
[docs] def decode(self, trace_csv, start_pos, stop_pos, decoded_file, options=''): """Parse CSV file, add metadata, and use sigrok to decode transactions. Internally, this method is calling `save_csv()`, `set_metadata()`, and `sigrok_decode()` methods. Parameters ---------- trace_csv : str Name of the output file (`*.csv`) which can be opened in text editor. start_pos : int Starting sample number, no less than 1. stop_pos : int Stopping sample number, no more than the maximum number of samples. decoded_file : str Name of the output file, which can be opened in text editor. options : str Additional options to be passed to sigrok-cli. Return ------ None """ wave_lanes = self._save_csv(trace_csv, start_pos, stop_pos) self._set_metadata() self._sigrok_decode(decoded_file, options) annotation_lane = self._get_annotation() return wave_lanes + [{}] + annotation_lane
def _save_csv(self, trace_csv, start_pos, stop_pos): """Parse the input data and generate a `*.csv` file. This method can be used along with the DMA. The input data is assumed to be 64-bit or 32-bit. The generated `*.csv` file can be then used as the trace file. This method also returns the wavelanes based on the given positions. The data output has a similar format as `analyze()`: [{'name': '', 'pin': 'D1', 'wave': '1...0.....'}, {'name': '', 'pin': 'D2', 'wave': '0.1..01.01'}] Note ---- The `trace_csv` file will be put into the specified path, or in the working directory in case the path does not exist. Parameters ---------- trace_csv : str Name of the output file (`*.csv`) which can be opened in text editor. start_pos : int Starting sample number, no less than 1. stop_pos : int Stopping sample number, no more than the maximum number of samples. Returns ------- list A list of dictionaries, each dictionary consisting the pin number, and the waveform pattern in string format. """ if not self.probes: raise ValueError("Must set probes before parsing samples.") if not 1 <= start_pos <= stop_pos <= MAX_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES: raise ValueError("Start or stop position out of range " "[1, {}].".format(MAX_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES)) if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(trace_csv)): trace_csv_abs = trace_csv else: trace_csv_abs = os.getcwd() + '/' + trace_csv if os.system('rm -rf ' + trace_csv_abs): raise RuntimeError("Cannot remove old trace_csv file.") _ = get_tri_state_pins(self.intf_spec['traceable_io_pins'], self.intf_spec['traceable_tri_states']) self.num_decoded_samples = stop_pos - start_pos temp_bytes = np.frombuffer(self.samples[start_pos:stop_pos], dtype=np.uint8) bit_array = np.unpackbits(temp_bytes) temp_lanes = bit_array.reshape( self.num_decoded_samples, self.intf_spec['monitor_width']).T[::-1] wavelanes = list() temp_samples = None for index, pin_name in enumerate(self.probes.keys()): pin_label = self.probes[pin_name] temp_lane = temp_lanes[ self.intf_spec['traceable_io_pins'][pin_label]] bitstring = ''.join(temp_lane.astype(str).tolist()) wave = bitstring_to_wave(bitstring) wavelanes.append({'name': pin_name, 'pin': pin_label, 'wave': wave}) temp_sample = temp_lane.reshape(-1, 1) if index == 0: temp_samples = deepcopy(temp_sample) else: temp_samples = np.concatenate((temp_samples, temp_sample), axis=1) np.savetxt(trace_csv_abs, temp_samples, fmt='%d', delimiter=',') self.trace_csv = trace_csv_abs self.trace_sr = '' return wavelanes def _set_metadata(self): """Set metadata for the trace. A `*.sr` file directly generated from `*.csv` will not have any metadata. This method helps to set the sample rate, probe names, etc. Return ------ None """ if self.trace_sr == '': self._csv_to_sr() dir_name, _ = os.path.splitext(self.trace_sr) if os.system("rm -rf " + dir_name): raise RuntimeError('Directory cannot be deleted.') if os.system("mkdir " + dir_name): raise RuntimeError('Directory cannot be created.') if os.system("unzip -q " + self.trace_sr + " -d " + dir_name): raise RuntimeError('Unzip sr file failed.') metadata = open(dir_name + '/metadata', 'r') temp = open(dir_name + '/temp', 'w') pat = "rate=0 Hz" rate = self.frequency_mhz * 1e6 subst = "rate=" + str(rate) + " Hz" j = 0 probe_list = list(self.probes.keys()) for line in metadata: if line.startswith("probe"): temp.write("probe" + str(j + 1) + "=" + str(probe_list[j]) + '\n') j += 1 else: temp.write(line.replace(pat, subst)) metadata.close() temp.close() if os.system("rm -rf " + dir_name + '/metadata'): raise RuntimeError('Cannot remove metadata folder.') if os.system("mv " + dir_name + '/temp ' + dir_name + '/metadata'): raise RuntimeError('Cannot rename metadata folder.') if os.system("cd " + dir_name + "; zip -rq " + self.trace_sr + " * ; cd .."): raise RuntimeError('Zip sr file failed.') if os.system("rm -rf " + dir_name): raise RuntimeError('Cannot remove temporary folder.') def _sigrok_decode(self, decoded_file, options=''): """Decode and record the trace based on the protocol specified. The `decoded_file` contains the name of the output file. The `option` specifies additional options to be passed to sigrok-cli. For example, users can use option=':wordsize=9:cpol=1:cpha=0' to add these options for the SPI decoder. The decoder will also ignore the pin collected but not required for decoding. Note ---- The output file will have `*.pd` extension. Note ---- The decoded file will be put into the specified path, or in the working directory in case the path does not exist. Parameters ---------- decoded_file : str Name of the output file, which can be opened in text editor. options : str Additional options to be passed to sigrok-cli. Return ------ None """ if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(decoded_file)): decoded_abs = decoded_file else: decoded_abs = os.getcwd() + '/' + decoded_file dir_name, _ = os.path.splitext(self.trace_sr) txt_file = dir_name + '.txt' if os.system('rm -rf ' + txt_file): raise RuntimeError("Cannot remove temporary txt file.") if os.system('rm -rf ' + decoded_abs): raise RuntimeError("Cannot remove old decoded file.") self.trace_pd = '' pd_annotation = '' for i in list(self.probes.keys()): if i != 'NC': pd_annotation += (':' + i.lower() + '=' + i) command = "sigrok-cli -i " + self.trace_sr + " -P " + \ self.protocol + options + pd_annotation + (' > ' + txt_file) if os.system(command): raise RuntimeError('Sigrok-cli decode failed.') f_decoded = open(decoded_abs, 'w') f_temp = open(txt_file, 'r') j = 0 for line in f_temp: m ='([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)( +)(.*)', line) if m: while j < int( f_decoded.write('x\n') j += 1 f_decoded.write( + '\n') j += 1 while j < int( f_decoded.write('.\n') j += 1 for i in range(j, self.num_decoded_samples): f_decoded.write('x\n') f_temp.close() f_decoded.close() self.trace_pd = decoded_abs self.trace_txt = txt_file if os.path.getsize(self.trace_pd) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No transactions and decoded file is empty.") def _get_annotation(self): """Get the decoded transactions as annotation to the wavelanes. The sigrok decoded transactions can be added into the wavelanes so that the decoded transactions can also be shown in the waveform. The returned annotation has the following format: [{name: '', wave: 'x.444x4.x', data: ['read', 'write', 'read', 'data']}] Returns ------- list A list containing one dictionary, having the same format as wavelane. """ if self.trace_pd == '': raise ValueError("Must have decoded trace before annotating.") pd_file = open(self.trace_pd, 'r') annotation_lane = [{'name': '', 'wave': '', 'data': list()}] i = 0 for pd_line in pd_file: if pd_line is not None: pd_data = pd_line.rstrip() else: pd_data = 'x' if str(pd_data) in ['x', '.']: annotation_lane[0]['wave'] += str(pd_data) else: annotation_lane[0]['wave'] += '4' annotation_lane[0]['data'].append(str(pd_data)) i += 1 pd_file.close() return annotation_lane
[docs] def get_transactions(self): """List all the transactions captured. The transaction list will only be non-empty after users have run `decode()` method. An exception will be raised if the transaction is empty, or the text file cannot be found. Returns ------- list A list of dictionaries. Each bus event is a dictionary: [{'command': str, 'begin': int, 'end': int}] """ transactions = list() if not self.trace_txt: raise ValueError("Trace has to be decoded first.") zero_based_correction = 1 with open(self.trace_txt, 'r') as f: i = 1 for line in f: m ='(?P<begin>[0-9]+)-(?P<end>[0-9]+)' + '(?P<whitespace> +)(?P<command>.*)', line) if m: cmd = dict() cmd['command'] ='command') cmd['begin'] = int('begin'))+zero_based_correction cmd['end'] = int('end'))+zero_based_correction transactions.append(cmd) i += 1 return transactions