Source code for pynq.lib.logictools.fsm_generator

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import os
from copy import deepcopy
from math import ceil, log
import numpy as np
import pygraphviz as pgv
from IPython.display import Image, display
from .constants import *
from .logictools_controller import LogicToolsController
from .trace_analyzer import TraceAnalyzer
from .waveform import Waveform

__author__ = "Yun Rock Qu"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Xilinx"
__email__ = ""

[docs]def check_pins(fsm_spec, key, intf_spec): """Check whether the pins specified are in a valid range. This method will raise an exception if `pin` is out of range. Parameters ---------- fsm_spec : dict The dictionary where the check to be made. key : object The key to index the dictionary. intf_spec : dict An interface spec containing the pin map. """ for i in fsm_spec[key]: if i[1] not in intf_spec['traceable_outputs']: raise ValueError("{} not in output pin map - " "please check fsm_spec.".format(i[1]))
[docs]def check_num_bits(num_bits, label, minimum=0, maximum=32): """Check whether the number of bits are still in a valid range. This method will raise an exception if `num_bits` is out of range. Parameters ---------- num_bits : int The number of bits of a specific field. label : str The label of the field. minimum : int The minimum number of bits allowed in that field. maximum : int The maximum number of bits allowed in that field. """ if not minimum <= num_bits <= maximum: raise ValueError('{} bits used for {}, out of range: ' + '[{}, {}].'.format(num_bits, label, minimum, maximum))
[docs]def check_moore(num_states, num_outputs): """Check whether the specified state machine is a moore machine. This method will raise an exception if there are more state outputs than the number of states. Parameters ---------- num_states : int The number of bits used for states. num_outputs : int The number of state outputs. """ if num_states < num_outputs: raise ValueError("Specified FSM is not Moore: " + "{} states but {} outputs.".format( num_states, num_outputs))
[docs]def check_duplicate(fsm_spec, key): """Function to check duplicate entries in a nested dictionary. This method will check the entry indexed by key in a dictionary. An exception will be raised if there are duplicated entries. Parameters ---------- fsm_spec : dict The dictionary where the check to be made. key : object The key to index the dictionary. """ if key == 'inputs' or key == 'outputs': name_list = [pair[0] for pair in fsm_spec[key]] pin_list = [pair[1] for pair in fsm_spec[key]] if len(set(name_list)) < len(name_list): raise ValueError('Duplicate names in {}.'.format(key)) if len(set(pin_list)) < len(pin_list): raise ValueError('Duplicate pins in {}.'.format(key)) else: entries = [item for item in fsm_spec[key]] if len(set(entries)) < len(entries): raise ValueError('Duplicate entries in {}.'.format(key))
[docs]def check_pin_conflict(pins1, pins2): """Function to check whether there is conflict between input / output pins. This method will raise an exception if there are pins specified in both inputs and outputs. Parameters ---------- pins1 : list The list of the first set of pins. pins2 : list The list of the second set of pins. """ if not set(pins1).isdisjoint(pins2): raise ValueError( 'I/O pin conflicts: {} and {}.'.format(pins1, pins2))
[docs]def replace_wildcard(input_list): """Method to replace a wildcard `-` in the input values. This method will replace the wildcard `-` in the input list; the returned two lists have different values on the position of `-`. Example: ['0', '-', '1'] => (['0', '0', '1'], ['0', '1', '1']) Parameters ---------- input_list : list A list of multiple values, possibly with `-` inside. Returns ------- list,list Two lists differ by the location of `-`. """ if '-' in input_list: first_occurrence = input_list.index('-') zero_list = input_list[:] zero_list[first_occurrence] = '0' one_list = input_list[:] one_list[first_occurrence] = '1' return zero_list, one_list else: return None, None
[docs]def expand_transition(transition, input_list): """Add new (partially) expanded state transition. Parameters ---------- transition: list Specifies a state transition. input_list: list List of inputs, where each input is a string. Returns ------- list New (partially) expanded state transition. """ expanded_transition = list() expanded_transition.append(''.join(input_list)) expanded_transition += transition[1:] return expanded_transition
[docs]def merge_to_length(a, b, length): """Merge 2 lists into a specific length. This method will merge 2 lists into a short list, replacing the last few items of the first list if necessary. For example, a = [1,2,3], b = [4,5,6,7], and length = 6. The result will be [1,2,4,5,6,7]. If length = 5, the result will be [1,4,5,6,7]. If length is greater or equal to 7, the result will be [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Parameters ---------- a : list A list of elements. b : list Another list of elements. length : int The length of the result list. Returns ------- list A merged list of the specified length. """ temp = b[:] for index, item in enumerate(a): if len(temp) < length: temp.insert(index, item) else: break return temp
[docs]def get_bram_addr_offsets(num_states, num_input_bits): """Get address offsets from given number of states and inputs. This method returns the index offset for input bits. For example, if less than 32 states are used, then the index offset will be 5. If the number of states used is greater than 32 but less than 64, then the index offset will be 6. This method also returns the address offsets for BRAM data. The returned list contains 2**`num_input_bits` offsets. The distance between 2 address offsets is 2**`index_offset`. Parameters ---------- num_states : int The number of states in the state machine. num_input_bits : int The number of inputs in the state machine. Returns ------- int, list A list of 2**`num_input_bits` offsets. """ if num_states < 32: index_offset = 5 else: index_offset = ceil(log(num_states, 2)) return index_offset, \ [i * 2 ** index_offset for i in range(2 ** num_input_bits)]
[docs]class FSMGenerator: """Class for Finite State Machine generator. This class enables users to specify a Finite State Machine (FSM). Users have to provide a FSM in the following format. fsm_spec = {'inputs': [('reset','D0'), ('direction','D1')],\n 'outputs': [('alpha','D3'), ('beta','D4'), ('gamma','D5')],\n 'states': ('S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5'),\n 'transitions': [['00', 'S0', 'S1', '000'],\n ['01', 'S0', 'S5', '000'],\n ['00', 'S1', 'S2', '001'],\n ['01', 'S1', 'S0', '001'],\n ['00', 'S2', 'S3', '010'],\n ['01', 'S2', 'S1', '010'],\n ['00', 'S3', 'S4', '011'],\n ['01', 'S3', 'S2', '011'],\n ['00', 'S4', 'S5', '100'],\n ['01', 'S4', 'S3', '100'],\n ['00', 'S5', 'S0', '101'],\n ['01', 'S5', 'S4', '101'],\n ['1-', '*', 'S0', '']]} The current implementation assumes Moore machine, so the output is decided by the current state. Hence, if a wildcard `*` is specified for the current state, users can just set the output to be empty. Attributes ---------- logictools_controller : LogicToolsController The generator controller for this class. intf_spec : dict The interface specification, e.g., PYNQZ1_LOGICTOOLS_SPECIFICATION. fsm_spec : dict The FSM specification, with inputs (list), outputs (list), states (list), and transitions (list). num_input_bits : int The number of input bits / pins. num_outputs : int The number of possible FSM outputs specified by users. num_output_bits : int The number of bits used for the FSM outputs. num_states : int The number of FSM states specified by users. num_state_bits : int The number of bits used for the FSM states. state_names : list List of state names specified by the users. transitions : int Transition list with all the wildcards replaced properly. input_pins : list List of input pins on Arduino header. output_pins : list List of output pins on Arduino header. use_state_bits : bool Flag indicating whether the state bits are shown on output pins. analyzer : TraceAnalyzer Analyzer to analyze the raw capture from the pins. num_analyzer_samples : int The number of analyzer samples to capture. frequency_mhz: float The frequency of the running FSM / captured samples, in MHz. waveform : Waveform The Waveform object used for Wavedrom display. """ def __init__(self, mb_info, intf_spec_name='PYNQZ1_LOGICTOOLS_SPECIFICATION'): """Initialize the FSM generator class. If `use_state_bits` is set to True, the state bits will be shown as outputs. The last few outputs may get replaced by state bits, regardless of the specification users provide. For example, if 3 bits are required for state codes (e.g. a state code 110), and the last 3 outputs from `fsm_spec` are: ('alpha','D2'), ('beta','D4'), and ('gamma','D19'), then pin `D2`, `D4`, and `D19` will show the state code (continuing the example above, `D2` = 1, `D4` = 1, `D19` = 0). Other outputs remain consistent with users' specification. The waveform instance will not get populated until the `fsm_spec` is parsed. Parameters ---------- mb_info : dict A dictionary storing Microblaze information, such as the IP name and the reset name. intf_spec_name : str/dict The name of the interface specification. """ # Book-keep controller-related parameters self.logictools_controller = LogicToolsController(mb_info, intf_spec_name) if type(intf_spec_name) is str: self.intf_spec = eval(intf_spec_name) elif type(intf_spec_name) is dict: self.intf_spec = intf_spec_name else: raise ValueError("Interface specification has to be str or dict.") self._mb_info = mb_info # Parameters to be cleared at reset self.fsm_spec = dict() self.num_input_bits = 0 self.num_outputs = 0 self.num_output_bits = 0 self.num_states = 0 self.num_state_bits = 0 self.state_names = list() self.transitions = list() self.input_pins = list() self.output_pins = list() self.use_state_bits = False self.waveform = None self.frequency_mhz = 0 self._state_names2codes = dict() self._state_names2outputs = dict() self._expanded_transitions = list() self._encoded_transitions = list() self._bram_data = np.zeros(2 ** FSM_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH, dtype=np.uint32) # Trace analyzer will be attached by default self.analyzer = None self.num_analyzer_samples = 0 self.trace() def __repr__(self): """Disambiguation of the object. Users can call `repr(object_name)` to display the object information. """ parameter_list = list() parameter_list.append('num_analyzer_samples={}'.format( self.num_analyzer_samples)) parameter_list.append('frequency_mhz={}'.format( self.frequency_mhz)) parameter_list.append('use_state_bits={}'.format( self.use_state_bits)) parameter_string = ", ".join(map(str, parameter_list)) return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, parameter_string) @property def status(self): """Return the generator's status. Returns ------- str Indicating the current status of the generator; can be 'RESET', 'READY', or 'RUNNING'. """ self.logictools_controller.check_status() return self.logictools_controller.status[self.__class__.__name__]
[docs] def trace(self, use_analyzer=True, num_analyzer_samples=DEFAULT_NUM_TRACE_SAMPLES): """Configure the trace analyzer. By default, the trace analyzer is always on, unless users explicitly disable it. Parameters ---------- use_analyzer : bool Whether to use the analyzer to capture the trace. num_analyzer_samples : int The number of analyzer samples to capture. """ if use_analyzer: self.analyzer = TraceAnalyzer(self._mb_info, intf_spec_name=self.intf_spec) self.num_analyzer_samples = num_analyzer_samples else: if self.analyzer is not None: self.analyzer.__del__() self.analyzer = None self.num_analyzer_samples = 0
def _parse_fsm_spec(self, fsm_spec_in, use_state_bits): """Parse a given FSM specification. If `use_state_bits` is set to True, this method will modify the given transition table; the last few outputs may get altered if there are not enough pins for both state bits and output bits. In that case, the last few output bits will reflect the current state code. After calling this method, the `self.fsm_spec` dictionary will be modified if `use_state_bits` is set to True. Parameters ---------- fsm_spec_in : dict The FSM specification, with inputs (list), outputs (list), states (list), and transitions (list). use_state_bits : bool Whether to check the state bits in the final output pins. """ fsm_spec = deepcopy(fsm_spec_in) self.use_state_bits = use_state_bits # The key 'inputs', 'outputs', and 'states' are mandatory for key in ['inputs', 'outputs', 'states']: check_duplicate(fsm_spec, key) self.num_input_bits = len(fsm_spec['inputs']) self.num_outputs = len(set([i[3] for i in fsm_spec['transitions'] if i[3]])) self.num_output_bits = len(fsm_spec['outputs']) self.num_states = len(fsm_spec['states']) self.num_state_bits = int(ceil(log(self.num_states, 2))) self.input_pins = [i[1] for i in fsm_spec['inputs']] self.output_pins = [i[1] for i in fsm_spec['outputs']] check_num_bits(self.num_input_bits, 'inputs', FSM_MIN_INPUT_BITS, FSM_MAX_INPUT_BITS) check_num_bits(self.num_output_bits, 'outputs', FSM_MIN_OUTPUT_BITS, FSM_MAX_OUTPUT_BITS) check_num_bits(self.num_state_bits, 'states', FSM_MIN_STATE_BITS, FSM_MAX_STATE_BITS) check_num_bits(self.num_input_bits + self.num_state_bits, 'states and inputs', FSM_MIN_INPUT_BITS + FSM_MIN_STATE_BITS, FSM_MAX_STATE_INPUT_BITS) check_moore(self.num_states, self.num_outputs) check_pins(fsm_spec, 'inputs', self.intf_spec) check_pins(fsm_spec, 'outputs', self.intf_spec) self.state_names = fsm_spec['states'] self._state_names2codes = { state_name: format(i, '0{}b'.format(self.num_state_bits)) for i, state_name in enumerate(fsm_spec['states'])} if self.use_state_bits: # Update outputs state_pins = list() total_pins_used = self.input_pins[:] + self.output_pins[:] num_pins_altered = 0 for bit in range(self.num_state_bits): output_bit_name = 'state_bit' + str(bit) found_pin = False for pin in self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs']: if pin not in total_pins_used: state_pins = [(output_bit_name, pin)] + state_pins total_pins_used.append(pin) found_pin = True break if not found_pin: num_pins_altered += 1 temp_tuple = fsm_spec['outputs'][-num_pins_altered] fsm_spec['outputs'][-num_pins_altered] = (output_bit_name, temp_tuple[1]) fsm_spec['outputs'] += state_pins # Update transitions for index, row in enumerate(fsm_spec['transitions']): _, current_state, _, old_output = row if old_output: current_state_code = self._state_names2codes[current_state] new_output = ''.join(merge_to_length( list(old_output), list(current_state_code), 20 - self.num_input_bits)) fsm_spec['transitions'][index][-1] = new_output # Update all the attributes related to outputs and transitions self.num_outputs = len(set([i[3] for i in fsm_spec['transitions'] if i[3]])) self.num_output_bits = len(fsm_spec['outputs']) self._state_names2outputs = { state_name: row[3] for row in fsm_spec['transitions'] for state_name in fsm_spec['states'] if state_name == row[1]} self.transitions, self._expanded_transitions = \ self._expand_all_transitions(fsm_spec['transitions']) self._encoded_transitions = [[i[0], self._state_names2codes[i[1]], self._state_names2codes[i[2]], i[3]] for i in self._expanded_transitions] self.input_pins = [i[1] for i in fsm_spec['inputs']] self.output_pins = [i[1] for i in fsm_spec['outputs']] # Check whether input and output pins are disjoint check_pin_conflict(self.input_pins, self.output_pins) # Check used pins on the controller for i in self.input_pins + self.output_pins: if self.logictools_controller.pin_map[i] != 'UNUSED': raise ValueError( "Pin conflict: {} already in use.".format( self.logictools_controller.pin_map[i])) # Reserve pins only if there are no conflicts for any pin for i in self.output_pins: self.logictools_controller.pin_map[i] = 'OUTPUT' for i in self.input_pins: self.logictools_controller.pin_map[i] = 'INPUT' # Finally update all dictionaries self.fsm_spec = fsm_spec def _expand_all_transitions(self, transitions): """Expand all the state transitions, resolving wildcards. This method will resolve all the wildcards in inputs and states. For example: [['1-', '*', 'S0', '']] will be converted to [['10', 'S1', 'S0', ''],['11', 'S1', 'S0', '']], ...]. This method is called internally during setup of this class. Parameters ---------- transitions: list List of lists, where each inner list specifies a state transition. Returns ------- list,list First list has all the state wildcards '*' expanded; second list has the state wildcards '*' and input wildcards '-' both expanded. """ # Expand the states first transitions_copy1 = deepcopy(transitions) for index, row in enumerate(transitions_copy1): if row[1] == '*': for state_name in self.state_names: if row[2] != state_name: new_row = deepcopy(transitions_copy1[index]) new_row[1] = state_name new_row[3] = self._state_names2outputs[state_name] transitions_copy1.append(new_row) transitions_copy1 = [row for row in transitions_copy1 if '*' not in row[1]] # Expand the input values transitions_copy2 = deepcopy(transitions_copy1) for index, row in enumerate(transitions_copy2): input_list = list(row[0]) if len(input_list) != self.num_input_bits: raise ValueError('{} input bits required ' 'for each transition.'.format( self.num_input_bits)) wildcard = '-' if wildcard in input_list: zero_list, one_list = replace_wildcard(input_list) if zero_list: new_row = deepcopy(transitions_copy2[index]) transitions_copy2.append(expand_transition(new_row, zero_list)) transitions_copy2.append(expand_transition(new_row, one_list)) expanded_transitions = list() for row in transitions_copy2: if '-' not in row[0] and row not in expanded_transitions: expanded_transitions.append(row) return transitions_copy1, expanded_transitions def _prepare_bram_data(self): """Prepare the data to be loaded into the BRAM. This method prepares the data to be loaded into BRAM: it first loads the data into main memory as a numpy array, with all the values set to be default; then based on the transactions specified, it updates the memory with proper values. After this method is called, users can manually check the memory content to verify the memory is loaded with correct values. The dummy state is used to compensate the erroneous sample at the beginning of the trace. The last BRAM address is reserved for this state. The content of the address is 0, meaning that all outputs will be 0, and this dummy state will always go to the first state of the FSM. For the memory content to be loaded, it has the following format: Bits 31 - 13 : used for outputs. Bits 12 - 9 : used for inputs. Bits 8 - 5 : used for inputs or states. Bits 4 - 0 : used for states. Returns ------- int The BRAM address where the FSM should get started. """ _, addr_offsets = get_bram_addr_offsets(self.num_states, self.num_input_bits) # Load default values into BRAM data for input_value, offset_addr in enumerate(addr_offsets): for state_name in self.state_names: output_value = int(''.join(list( self._state_names2outputs[state_name])[::-1]), 2) next_state_code = current_state_code = \ int(self._state_names2codes[state_name], 2) self._bram_data[offset_addr + current_state_code] = \ (output_value << FSM_MAX_STATE_INPUT_BITS) + \ next_state_code # Prepare the dummy state where the FSM actually starts self._bram_data[FSM_DUMMY_STATE_BRAM_ADDRESS] = 0 # Update BRAM data based on state transitions for input_value, offset_addr in enumerate(addr_offsets): for transition in self._encoded_transitions: if input_value == int(transition[0], 2): current_state_code, next_state_code, output_value = \ int(transition[1], 2),\ int(transition[2], 2),\ int(''.join(list(transition[3])[::-1]), 2) self._bram_data[offset_addr + current_state_code] = \ (output_value << FSM_MAX_STATE_INPUT_BITS) + \ next_state_code
[docs] def setup(self, fsm_spec, use_state_bits=False, frequency_mhz=DEFAULT_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ): """Configure the programmable FSM generator. This method will configure the FSM based on supplied configuration specification. Users can send the samples to PatternAnalyzer for additional analysis. Parameters ---------- fsm_spec : dict The FSM specification, with inputs (list), outputs (list), states (list), and transitions (list). use_state_bits : bool Whether to check the state bits in the final output pins. frequency_mhz: float The frequency of the FSM and captured samples, in MHz. """ if not MIN_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ <= frequency_mhz <= \ MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ: raise ValueError("Clock frequency out of range " "[{}, {}]".format(MIN_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ, MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_MHZ)) # Parse the FSM specification self._parse_fsm_spec(fsm_spec, use_state_bits) # Load BRAM data into the main memory self._prepare_bram_data() bram_data_addr = self.logictools_controller.allocate_buffer( 'bram_data_buf', 2 ** FSM_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH, data_type='unsigned int') for index, data in enumerate(self._bram_data): self.logictools_controller.buffers['bram_data_buf'][index] = data # Setup configurations config = list() index_offset, _ = get_bram_addr_offsets(self.num_states, self.num_input_bits) # Configuration for bit 8,7,6,5 (slvreg 0) config_shared_pins = 0x1f1f1f1f shared_input_bits = min(self.num_input_bits, FSM_MAX_STATE_BITS - index_offset) for i in range(shared_input_bits): config_shared_pins = \ ((config_shared_pins << 8) + (0x80 + self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][ self.input_pins[i - shared_input_bits]])) & 0xffffffff for _ in range(5, index_offset): config_shared_pins = \ ((config_shared_pins << 8) + 0x1f) & 0xffffffff config.append(config_shared_pins) # Configuration for bit 12,11,10,9 (slvreg 1) config_input_pins = 0x1f1f1f1f if self.num_input_bits > shared_input_bits: dedicated_input_bits = self.num_input_bits - shared_input_bits for i in range(dedicated_input_bits): config_input_pins = \ ((config_input_pins << 8) + (0x80 + self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][ self.input_pins[i]])) & 0xffffffff config.append(config_input_pins) # Configuration for bit 31 - 13 (slvreg 6,5,4,3,2) fully_used_reg, remaining_pins = divmod(self.num_output_bits, 4) assigned_output_pins = 0 for _ in range(fully_used_reg): config_output_pins = 0x0 for i in range(3, -1, -1): config_output_pins = \ ((config_output_pins << 8) + self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][ self.output_pins[i + assigned_output_pins]]) & \ 0xffffffff assigned_output_pins += 4 config.append(config_output_pins) for j in range(fully_used_reg, 5): config_output_pins = 0x0 if j == fully_used_reg: for i in range(remaining_pins - 1, -1, -1): config_output_pins = \ ((config_output_pins << 8) + self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][ self.output_pins[i + assigned_output_pins]]) & \ 0xffffffff assigned_output_pins += remaining_pins config.append(config_output_pins) # Configuration for direction mask direction_mask = 0xfffff for pin in range(20): for pin_label in self.output_pins: if self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][pin_label] == pin: direction_mask &= (~(1 << pin)) config.append(direction_mask) # Send BRAM data address config.append(bram_data_addr) # Send the dummy state address where FSM should start config.append(FSM_DUMMY_STATE_BRAM_ADDRESS) # Wait for the Microblaze processor to return control self.logictools_controller.write_control(config) self.logictools_controller.write_command(CMD_CONFIG_FSM) # Configure the waveform object waveform_dict = {'signal': [ ['analysis']], 'head': {'text': 'Finite State Machine'}} for name, pin in (self.fsm_spec['inputs'] + self.fsm_spec['outputs']): waveform_dict['signal'][0].append({'name': name, 'pin': pin}) self.waveform = Waveform(waveform_dict, analysis_group_name='analysis') # Configure the trace analyzer and frequency if self.analyzer is not None: self.analyzer.setup(self.num_analyzer_samples, frequency_mhz) else: self.logictools_controller.clk.fclk1_mhz = frequency_mhz self.frequency_mhz = frequency_mhz # Free the BRAM buffer self.logictools_controller.free_buffer('bram_data_buf') # Update generator status self.logictools_controller.check_status() self.logictools_controller.steps = 0
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the FSM generator. This method will bring the generator from any state to 'RESET' state. """ if self.logictools_controller.status[ self.__class__.__name__] == 'RUNNING': self.stop() for i in self.output_pins + self.input_pins: self.logictools_controller.pin_map[i] = 'UNUSED' self.fsm_spec.clear() self.num_input_bits = 0 self.num_outputs = 0 self.num_output_bits = 0 self.num_states = 0 self.num_state_bits = 0 self.state_names.clear() self.transitions.clear() self.input_pins.clear() self.output_pins.clear() self.use_state_bits = False self.waveform = None self.frequency_mhz = 0 self._state_names2codes.clear() self._state_names2outputs.clear() self._expanded_transitions.clear() self._encoded_transitions.clear() self._bram_data = np.zeros(2 ** FSM_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH, dtype=np.uint32) cmd_reset = CMD_RESET | FSM_ENGINE_BIT if self.analyzer is not None: cmd_reset |= TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_reset) self.logictools_controller.check_status()
[docs] def connect(self): """Method to configure the IO switch. Usually this method should only be used internally. Users only need to use `run()` method. """ # Gather which pins are being used ioswitch_pins = [self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][ins[1]] for ins in self.fsm_spec['inputs']] ioswitch_pins.extend([self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][outs[1]] for outs in self.fsm_spec['outputs']]) # Send list to Microblaze processor for handling self.logictools_controller.config_ioswitch(ioswitch_pins, IOSWITCH_FSM_SELECT)
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Method to disconnect the IO switch. Usually this method should only be used internally. Users only need to use `stop()` method. """ # Gather which pins are being used ioswitch_pins = [self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][ins[1]] for ins in self.fsm_spec['inputs']] ioswitch_pins.extend([self.intf_spec['traceable_outputs'][outs[1]] for outs in self.fsm_spec['outputs']]) # Send list to Microblaze processor for handling self.logictools_controller.config_ioswitch(ioswitch_pins, IOSWITCH_DISCONNECT)
[docs] def run(self): """Run the FSM generator. The method will first collects the pins used and sends the list to Microblaze for handling. Then it will start to run the FSM generator. """ if self.logictools_controller.status[ self.__class__.__name__] == 'RESET': raise ValueError( "Generator must be at least READY before RUNNING.") self.connect() self.logictools_controller.steps = 0 cmd_run = CMD_RUN | FSM_ENGINE_BIT if self.analyzer is not None: cmd_run |= TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_run) self.logictools_controller.check_status() self.analyze()
[docs] def step(self): """Step the FSM generator. The method will first collects the pins used and sends the list to Microblaze for handling. Then it will start to step the FSM generator. """ if self.logictools_controller.status[ self.__class__.__name__] == 'RESET': raise ValueError( "Generator must be at least READY before RUNNING.") if self.logictools_controller.steps == 0: self.connect() cmd_step = CMD_STEP | FSM_ENGINE_BIT if self.analyzer is not None: cmd_step |= TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_step) self.logictools_controller.steps += 1 cmd_step = CMD_STEP | FSM_ENGINE_BIT if self.analyzer is not None: cmd_step |= TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_step) self.logictools_controller.check_status() self.analyze()
[docs] def analyze(self): """Update the captured samples. This method updates the captured samples from the trace analyzer. It is required after each step() / run(). """ if self.analyzer is not None: analysis_group = self.analyzer.analyze( self.logictools_controller.steps) if self.logictools_controller.steps: self.waveform.append('analysis', analysis_group) else: self.waveform.update('analysis', analysis_group)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the FSM generator. This command will stop the pattern generated from FSM. """ cmd_stop = CMD_STOP | FSM_ENGINE_BIT if self.analyzer is not None: cmd_stop |= TRACE_ENGINE_BIT self.logictools_controller.write_command(cmd_stop) self.disconnect() self.logictools_controller.check_status() self.clear_wave() self.logictools_controller.steps = 0
[docs] def clear_wave(self): """Clear the waveform object so new patterns can be accepted. This function is required after each `stop()`. """ if self.waveform: self.waveform.clear_wave('analysis')
[docs] def show_state_diagram(self, file_name='fsm_spec.png', save_png=False): """Display the state machine in Jupyter notebook. This method uses the installed package `pygraphviz`. References: A PNG file of the state machine will also be saved into the current working directory. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name / path of the picture for the FSM diagram. save_png : bool Whether to save the PNG showing the state diagram. """ if self.logictools_controller.status[ self.__class__.__name__] == 'RESET': raise ValueError( "Generator must be setup before showing state diagram.") with open('', 'w') as f: f.write("digraph {\n" + " graph [fontsize=10 splines=true overlap=false]\n" + " edge [fontsize=10 fontname=\"helvetica\"]\n" + " node [fontsize=10 fontname=\"helvetica\"" + " nodesep=2.0]\n" + " ratio=auto\n") for i in self._state_names2outputs: f.write((' \"' + i + ' &#8260; ' + self._state_names2outputs[i]) + '\"\n') for row in self.transitions: f.write( ' \"' + row[1] + ' &#8260; ' + self._state_names2outputs[row[1]] + '\" -> \"' + row[2] + ' &#8260; ' + self._state_names2outputs[row[2]] + "\" [label=\"" + row[0] + "\" arrowhead = \"vee\"]\n") f.write("}") graph = pgv.AGraph('') graph.layout(prog='dot') graph.draw(file_name) display(Image(filename=file_name)) os.remove("") if not save_png: os.remove(file_name)
[docs] def show_waveform(self): """Display the waveform. This method requires the waveform class to be present. Also, javascripts will be copied into the current directory. """ if self.analyzer is None: raise ValueError("Trace disabled, please enable and rerun.") if 0 < self.logictools_controller.steps < 3: for key in self.waveform.waveform_dict: for annotation in ['tick', 'tock']: if annotation in self.waveform.waveform_dict[key]: del self.waveform.waveform_dict[key][annotation] else: self.waveform.waveform_dict['foot'] = {'tock': 1} self.waveform.display()
def __del__(self): """Delete the instance. Need to reset the buffers used in this instance. """ if self.logictools_controller.status[ self.__class__.__name__] != 'RESET': self.reset() self.logictools_controller.check_status() if self.analyzer: self.analyzer.__del__()