Source code for

#   Copyright (c) 2016, Xilinx, Inc.
#   All rights reserved.
#   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
#   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#   1.  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#   2.  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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#   3.  Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
#       this software without specific prior written permission.

import os
import re
import warnings
import abc
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
import struct
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing.connection import Listener
from multiprocessing.connection import Client
from .mmio import MMIO

__author__ = "Yun Rock Qu"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Xilinx"
__email__ = ""

# Overlay constants
PYNQ_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
PL_SERVER_FILE = os.path.join(PYNQ_PATH, '.log')

[docs]def get_tcl_name(bitfile_name): """This method returns the name of the tcl file. For example, the input "/home/xilinx/pynq/overlays/base/base.bit" will lead to the result "/home/xilinx/pynq/overlays/base/base.tcl". Parameters ---------- bitfile_name : str The absolute path of the .bit file. Returns ------- str The absolute path of the .tcl file. """ return os.path.splitext(bitfile_name)[0] + '.tcl'
[docs]def get_hwh_name(bitfile_name): """This method returns the name of the hwh file. For example, the input "/home/xilinx/pynq/overlays/base/base.bit" will lead to the result "/home/xilinx/pynq/overlays/base/base.hwh". Parameters ---------- bitfile_name : str The absolute path of the .bit file. Returns ------- str The absolute path of the .hwh file. """ return os.path.splitext(bitfile_name)[0] + '.hwh'
[docs]def string2int(a): """Convert a hex or decimal string into an int. Parameters ---------- a : string The input string representation of the number. Returns ------- int The decimal number. """ return int(a, 16 if a.startswith('0x') else 10)
[docs]def clear_state(dict_in): """Clear the state information for a given dictionary. Parameters ---------- dict_in : dict Input dictionary to be cleared. """ if type(dict_in) is dict: for i in dict_in: if 'state' in dict_in[i]: dict_in[i]['state'] = None return dict_in
[docs]def locate_overlay(): """Locate an overlay in the overlays folder. Return the base overlay by default; if not found, return the first overlay found. Returns ------- str The name of the first overlay found. """ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(PYNQ_PATH, 'overlays', 'base')): return 'base' for i in os.listdir(os.path.join(PYNQ_PATH, 'overlays')): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(PYNQ_PATH, 'overlays', i)) and \ not i.startswith('_'): return i return ''
OVERLAY_BOOT = locate_overlay() BS_BOOT = os.path.join(PYNQ_PATH, 'overlays', OVERLAY_BOOT, OVERLAY_BOOT + '.bit') TCL_BOOT = get_tcl_name(BS_BOOT) HWH_BOOT = get_hwh_name(BS_BOOT) class _TCLABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Helper Class to extract information from a TCL configuration file. Note ---- This class requires the absolute path of the '.tcl' file. Attributes ---------- ip_dict : dict All the addressable IPs from PS7. Key is the name of the IP; value is a dictionary mapping the physical address, address range, IP type, memory segment ID, the state associated with that IP, any interrupts and GPIO pins attached to the IP and the full path to the IP in the block design: {str: {'phys_addr' : int, 'addr_range' : int,\ 'type' : str, 'mem_id' : str, 'state' : str,\ 'interrupts' : dict, 'gpio' : dict, 'fullpath' : str}}. gpio_dict : dict All the GPIO pins controlled by PS7. Key is the name of the GPIO pin; value is a dictionary mapping user index (starting from 0), the state associated with that GPIO pin and the pins in block diagram attached to the GPIO: {str: {'index' : int, 'state' : str, 'pins' : [str]}}. interrupt_controllers : dict All AXI interrupt controllers in the system attached to a PS7 interrupt line. Key is the name of the controller; value is a dictionary mapping parent interrupt controller and the line index of this interrupt: {str: {'parent': str, 'index' : int}}. The PS7 is the root of the hierarchy and is unnamed. interrupt_pins : dict All pins in the design attached to an interrupt controller. Key is the name of the pin; value is a dictionary mapping the interrupt controller and the line index used: {str: {'controller' : str, 'index' : int}}. hierarchy_dict : dict All of the hierarchies in the block design containing addressable IP. The keys are the hiearachies and the values are dictionaries containing the IP and sub-hierarchies contained in the hierarchy and and GPIO and interrupts attached to the hierarchy. The keys in dictionaries are relative to the hierarchy and the ip dict only contains immediately contained IP - not those in sub-hierarchies. {str: {'ip': dict, 'hierarchies': dict, 'interrupts': dict,\ 'gpio': dict, 'fullpath': str}} """ # common key strings to search for in the TCL file hier_use_pat = "create_hier_cell" hier_proc_def_pat = "proc {}".format(hier_use_pat) hier_def_regex = "create_hier_cell_(?P<name>[^ ]*)" hier_proc_end_pat = "}\n" hier_use_regex = ("create_hier_cell_(?P<hier_name>[^ ]*) ([^ ].*) " + "(?P<instance_name>[^ ]*)\n") config_ip_pat = "CONFIG" config_ignore_pat = ".VALUE_SRC" config_regex = "CONFIG.(?P<key>.+?) \{(?P<value>.+?)\}" prop_start_pat = "set_property -dict [" prop_end_inst_regex = "\] \$(?P<instance_name>.+?)$" prop_end_nets_regex = "\] \[.*\]" net_pat = "connect_bd_net -net" net_regex = "\[get_bd_pins (?P<name>[^]]+)\]" addr_pat = "create_bd_addr_seg" ip_pat = "create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv " ip_regex = ("create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv " + "(?P<author>.+?):" + "(?P<type>.+?):" + "(?P<ip_name>.+?):" + "(?P<version>.+?) " + "(?P<instance_name>[^ ]*)") ip_block_name_pat = "set block_name" ip_block_name_regex = "set block_name (?P<ip_block_name>.+)" ip_block_pat = "create_bd_cell -type module -reference " ip_block_regex = ("set (?P<instance_name>.*) " + "\[create_bd_cell -type module -reference " + "(?P<block_name>[\S]*) " + "(?P<block_cell_name>[\S]*)\]") ignore_regex = "\s*(\#|catch).*" # following members will be overridden in the child classes ps_ip_name = "" irq_pin_offset = 0 irq_pin_name = "" gpio_pin_name = "" clk_odiv_regex = "" clk_enable_regex = "" pl_clks = [] clock_dict = {} def __init__(self, tcl_name): """Returns a map built from the supplied tcl file Parameters --------- tcl_name : str The tcl filename to parse. This is opened directly so should be fully qualified Note ---- If this method is called on an unsupported architecture it will warn and return without initialization """ # Regex Variable updated during processing addr_regex = "create_bd_addr_seg " +\ "-range (?P<range>0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+) " +\ "-offset (?P<addr>0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+) " +\ "\[get_bd_addr_spaces ([^ ].*) " +\ "\[get_bd_addr_segs (?P<hier>.+?)\] " +\ "(?P<name>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)" # Initialize result variables self.partial = True self.intc_names = [] self.interrupt_controllers = {} self.concat_cells = {} self.nets = [] self.pins = {} self.prop = [] self.interrupt_pins = {} self.ps_name = "" self.ip_dict = {} self.gpio_dict = {} # Parsing state current_hier = "" last_concat = "" ip_block_name = "" in_prop = False gpio_idx = None gpio_dict = dict() hier_dict = dict() hier_dict[current_hier] = dict() with open(tcl_name, 'r') as f: for line in f: if re.match(self.ignore_regex, line): continue # Matching IP configurations elif self.prop_start_pat in line: in_prop = True # Matching IP block name elif self.ip_block_name_pat in line: m =, line, re.IGNORECASE) ip_block_name ="ip_block_name") # Matching Property declarations elif in_prop: if (, line, re.IGNORECASE) or, line, re.IGNORECASE)): m =, line, re.IGNORECASE) if m and gpio_idx is not None: name ="instance_name") if current_hier == "": hier_name = name else: hier_name = "{}/{}".format(current_hier, name) gpio_dict[hier_name] = gpio_idx gpio_idx = None in_prop = False elif self.config_ip_pat in line \ and self.config_ignore_pat not in line: m1 =, line) if m1: key ="key") value ="value") if key == "NUM_PORTS": self.concat_cells[last_concat] = int(value) elif key == 'DIN_FROM': gpio_idx = int(value) elif self.is_clk_divisor_line(line): m2 =, key) pl_clk_idx = int("pl_idx")) odiv_idx ="odiv_idx") divisor_name = 'divisor{}'.format(odiv_idx) if pl_clk_idx not in self.pl_clks: raise ValueError("Invalid PL CLK index") self.clock_dict[pl_clk_idx][ divisor_name] = int(value) elif self.is_clk_enable_line(line): m3 =, key) pl_clk_idx = int("idx")) if pl_clk_idx not in self.pl_clks: raise ValueError("Invalid PL CLK index") self.clock_dict[pl_clk_idx][ 'enable'] = int(value) # Matching address segment elif self.addr_pat in line: m =, line, re.IGNORECASE) if m: for ip_dict0 in hier_dict: for ip_name, ip_type in \ hier_dict[ip_dict0].items(): ip = (ip_dict0 + '/' + ip_name).lstrip('/') if"hier").startswith(ip + '/'): self.ip_dict[ip] = dict() self.ip_dict[ip]['phys_addr'] = \ int("addr"), 16) self.ip_dict[ip]['addr_range'] = \ int("range"), 16) self.ip_dict[ip]['type'] = ip_type self.ip_dict[ip]['state'] = None self.ip_dict[ip]['interrupts'] = dict() self.ip_dict[ip]['gpio'] = dict() self.ip_dict[ip]['fullpath'] = ip self.ip_dict[ip]['mem_id'] ='name') # Match hierarchical cell definition elif self.hier_proc_def_pat in line: m =, line) hier_name ="name") current_hier = hier_name hier_dict[current_hier] = dict() elif self.hier_proc_end_pat == line: current_hier = "" # Match hierarchical cell use/instantiation elif self.hier_use_pat in line: m =, line) hier_name ="hier_name") inst_name ="instance_name") inst_path = (current_hier + '/' + inst_name).lstrip('/') inst_dict = dict() for path in hier_dict: psplit = path.split('/') if psplit[0] == hier_name: inst_path += path.lstrip(hier_name) inst_dict[inst_path] = deepcopy(hier_dict[path]) hier_dict.update(inst_dict) # Matching IP cells in root design elif self.ip_pat in line: m =, line) ip_name ="ip_name") instance_name ="instance_name") if"ip_name") == self.ps_ip_name: self.partial = False self.ps_name = instance_name addr_regex = "create_bd_addr_seg " +\ "-range (?P<range>0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+) " +\ "-offset (?P<addr>0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+) " +\ "\[get_bd_addr_spaces " +\ instance_name + "/Data\] " +\ "\[get_bd_addr_segs (?P<hier>.+?)\] " +\ "(?P<name>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)" else: ip_type = ':'.join([,,,]) hier_dict[current_hier][instance_name] = ip_type ip = (current_hier + '/' + instance_name).lstrip('/') if ip_name == "xlconcat": last_concat = ip self.concat_cells[ip] = 2 elif ip_name == "axi_intc": self.intc_names.append(ip) # Matching IP block cells in root design elif self.ip_block_pat in line: m =, line) instance_name ="instance_name") if'block_name') == '$block_name': name = ip_block_name else: name ='block_name') ip_type = ':'.join(['user', 'ip', name, 'unknown']) hier_dict[current_hier][instance_name] = ip_type # Matching nets elif self.net_pat in line: mpins = re.findall(self.net_regex, line, re.IGNORECASE) new_pins = [(current_hier + "/" + v).lstrip('/') for v in mpins] indexes = {self.pins[p] for p in new_pins if p in self.pins} if len(indexes) == 0: index = len(self.nets) self.nets.append(set()) else: to_merge = [] while len(indexes) > 1: to_merge.append(indexes.pop()) index = indexes.pop() for i in to_merge: self.nets[index] |= self.nets[i] self.nets[index] |= set(new_pins) for p in self.nets[index]: self.pins[p] = index if self.ps_name + "/" + self.irq_pin_name in self.pins: ps_irq_net = self.pins[ self.ps_name + "/" + self.irq_pin_name] self._add_interrupt_pins(ps_irq_net, "", 0) if self.ps_name + "/" + self.gpio_pin_name in self.pins: ps_gpio_net = self.pins[ self.ps_name + "/" + self.gpio_pin_name] self._add_gpio_pins(ps_gpio_net, gpio_dict) self._build_hierarchy_dict() self._assign_interrupts_gpio() def _add_gpio_pins(self, net, gpio_dict): net_pins = self.nets[net] gpio_names = [] for p in net_pins: m = re.match('(.*)/Din', p) if m is not None: gpio_names.append( for n, i in gpio_dict.items(): if n in gpio_names: output_net = self.pins['{}/Dout'.format(n)] output_pins = self.nets[output_net] self.gpio_dict[n] = {'index': i, 'state': None, 'pins': output_pins} def _add_interrupt_pins(self, net, parent, offset): net_pins = self.nets[net] # Find the next item up the chain for p in net_pins: m = re.match('(.*)/dout', p) if m is not None: name = if name in self.concat_cells: return self._add_concat_pins(name, parent, offset) m = re.match('(.*)/irq', p) if m is not None: name = if name in self.intc_names: self._add_interrupt_pins( self.pins[name + "/intr"], name, 0) self.interrupt_controllers[name] = {'parent': parent, 'index': offset} return offset + 1 for p in net_pins: self.interrupt_pins[p] = {'controller': parent, 'index': offset, 'fullpath': p} return offset + 1 def _add_concat_pins(self, name, parent, offset): num_ports = self.concat_cells[name] for i in range(num_ports): if (name + "/In" + str(i)) in self.pins: net = self.pins[name + "/In" + str(i)] offset = self._add_interrupt_pins(net, parent, offset) else: offset = 1 return offset def _assign_interrupts_gpio(self): for interrupt, val in self.interrupt_pins.items(): block, _, pin = interrupt.rpartition('/') if block in self.ip_dict: self.ip_dict[block]['interrupts'][pin] = val if block in self.hierarchy_dict: self.hierarchy_dict[block]['interrupts'][pin] = val for gpio in self.gpio_dict.values(): for connection in gpio['pins']: ip, _, pin = connection.rpartition('/') if ip in self.ip_dict: self.ip_dict[ip]['gpio'][pin] = gpio elif ip in self.hierarchy_dict: self.hierarchy_dict[ip]['gpio'][pin] = gpio def _build_hierarchy_dict(self): lasthierarchies = {} hierarchies = {k.rpartition('/')[0] for k in self.ip_dict.keys() if k.count('/') > 0} while lasthierarchies != hierarchies: parents = {k.rpartition('/')[0] for k in hierarchies if k.count('/') > 0} lasthierarchies = hierarchies hierarchies.update(parents) self.hierarchy_dict = dict() for hier in hierarchies: self.hierarchy_dict[hier] = { 'ip': dict(), 'hierarchies': dict(), 'interrupts': dict(), 'gpio': dict(), 'fullpath': hier, } for name, val in self.ip_dict.items(): hier, _, ip = name.rpartition('/') if hier: self.hierarchy_dict[hier]['ip'][ip] = val for name, val in self.hierarchy_dict.items(): hier, _, subhier = name.rpartition('/') if hier: self.hierarchy_dict[hier]['hierarchies'][subhier] = val class _TCLUltrascale(_TCLABC): """Intermediate class to extract information from a TCL configuration. This class works for the Zynq Ultrascale devices. The following additional attributes are added to the ABC class. Attributes ---------- clock_dict : dict All the PL clocks that can be controlled by the PS. Key is the index of the clock (e.g., 0 for the first clock); value is a dictionary mapping the divisor values and the enable flag (1 for enabled, and 0 for disabled): {index: {'divisor0' : int, 'divisor1' : int, 'enable' : int}} """ ps_ip_name = "zynq_ultra_ps_e" irq_pin_offset = 0 irq_pin_name = "pl_ps_irq{}".format(irq_pin_offset) gpio_pin_name = "emio_gpio_o" clk_odiv_regex = 'PSU__CRL_APB__PL(?P<pl_idx>.+?)' \ '_REF_CTRL__DIVISOR(?P<odiv_idx>.+?)' clk_enable_regex = 'PSU__FPGA_PL(?P<idx>.+?)_ENABLE' pl_clks = [0, 1, 2, 3] def __init__(self, tcl_name): """Returns an Ultrascale-specific map built from the supplied tcl file Parameters --------- tcl_name : str The tcl filename to parse. This is opened directly so should be fully qualified """ self.clock_dict = dict() for pl_clk in self.pl_clks: self.clock_dict[pl_clk] = dict() self.clock_dict[pl_clk]['enable'] = 0 self.clock_dict[pl_clk]["divisor0"] = 10 self.clock_dict[pl_clk]["divisor1"] = 1 self.clock_dict[0]['enable'] = 1 super().__init__(tcl_name) def is_clk_enable_line(self, line): """Returns True if line contains a declaration to enable a PL clock otherwise False Parameters --------- line : str The string from a line in a tcl file """ return "PSU__FPGA_PL" in line and "ENABLE" in line def is_clk_divisor_line(self, line): """Returns True if line contains a declaration to set a PL clock divisor otherwise False Parameters --------- line : str The string from a line in a tcl file """ return "PSU__CRL_APB__PL" in line and "REF_CTRL__DIVISOR" in line class _TCLZynq(_TCLABC): """Intermediate class to extract information from a TCL configuration. This class works for the Zynq devices. The following additional attributes are added to the ABC class. Attributes ---------- clock_dict : dict All the PL clocks that can be controlled by the PS. Key is the index of the clock (e.g., 0 for the first clock); value is a dictionary mapping the divisor values and the enable flag (1 for enabled, and 0 for disabled): {index: {'divisor0' : int, 'divisor1' : int, 'enable' : int}} """ ps_ip_name = "processing_system7" irq_pin_offset = 0 irq_pin_name = "IRQ_F2P" gpio_pin_name = "GPIO_O" clk_odiv_regex = 'PCW_FCLK(?P<pl_idx>.+?)_PERIPHERAL_DIVISOR' \ '(?P<odiv_idx>[01])$' clk_enable_regex = 'PCW_FPGA_FCLK(?P<idx>.+?)_ENABLE' pl_clks = [0, 1, 2, 3] def __init__(self, tcl_name): """Returns an Ultrascale-specific map built from the supplied tcl file Parameters --------- tcl_name : str The tcl filename to parse. This is opened directly so should be fully qualified """ self.clock_dict = dict() for pl_clk in self.pl_clks: self.clock_dict[pl_clk] = dict() self.clock_dict[pl_clk]['enable'] = 0 self.clock_dict[pl_clk]["divisor0"] = 10 self.clock_dict[pl_clk]["divisor1"] = 1 self.clock_dict[0]['enable'] = 1 super().__init__(tcl_name) def is_clk_enable_line(self, line): """Returns True if line contains a declaration to enable a PL clock otherwise False Parameters --------- line : str The string from a line in a tcl file """ return "FCLK" in line and "ENABLE" in line def is_clk_divisor_line(self, line): """Returns True if line contains a declaration to set a PL clock divisor otherwise False Parameters --------- line : str The string from a line in a tcl file """ return "FCLK" in line and "PERIPHERAL_DIVISOR" in line if CPU_ARCH == ZU_ARCH: TCL = _TCLUltrascale elif CPU_ARCH == ZYNQ_ARCH: TCL = _TCLZynq else: TCL = _TCLABC warnings.warn("PYNQ does not support the CPU Architecture: {}" .format(CPU_ARCH), UserWarning) class _HWHABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Helper Class to extract information from a HWH configuration file Note ---- This class requires the absolute path of the '.hwh' file. Attributes ---------- ip_dict : dict All the addressable IPs from PS7. Key is the name of the IP; value is a dictionary mapping the physical address, address range, IP type, memory segment ID, the state associated with that IP, any interrupts and GPIO pins attached to the IP and the full path to the IP in the block design: {str: {'phys_addr' : int, 'addr_range' : int,\ 'type' : str, 'mem_id' : str, 'state' : str,\ 'interrupts' : dict, 'gpio' : dict, 'fullpath' : str}}. gpio_dict : dict All the GPIO pins controlled by PS7. Key is the name of the GPIO pin; value is a dictionary mapping user index (starting from 0), the state associated with that GPIO pin and the pins in block diagram attached to the GPIO: {str: {'index' : int, 'state' : str, 'pins' : [str]}}. interrupt_controllers : dict All AXI interrupt controllers in the system attached to a PS7 interrupt line. Key is the name of the controller; value is a dictionary mapping parent interrupt controller and the line index of this interrupt: {str: {'parent': str, 'index' : int}}. The PS7 is the root of the hierarchy and is unnamed. interrupt_pins : dict All pins in the design attached to an interrupt controller. Key is the name of the pin; value is a dictionary mapping the interrupt controller and the line index used: {str: {'controller' : str, 'index' : int}}. hierarchy_dict : dict All of the hierarchies in the block design containing addressable IP. The keys are the hiearachies and the values are dictionaries containing the IP and sub-hierarchies contained in the hierarchy and and GPIO and interrupts attached to the hierarchy. The keys in dictionaries are relative to the hierarchy and the ip dict only contains immediately contained IP - not those in sub-hierarchies. {str: {'ip': dict, 'hierarchies': dict, 'interrupts': dict,\ 'gpio': dict, 'fullpath': str}} clock_dict : dict All the PL clocks that can be controlled by the PS. Key is the index of the clock (e.g., 0 for `fclk0`); value is a dictionary mapping the divisor values and the enable flag (1 for enabled, and 0 for disabled): {index: {'divisor0' : int, 'divisor1' : int, 'enable' : int}} """ family_ps = "" family_irq = "" family_gpio = "" def __init__(self, hwh_name): """Returns a map built from the supplied hwh file Parameters --------- hwh_name : str The hwh filename to parse. Note ---- If this method is called on an unsupported architecture it will warn and return without initialization """ tree = ElementTree.parse(hwh_name) self.root = tree.getroot() self.partial = True self.intc_names = [] self.interrupt_controllers = {} self.concat_cells = {} self.nets = {} self.pins = {} self.hierarchy_dict = {} self.interrupt_pins = {} self.ps_name = "" self.ip_dict = {} self.gpio_dict = {} self.clock_dict = {} self.instance2attr = {i.get('INSTANCE'): ( i.get('FULLNAME').lstrip('/'), i.get('VLNV'), i.findall("./PARAMETERS/*[@NAME][@VALUE]"), i.findall(".//REGISTERS/*[@NAME]")) for i in self.root.iter("MODULE")} self.init_partial_ip_dict() for mod in self.root.iter("MODULE"): mod_type = mod.get('MODTYPE') full_path = mod.get('FULLNAME').lstrip('/') if mod_type == self.family_ps: self.ps_name = mod.get('INSTANCE') self.init_clk_dict(mod) self.init_full_ip_dict(mod) elif mod_type == 'xlconcat': self.concat_cells[full_path] = mod.find( ".//*[@NAME='NUM_PORTS']").get('VALUE') elif mod_type == 'axi_intc': self.intc_names.append(full_path) self.match_nets(mod, full_path) self.match_ports() self.match_pins() self.add_gpio() self.init_interrupts() self.init_hierachy_dict() self.assign_interrupts_gpio() def init_partial_ip_dict(self): """Get the IP address blocks exposed for a certain block design. This method will only work for partial block designs. """ self._parse_ip_dict(self.root, 'MASTERBUSINTERFACE') def init_full_ip_dict(self, mod): """Get the IP address blocks exposed at the top level block design. This method will only work on those addressable IPs for full block designs. Since we know this is a full block design, we can stop any on-going parsing and discard any partial IP dict. Note that if the hwh file has been generated from a partial reconfiguration project, the main hwh file may not contain the complete information about the block design. In that case, we may have duplicated instance names for multiple physical addresses. We assume the corresponding partial region is a black box and use the memory interface IDs to differentiate them in the IP dict, because we don't know what instances are connected to those interfaces yet. For full bitstream designs, this is not likely to happen. Parameters ---------- mod : Element The current PS instance under parsing. """ self.partial = False self.ip_dict = {} self._parse_ip_dict(mod, 'SLAVEBUSINTERFACE') def _parse_ip_dict(self, mod, mem_intf_id): to_pop = set() for i in mod.iter("MEMRANGE"): if i.get('INSTANCE') in self.instance2attr: full_name, vlnv, pars, regs = self.instance2attr[ i.get('INSTANCE')] intf_id = i.get(mem_intf_id) if full_name in self.ip_dict and \ self.ip_dict[full_name]['mem_id'] and intf_id: rename = full_name + '/' + self.ip_dict[full_name]['mem_id'] self.ip_dict[rename] = deepcopy(self.ip_dict[full_name]) self.ip_dict[rename]['fullpath'] = rename to_pop.add(full_name) full_name += '/' + intf_id elif vlnv.split(':')[:2] == ['', 'module_ref']: full_name += '/' + intf_id self.ip_dict[full_name] = {} self.ip_dict[full_name]['fullpath'] = full_name self.ip_dict[full_name]['type'] = vlnv self.ip_dict[full_name]['state'] = None high_addr = int(i.get('HIGHVALUE'), 16) base_addr = int(i.get('BASEVALUE'), 16) addr_range = high_addr - base_addr + 1 self.ip_dict[full_name]['addr_range'] = addr_range self.ip_dict[full_name]['phys_addr'] = base_addr self.ip_dict[full_name]['mem_id'] = intf_id self.ip_dict[full_name]['gpio'] = {} self.ip_dict[full_name]['interrupts'] = {} self.ip_dict[full_name]['parameters'] = {j.get('NAME'): j.get('VALUE') for j in pars} self.ip_dict[full_name]['registers'] = {j.get('NAME'): { 'address_offset': string2int(j.find( './PROPERTY/[@NAME="ADDRESS_OFFSET"]').get( 'VALUE')), 'size': string2int(j.find( './PROPERTY/[@NAME="SIZE"]').get( 'VALUE')), 'access': j.find('./PROPERTY/[@NAME="ACCESS"]').get( 'VALUE'), 'description': j.find( './PROPERTY/[@NAME="DESCRIPTION"]').get('VALUE'), 'fields': {k.get('NAME'): { 'bit_offset': string2int(k.find( './PROPERTY/[@NAME="BIT_OFFSET"]').get( 'VALUE')), 'bit_width': string2int(k.find( './PROPERTY/[@NAME="BIT_WIDTH"]').get( 'VALUE')), 'description': j.find( './PROPERTY/[@NAME="DESCRIPTION"]').get( 'VALUE'), 'access': k.find( './PROPERTY/[@NAME="ACCESS"]').get('VALUE')} for k in j.findall('./FIELDS/FIELD/[@NAME]')}} for j in regs} for i in to_pop: self.ip_dict.pop(i) def match_nets(self, mod, full_path): """Matching all the nets in the modules from the HWH file. This method will arrange all the nets. Note that since we have a signal name for each net, we will use that as the key to index the nets dictionary. Parameters ---------- mod : Element The current XML element under parsing. full_path : str The full path of the given module. """ for blk in mod.iter("PORT"): ports = [full_path + '/' + blk.get('NAME')] signame = blk.get('SIGNAME') if signame in self.nets: self.nets[signame] |= set(ports) else: self.nets[signame] = set(ports) def match_ports(self): """Connecting all the ports to the internal signals. This method will hook up internal and external pins by checking the net names. """ external_ports = self.root.find('./EXTERNALPORTS') for port in external_ports.iter("PORT"): name_list = [port.get('NAME')] signame = port.get('SIGNAME') if signame in self.nets: self.nets[signame] |= set(name_list) else: self.nets[signame] = set(name_list) def match_pins(self): """Matching all the pins from the HWH file. This method will arrange all the pins. The pins dictionary stores the reverse mapping, which maps each pin to the name of the connected signal. """ for signame, pin_set in self.nets.items(): for p in pin_set: self.pins[p] = signame def init_interrupts(self): """Prepare the interrupt dictionaries. This method will prepare both the interrupt controller dictionary and the interrupt pins dictionary. """ if self.ps_name + "/" + self.family_irq in self.pins: ps_irq_net = self.pins[ self.ps_name + "/" + self.family_irq] self._add_interrupt_pins(ps_irq_net, "", 0) def _add_interrupt_pins(self, net, parent, offset): net_pins = self.nets[net] if net else set() for p in net_pins: m = re.match('(.*)/dout', p) if m is not None: name = if name in self.concat_cells: return self._add_concat_pins(name, parent, offset) m = re.match('(.*)/irq', p) if m is not None: name = if name in self.intc_names: self._add_interrupt_pins( self.pins[name + "/intr"], name, 0) self.interrupt_controllers[name] = {'parent': parent, 'index': offset} return offset + 1 for p in net_pins: self.interrupt_pins[p] = {'controller': parent, 'index': offset, 'fullpath': p} return offset + 1 def _add_concat_pins(self, name, parent, offset): num_ports = int(self.concat_cells[name]) for i in range(num_ports): net = self.pins[name + "/In" + str(i)] offset = self._add_interrupt_pins(net, parent, offset) return offset def add_gpio(self): """Get the PS GPIO blocks exposed at the top level block design. """ for it in self.root.iter('MODULE'): mod = it.find( ".//PORTS//*[@DIR='I']" "//*[@INSTANCE='{0}'][@PORT='{1}']../../../..".format( self.ps_name, self.family_gpio)) if mod is not None: din = int(mod.find(".//*[@NAME='DIN_FROM']").get('VALUE')) for p in mod.iter("PORT"): if p.get('DIR') == 'O': signame = p.get('SIGNAME') net_set = self.nets[signame] gpio_name = '' for i in net_set: m = re.match('(.*)/Dout', i) if m is not None: gpio_name = break if gpio_name == '': raise ValueError("Cannot get GPIO name */Dout.") self.gpio_dict[gpio_name] = {} self.gpio_dict[gpio_name]['state'] = None self.gpio_dict[gpio_name]['pins'] = net_set self.gpio_dict[gpio_name]['index'] = din def init_hierachy_dict(self): """Initialize the hierachical dictionary. """ lasthierarchies = {} hierarchies = {k.rpartition('/')[0] for k in self.ip_dict.keys() if k.count('/') > 0} while lasthierarchies != hierarchies: parents = {k.rpartition('/')[0] for k in hierarchies if k.count('/') > 0} lasthierarchies = hierarchies hierarchies.update(parents) for hier in hierarchies: self.hierarchy_dict[hier] = { 'ip': dict(), 'hierarchies': dict(), 'interrupts': dict(), 'gpio': dict(), 'fullpath': hier, } for name, val in self.ip_dict.items(): hier, _, ip = name.rpartition('/') if hier: self.hierarchy_dict[hier]['ip'][ip] = val for name, val in self.hierarchy_dict.items(): hier, _, subhier = name.rpartition('/') if hier: self.hierarchy_dict[hier]['hierarchies'][subhier] = val def assign_interrupts_gpio(self): """Assign interrupts and gpio entries to the dictionaries. """ for interrupt, val in self.interrupt_pins.items(): block, _, pin = interrupt.rpartition('/') if block in self.ip_dict: self.ip_dict[block]['interrupts'][pin] = val if block in self.hierarchy_dict: self.hierarchy_dict[block]['interrupts'][pin] = val for gpio in self.gpio_dict.values(): for connection in gpio['pins']: ip, _, pin = connection.rpartition('/') if ip in self.ip_dict: self.ip_dict[ip]['gpio'][pin] = gpio elif ip in self.hierarchy_dict: self.hierarchy_dict[ip]['gpio'][pin] = gpio def init_clk_dict(self, mod): """Initialize the clock dictionary. Parameters ---------- mod : Element The current XML element under parsing. """ for i in range(4): self.clock_dict[i] = dict() self.clock_dict[i]['enable'] = self.find_clock_enable(mod, i) for j in range(2): self.clock_dict[i]['divisor{}'.format(j)] = \ self.find_clock_divisor(mod, i, j) class _HWHZynq(_HWHABC): """Helper Class to extract information from a HWH configuration file This class works for the Zynq devices. """ family_ps = "processing_system7" family_irq = "IRQ_F2P" family_gpio = "GPIO_O" def find_clock_divisor(self, mod, clk_id, div_id): """Return the clock divisor for the given clock ID. Parameters ---------- mod : Element The current XML element under parsing. clk_id : int The ID of the PL clock, can be 0 - 3. div_id : int The ID of the clock divisor, can be 0 - 1. Returns ------- int The clock divisor value in decimal. """ clk_odiv = 'PCW_FCLK{0}_PERIPHERAL_DIVISOR{1}'.format(clk_id, div_id) return int(mod.find( "./PARAMETERS/*[@NAME='{0}']".format(clk_odiv)).get('VALUE')) def find_clock_enable(self, mod, clk_id): """Return the clock enable for the given clock ID. Parameters ---------- mod : Element The current XML element under parsing. clk_id : int The ID of the PL clock, can be 0 - 3. Returns ------- int The clock enable value in decimal (1 means enabled). """ clk_enable = 'PCW_FPGA_FCLK{0}_ENABLE'.format(clk_id) return int(mod.find( "./PARAMETERS/*[@NAME='{0}']".format(clk_enable)).get('VALUE')) class _HWHUltrascale(_HWHABC): """Helper Class to extract information from a HWH configuration file This class works for the Zynq Ultrascale devices. """ family_ps = "zynq_ultra_ps_e" family_irq = "pl_ps_irq0" family_gpio = "emio_gpio_o" def find_clock_divisor(self, mod, clk_id, div_id): """Return the clock divisor for the given clock ID. Parameters ---------- mod : Element The current XML element under parsing. clk_id : int The ID of the PL clock, can be 0 - 3. div_id : int The ID of the clock divisor, can be 0 - 1. Returns ------- int The clock divisor value in decimal. """ clk_odiv = 'PSU__CRL_APB__PL{0}_REF_CTRL__DIVISOR{1}'.format( clk_id, div_id) return int(mod.find( "./PARAMETERS/*[@NAME='{0}']".format(clk_odiv)).get('VALUE')) def find_clock_enable(self, mod, clk_id): """Return the clock enable for the given clock ID. Parameters ---------- mod : Element The current XML element under parsing. clk_id : int The ID of the PL clock, can be 0 - 3. Returns ------- int The clock enable value in decimal (1 means enabled). """ clk_enable = 'PSU__FPGA_PL{0}_ENABLE'.format(clk_id) return int(mod.find( "./PARAMETERS/*[@NAME='{0}']".format(clk_enable)).get('VALUE')) if CPU_ARCH == ZU_ARCH: HWH = _HWHUltrascale elif CPU_ARCH == ZYNQ_ARCH: HWH = _HWHZynq else: HWH = _HWHABC warnings.warn("PYNQ does not support the CPU Architecture: {}" .format(CPU_ARCH), UserWarning)
[docs]class PLMeta(type): """This method is the meta class for the PL. This is not a class for users. Hence there is no attribute or method exposed to users. Note ---- If this metaclass is parsed on an unsupported architecture it will issue a warning and leave class variables undefined """ _bitfile_name = BS_BOOT _timestamp = "" if CPU_ARCH_IS_SUPPORTED: if os.path.exists(HWH_BOOT): parser = HWH(HWH_BOOT) _ip_dict = parser.ip_dict _gpio_dict = parser.gpio_dict _interrupt_controllers = parser.interrupt_controllers _interrupt_pins = parser.interrupt_pins _hierarchy_dict = parser.hierarchy_dict elif os.path.exists(TCL_BOOT): parser = TCL(TCL_BOOT) _ip_dict = parser.ip_dict _gpio_dict = parser.gpio_dict _interrupt_controllers = parser.interrupt_controllers _interrupt_pins = parser.interrupt_pins _hierarchy_dict = parser.hierarchy_dict else: _ip_dict = {} _gpio_dict = {} _interrupt_controllers = {} _interrupt_pins = {} _hierarchy_dict = {} _status = 1 _server = None _host = None _remote = None else: _ip_dict = {} _gpio_dict = {} _interrupt_controllers = {} _interrupt_pins = {} _hierarchy_dict = {} @property def bitfile_name(cls): """The getter for the attribute `bitfile_name`. Returns ------- str The absolute path of the bitstream currently on PL. """ cls.client_request() cls.server_update() return cls._bitfile_name @property def timestamp(cls): """The getter for the attribute `timestamp`. Returns ------- str Bitstream download timestamp. """ cls.client_request() cls.server_update() return cls._timestamp @property def ip_dict(cls): """The getter for the attribute `ip_dict`. Returns ------- dict The dictionary storing addressable IP instances; can be empty. """ cls.client_request() cls.server_update() return cls._ip_dict @property def gpio_dict(cls): """The getter for the attribute `gpio_dict`. Returns ------- dict The dictionary storing the PS GPIO pins. """ cls.client_request() cls.server_update() return cls._gpio_dict @property def interrupt_controllers(cls): """The getter for the attribute `interrupt_controllers`. Returns ------- dict The dictionary storing interrupt controller information. """ cls.client_request() cls.server_update() return cls._interrupt_controllers @property def interrupt_pins(cls): """The getter for the attribute `interrupt_pins`. Returns ------- dict The dictionary storing the interrupt endpoint information. """ cls.client_request() cls.server_update() return cls._interrupt_pins @property def hierarchy_dict(cls): """The getter for the attribute `hierarchy_dict` Returns ------- dict The dictionary containing the hierarchies in the design """ cls.client_request() cls.server_update() return cls._hierarchy_dict
[docs] def setup(cls, address=PL_SERVER_FILE, key=b'xilinx'): """Start the PL server and accept client connections. This method should not be used by the users directly. To check open pipes in the system, use `lsof | grep <address>` and `kill -9 <pid>` to manually delete them. Parameters ---------- address : str The filename on the file system. key : bytes The authentication key of connection. Returns ------- None """ cls._server = Listener(address, family='AF_UNIX', authkey=key) while cls._status: cls._host = cls._server.accept() cls._host.send([cls._bitfile_name, cls._timestamp, cls._ip_dict, cls._gpio_dict, cls._interrupt_controllers, cls._interrupt_pins, cls._hierarchy_dict]) cls._bitfile_name, cls._timestamp, \ cls._ip_dict, cls._gpio_dict, \ cls._interrupt_controllers, cls._interrupt_pins, \ cls._hierarchy_dict, cls._status = cls._host.recv() cls._host.close() cls._server.close()
[docs] def client_request(cls, address=PL_SERVER_FILE, key=b'xilinx'): """Client connects to the PL server and receives the attributes. This method should not be used by the users directly. To check open pipes in the system, use `lsof | grep <address>` and `kill -9 <pid>` to manually delete them. Parameters ---------- address : str The filename on the file system. key : bytes The authentication key of connection. Returns ------- None """ try: cls._remote = Client(address, family='AF_UNIX', authkey=key) except FileNotFoundError: raise ConnectionError( "Could not connect to PL server") from None cls._bitfile_name, cls._timestamp, \ cls._ip_dict, cls._gpio_dict, \ cls._interrupt_controllers, \ cls._interrupt_pins, \ cls._hierarchy_dict = cls._remote.recv()
[docs] def server_update(cls, continued=1): """Client sends the attributes to the server. This method should not be used by the users directly. To check open pipes in the system, use `lsof | grep <address>` and `kill -9 <pid>` to manually delete them. Parameters ---------- continued : int Continue (1) or stop (0) the PL server. Returns ------- None """ cls._remote.send([cls._bitfile_name, cls._timestamp, cls._ip_dict, cls._gpio_dict, cls._interrupt_controllers, cls._interrupt_pins, cls._hierarchy_dict, continued]) cls._remote.close()
[docs] def shutdown(cls): """Shutdown the AXI connections to the PL in preparation for reconfiguration """ ip = cls.ip_dict for name, details in ip.items(): if details['type'] == '': mmio = MMIO(details['phys_addr']) # Request shutdown mmio.write(0x0, 0x1) i = 0 while != 0x0F and i < 16000: i += 1 if i >= 16000: warnings.warn("Timeout for shutdown manager. It's likely " "the configured bitstream and metadata " "don't match.")
[docs] def reset(cls, parser=None): """Reset all the dictionaries. This method must be called after a bitstream download. 1. In case there is a `hwh` or `tcl` file, this method will reset the states of the IP, GPIO, and interrupt dictionaries . 2. In case there is no `hwh` or `tcl` file, this method will simply clear the state information stored for all dictionaries. An existing parser given as the input can significantly reduce the reset time, since the PL can reset based on the information provided by the parser. Parameters ---------- parser : TCL/HWH A parser object to speed up the reset process. """ cls.client_request() if parser is not None: cls._ip_dict = parser.ip_dict cls._gpio_dict = parser.gpio_dict cls._interrupt_controllers = parser.interrupt_controllers cls._interrupt_pins = parser.interrupt_pins cls._hierarchy_dict = parser.hierarchy_dict else: hwh_name = get_hwh_name(cls._bitfile_name) tcl_name = get_tcl_name(cls._bitfile_name) if os.path.isfile(hwh_name) or os.path.isfile(tcl_name): cls._ip_dict = clear_state(cls._ip_dict) cls._gpio_dict = clear_state(cls._gpio_dict) else: cls.clear_dict() cls.server_update()
[docs] def clear_dict(cls): """Clear all the dictionaries stored in PL. This method will clear all the related dictionaries, including IP dictionary, GPIO dictionary, etc. """ cls._ip_dict.clear() cls._gpio_dict.clear() cls._interrupt_controllers.clear() cls._interrupt_pins.clear() cls._hierarchy_dict.clear()
[docs] def load_ip_data(cls, ip_name, data, zero=False): """This method writes data to the addressable IP. Note ---- The data is assumed to be in binary format (.bin). The data name will be stored as a state information in the IP dictionary. Parameters ---------- ip_name : str The name of the addressable IP. data : str The absolute path of the data to be loaded. zero : bool Zero out the address of the IP not covered by data Returns ------- None """ cls.client_request() with open(data, 'rb') as bin_file: size = os.fstat(bin_file.fileno()).st_size target_size = cls._ip_dict[ip_name]['addr_range'] if size > target_size: raise RuntimeError("Binary file too big for IP") mmio = MMIO(cls._ip_dict[ip_name]['phys_addr'], target_size) buf = mmio.write(0, buf) if zero and size < target_size: mmio.write(size, b'\x00' * (target_size - size)) cls._ip_dict[ip_name]['state'] = data cls.server_update()
[docs] def update_partial_region(cls, hier, parser): """Merge the parser information from partial region. Combine the currently PL information and the partial HWH/TCL file parsing results. Parameters ---------- hier : str The name of the hierarchical block as the partial region. parser : TCL/HWH A parser object for the partial region. """ cls.client_request() cls._update_pr_ip(parser) cls._update_pr_gpio(parser) cls._update_pr_intr_pins(parser) cls._update_pr_hier(hier) cls.server_update()
def _update_pr_ip(cls, parser): merged_ip_dict = deepcopy(cls._ip_dict) if type(parser) is HWH: for k, v in parser.ip_dict.items(): if k in cls._ip_dict: merged_ip_dict.pop(k) ip_name = v['fullpath'] merged_ip_dict[ip_name] = cls._ip_dict[k] merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['fullpath'] = v['fullpath'] merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['parameters'] = v['parameters'] merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['phys_addr'] = \ cls._ip_dict[k]['phys_addr'] + v['phys_addr'] merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['registers'] = v['registers'] merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['state'] = None merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['type'] = v['type'] elif type(parser) is TCL: for k_partial, v_partial in parser.ip_dict.items(): for k_full, v_full in cls._ip_dict.items(): if v_partial['mem_id'] == v_full['mem_id']: merged_ip_dict.pop(k_full) ip_name = v_partial['fullpath'] merged_ip_dict[ip_name] = v_full merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['fullpath'] = \ v_partial['fullpath'] merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['phys_addr'] = \ v_full['phys_addr'] + v_partial['phys_addr'] merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['state'] = None merged_ip_dict[ip_name]['type'] = v_partial['type'] break else: raise ValueError("Cannot find HWH or TCL PR region parser.") cls._ip_dict = merged_ip_dict def _update_pr_gpio(cls, parser): new_gpio_dict = dict() for k, v in cls._gpio_dict.items(): for pin in v['pins']: if pin in parser.pins: v |= parser.nets[parser.pins[pin]] new_gpio_dict[k] = v cls._gpio_dict = new_gpio_dict def _update_pr_intr_pins(cls, parser): new_interrupt_pins = dict() for k, v in cls._interrupt_pins.items(): if k in parser.pins: net_set = parser.nets[parser.pins[k]] hier_map = {i.count('/'): i for i in net_set} hier_map = sorted(hier_map.items(), reverse=True) fullpath = hier_map[0][-1] new_interrupt_pins[fullpath] = deepcopy(v) new_interrupt_pins[fullpath]['fullpath'] = fullpath else: new_interrupt_pins[k] = v cls._interrupt_pins = new_interrupt_pins def _update_pr_hier(cls, hier): cls._hierarchy_dict[hier] = { 'ip': dict(), 'hierarchies': dict(), 'interrupts': dict(), 'gpio': dict(), 'fullpath': hier, } for name, val in cls._ip_dict.items(): hier, _, ip = name.rpartition('/') if hier: cls._hierarchy_dict[hier]['ip'][ip] = val cls._hierarchy_dict[hier]['ip'][ip] = val for name, val in cls._hierarchy_dict.items(): hier, _, subhier = name.rpartition('/') if hier: cls._hierarchy_dict[hier]['hierarchies'][subhier] = val for interrupt, val in cls._interrupt_pins.items(): block, _, pin = interrupt.rpartition('/') if block in cls._ip_dict: cls._ip_dict[block]['interrupts'][pin] = val if block in cls._hierarchy_dict: cls._hierarchy_dict[block]['interrupts'][pin] = val for gpio in cls._gpio_dict.values(): for connection in gpio['pins']: ip, _, pin = connection.rpartition('/') if ip in cls._ip_dict: cls._ip_dict[ip]['gpio'][pin] = gpio elif ip in cls._hierarchy_dict: cls._hierarchy_dict[ip]['gpio'][pin] = gpio
[docs]class PL(metaclass=PLMeta): """Serves as a singleton for `Overlay` and `Bitstream` classes. This class stores multiple dictionaries: IP dictionary, GPIO dictionary, interrupt controller dictionary, and interrupt pins dictionary. Attributes ---------- bitfile_name : str The absolute path of the bitstream currently on PL. timestamp : str Bitstream download timestamp, using the following format: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond. ip_dict : dict All the addressable IPs from PS7. Key is the name of the IP; value is a dictionary mapping the physical address, address range, IP type, configuration dictionary, the state associated with that IP, any interrupts and GPIO pins attached to the IP and the full path to the IP in the block design: {str: {'phys_addr' : int, 'addr_range' : int,\ 'type' : str, 'config' : dict, 'state' : str,\ 'interrupts' : dict, 'gpio' : dict, 'fullpath' : str}}. gpio_dict : dict All the GPIO pins controlled by PS7. Key is the name of the GPIO pin; value is a dictionary mapping user index (starting from 0), the state associated with that GPIO pin and the pins in block diagram attached to the GPIO: {str: {'index' : int, 'state' : str, 'pins' : [str]}}. interrupt_controllers : dict All AXI interrupt controllers in the system attached to a PS7 interrupt line. Key is the name of the controller; value is a dictionary mapping parent interrupt controller and the line index of this interrupt: {str: {'parent': str, 'index' : int}}. The PS7 is the root of the hierarchy and is unnamed. interrupt_pins : dict All pins in the design attached to an interrupt controller. Key is the name of the pin; value is a dictionary mapping the interrupt controller and the line index used: {str: {'controller' : str, 'index' : int}}. hierarchy_dict : dict All of the hierarchies in the block design containing addressable IP. The keys are the hiearachies and the values are dictionaries containing the IP and sub-hierarchies contained in the hierarchy and and GPIO and interrupts attached to the hierarchy. The keys in dictionaries are relative to the hierarchy and the ip dict only contains immediately contained IP - not those in sub-hierarchies. {str: {'ip': dict, 'hierarchies': dict, 'interrupts': dict,\ 'gpio': dict, 'fullpath': str}} """ def __init__(self): """Return a new PL object. This class requires a root permission. """ euid = os.geteuid() if euid != 0: raise EnvironmentError('Root permissions required.')
def _stop_server(): """Entry point for the script This function will attempt to stop the PL server in a controlled manner. It should not be called by user code """ try: PL.client_request() PL.server_update(0) except: pass def _start_server(): """Entry point for the script Starts the PL server using the default server file. Should not be called by user code - use PL.setup() instead to customise the server. """ if os.path.exists(PL_SERVER_FILE): os.remove(PL_SERVER_FILE) PL.setup()
[docs]class Bitstream: """This class instantiates the meta class for PL bitstream (full/partial). Attributes ---------- bitfile_name : str The absolute path or name of the bit file as a string. partial : bool Flag to indicate whether or not the bitstream is partial. bit_data : dict Dictionary storing information about the bitstream. binfile_name : str The absolute path or name of the bin file as a string. firmware_path : str The absolute path of the bin file in the firmware folder. timestamp : str Timestamp when loading the bitstream. Format: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond """ BS_FPGA_MAN = "/sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/firmware" BS_FPGA_MAN_FLAGS = "/sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/flags" def __init__(self, bitfile_name, partial=False): """Return a new Bitstream object. Users can either specify an absolute path to the bitstream file (e.g. '/home/xilinx/pynq/overlays/base/base.bit'), or a relative path within an overlay folder. (e.g. 'base.bit' for base/base.bit). Note ---- self.bitstream always stores the absolute path of the bitstream. Parameters ---------- bitfile_name : str The absolute path or name of the bit file as a string. partial : bool Flag to indicate whether or not the bitstream is partial. """ if not isinstance(bitfile_name, str): raise TypeError("Bitstream name has to be a string.") bitfile_abs = os.path.abspath(bitfile_name) bitfile_overlay_abs = os.path.join(PYNQ_PATH, 'overlays', bitfile_name.replace('.bit', ''), bitfile_name) if os.path.isfile(bitfile_name): self.bitfile_name = bitfile_abs elif os.path.isfile(bitfile_overlay_abs): self.bitfile_name = bitfile_overlay_abs else: raise IOError('Bitstream file {} does not exist.' .format(bitfile_name)) self.bit_data = dict() self.binfile_name = '' self.firmware_path = '' self.timestamp = '' self.partial = partial
[docs] def convert_bit_to_bin(self): """The method to convert a .bit file to .bin file. A .bit file is generated by Vivado, but .bin files are needed by the FPGA manager driver. Users must specify the absolute path to the source .bit file, and the destination .bin file and have read/write access to both paths. This function is only converting the bit file when the bit file is updated. Note ---- Implemented based on: """ if self.bit_data != self.parse_bit_header() or \ not os.path.isfile(self.firmware_path): self.bit_data = self.parse_bit_header() bit_buffer = np.frombuffer(self.bit_data['data'], dtype=np.int32, offset=0) bin_buffer = bit_buffer.byteswap() bin_buffer.tofile(self.firmware_path, "")
[docs] def parse_bit_header(self): """The method to parse the header of a bitstream. The returned dictionary has the following keys: "design": str, the Vivado project name that generated the bitstream; "version": str, the Vivado tool version that generated the bitstream; "part": str, the Xilinx part name that the bitstream targets; "date": str, the date the bitstream was compiled on; "time": str, the time the bitstream finished compilation; "length": int, total length of the bitstream (in bytes); "data": binary, binary data in .bit file format Returns ------- Dict A dictionary containing the header information. Note ---- Implemented based on: """ with open(self.bitfile_name, 'rb') as bitf: finished = False offset = 0 contents = bit_dict = {} # Strip the (2+n)-byte first field (2-bit length, n-bit data) length = struct.unpack('>h', contents[offset:offset + 2])[0] offset += 2 + length # Strip a two-byte unknown field (usually 1) offset += 2 # Strip the remaining headers. 0x65 signals the bit data field while not finished: desc = contents[offset] offset += 1 if desc != 0x65: length = struct.unpack('>h', contents[offset:offset + 2])[0] offset += 2 fmt = ">{}s".format(length) data = struct.unpack(fmt, contents[offset:offset + length])[0] data = data.decode('ascii')[:-1] offset += length if desc == 0x61: s = data.split(";") bit_dict['design'] = s[0] bit_dict['version'] = s[-1] elif desc == 0x62: bit_dict['part'] = data elif desc == 0x63: bit_dict['date'] = data elif desc == 0x64: bit_dict['time'] = data elif desc == 0x65: finished = True length = struct.unpack('>i', contents[offset:offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 # Expected length values can be verified in the chip TRM bit_dict['length'] = str(length) if length + offset != len(contents): raise RuntimeError("Invalid length found") bit_dict['data'] = contents[offset:offset + length] else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown field: {}".format(hex(desc))) return bit_dict
[docs] def download(self): """Download the bitstream onto PL and update PL information. Note ---- For partial bitstream, this method does not guarantee isolation between static and dynamic regions. Returns ------- None """ # preload bin into firmware if not self.binfile_name: self.preload() # use fpga manager to download bin if not self.partial: PL.shutdown() flag = '0' else: flag = '1' with open(self.BS_FPGA_MAN_FLAGS, "w") as fd: fd.write(flag) with open(self.BS_FPGA_MAN, 'w') as fd: fd.write(self.binfile_name) # update PL information if not self.partial: self.update_pl()
[docs] def preload(self): if not os.path.exists(self.BS_FPGA_MAN): raise RuntimeError("Could not find programmable device") self.binfile_name = os.path.basename( self.bitfile_name).replace('.bit', '.bin') self.firmware_path = '/lib/firmware/' + self.binfile_name self.convert_bit_to_bin()
[docs] def update_pl(self): t = self.timestamp = "{}/{}/{} {}:{}:{} +{}".format( t.year, t.month,, t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.microsecond) # Update PL information PL.client_request() PL._bitfile_name = self.bitfile_name PL._timestamp = self.timestamp PL.clear_dict() PL.server_update()